Warhammer Imperium Magazine Issues 81-90 Contents Revealed

It was really nice of Hachette to send me this info a few weeks in advance of allowing me to release it. It gave me plenty of time to get this article written before the planned release date of December first. yet once again I find myself scrambling to get it written just two evenings before! Well, it’s been Black Friday week and we had the Battle Boxes and Christmas is Coming. So my evenings have been taken up with writing all that! Along with updating the Best 3D printers article ready for the Holiday season. But we did it, we achieved the goal of revealing the Contents of Warhammer Imperium bonus issues 81-90 on December 1st.

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So to be helpful to you, here’s a list of articles you could be reading to help guide your hobby purchases. I try all this stuff out myself to give you the best view of what you should spend your money on.

Essential Hobby Tools for Miniatures & Wargames Models

Wow, this is the first time I’ve listed all these articles and I’ve actually impressed myself with all the stuff I’ve written over the years here – and yeah, these are kept up-to-date too!

So feel free to have a browse, at the very least I hope some of these articles inspire you!

Warhammer Imperium Magazine Issues 81-90 Introduction

OK, so first of all, let me tell you what I know right now.

I know “what” we are getting in the 10 extra issues. However…

I don’t know what comes in which specific issue right now. I don’t know if these issues will go to retail stores or be exclusive to direct subscribers (but I suspect it’s the former). And I don’t know which countries these 10 issues will come to, but I presume all of them.

So below are the contents of these 10 issues and as soon as I know more I’ll let you know. There will be a page in an upcoming issue which details the below (it may be in today’s issue – I don’t know)

Warhammer Imperium Magazine Issues 81-90 Contents Summary

Here’s a quick and unattractive breakdown of the models we get, their value, and my own issue estimate.

Hexmark Destroyer£21.00$35.00$41.50€27.00$55.001
Illuminor Szeras£32.50$55.00$65.00€42.50$84.001
Skitarii Marshal£19.00$33.50$38.00€24.00$49.001
Inquisitor Kyria Draxus£21.00$35.00$41.50€27.00$55.001
Redemptor Dreadnought£42.50$70.00$85.00€55.00$110.003
Paragon Warsuits£42.50$70.00$85.00€55.00$110.003
Total Value£178.50$298.50$356.00€230.50$463.0010
10x Issue Price£89.90$139.50$€99.90$199.90
Total Saving£88.60$159.00$€130.60$
Percentage Saving50%53%%57%54%

Wow, that’s some of the best savings we’ve seen from this collection and a user fire way for Hachette to ensure that we’re gonna be buying as much as we can.

I am overtly bummed out that we did not see a continuation of the Silver Templars as extras through this series – but this bonus collection just about makes up for it!

Warhammer Imperium Magazine Issues 81-90 Contents Revealed

I go in order from not so cool to cool. You know, Necrons First.

Necron – Hexmark Destroyer

Ok I jest, this is a super cool model and with there being 10 issues you can certainly expect more necron in this set of bonus issues, but what Necron model could be cooler than this?

What is really cool is that this kit is on 1 Sprue!

Necron – Illuminor Szeras

Yep, the best model in the whole Necron force that isn’t the Void Dragon. And is once again held on a single sprue. So unless the base is relegated to a separate issue (it’s been done before) this could be one of the best value issues in the whole collection – bar the Royal Court.

I’m sure many people started their Necron collection with Imperium and possibly already have this model. but if you don’t, now is the best and certainly cheapest way to get him. Enjoy Illuming your opponents!

Adeptus Mechanicus – Skitarii Marshal

ok, The above models are cooler but I have a reputation of being a BNecron hater to keep up. nevertheless this is a super detailed model for the Ad-mech force

Not really sure what else to say about this, looks fun and intricate to paint, but I don’t collect Admech

Ordo Xenos Lord Inquisitor Kyria Draxus

What is an imperial force without a good inquisitor? and what is an inquisitor without a Dragon-Parot-Pelican thing

Ah, it;s called a Wyvach, whatever that is. Sounds like a nice you make when you sneeze.

Space Marines – Redemptor Dreadnought

Ok, so this one. I want to point out that I was sent an image of the page showing the models on it, the two above were tricky to work out. This however is clearly a Redemptor Dreadnought. This Redemptor Dreadnought in fact.

Those amongst you who have been around a while will notice that this is the full 3-sprue Redemptor kit, not the old easy-to-build kit. It is entirely possible that the wrong image has been used in the mock-up photos. but My hope is that this is correct and that we get the full-kit as shown. EEEEEKKK

This is obviously not coming in 1 issue, but is it 2 or 3? Very Probably 3

Adepta Sororitas – Paragon Warsuits

Well, you can say the redemptor is better if you wish, but I’m a huge fan of these. after-all, why have 1 mecha when you can have 3?

Many Sisters collectors will have picked up 3 of these with Morvenn Vahl in the 2022 40k Battleforce boxes. But it’s always worth doubling up just because they are awesome.

This is 3 sprues, I expect 3 issues.

Warhammer Imperium Magazine Issues 81-90 – Final Thoughts

I think this is a stellar set of models over 10 issues and there are a few here that people will be scalping. even at 3 issues for a Dreadnought it’s a significant discount assuming we get the full-kit

Which is your favourite model? let us know in the comments.

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    Self-appointed Editor in chief of FauxHammer.com - But I need to thank the team for existing and therefore enabling me to give myself role - without them, I'm just a nerd with a computer and a plastic addiction.

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Self-appointed Editor in chief of FauxHammer.com - But I need to thank the team for existing and therefore enabling me to give myself role - without them, I'm just a nerd with a computer and a plastic addiction.

8 thoughts on “Warhammer Imperium Magazine Issues 81-90 Contents Revealed

  • December 1, 2022 at 4:17 pm

    Wasn’t Greyfax also in this extra issues?

  • December 1, 2022 at 4:56 pm

    Will they be charging Premium subscribers an extra £2 for these issues?

  • December 2, 2022 at 9:09 am

    oh I like that a lot. Thanks for covering it and hope 80-90 will be available in Germany as well.

  • December 2, 2022 at 9:10 am

    oh wow, I like that a lot. Thanks for covering it and I hope it will be available in Germany too.

  • December 2, 2022 at 9:46 am

    Good stuff FH.


    No sign of anything Premium? Will Hachette only charge the Standard rate for all subscribers form issue #81? Any intel on this will be most appreciated.

    Keep up the addiction!

  • December 2, 2022 at 12:33 pm

    Hiya, in a Spanish store they sold, when initially was revealed about new issues (now they are not appearing anymore), those new issues. Something new they are doing with Imperium is that they sell as a bundle those issues that goes together. The 81 – 90 had two bundles of 3 issues. So confirmed dread goes in 3 and paragon in 3 as well.

  • December 2, 2022 at 6:20 pm

    Hi just wondering, will these be premium issues like the chaos marines, Tau, nids and orks? Or standard issues that anyone can buy without paying extra?


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