First Attempt at Painting Stormcast Eternals

Last Updated on January 11, 2019 by FauxHammer

I’ve wanted to have a go at Painting Stormcast Eternals since I first saw them. I’ve never was a fan of the Warhammer Fantasy game. Just as I was getting back into painting after a 16-year hiatus, I saw posters around Warhammer World announcing “Sigmar is Coming”. ‘Great’ I thought, something else for me to not give 2 shits about.

Knowing that the coming White Dwarf was going to be all Warhammer no 40k, I didn’t even bother popping in to buy it. But I checked the website as I was at work on the day the issue was released. Seeing that this week’s issue came with a mini I left work straight away to fetch a copy. Warhammer World is my local store but they had already sold out! Gutted, but that just made me want it even more.

Painting Stormcast Eternals

It’s taken a while but I  recently trecked to Warhammer World and asked: “what is the cheapest way to get a few Stormcast to paint”. I was and they advised to buy one of the Retributor or Liberator sets at £30 each. Now, that isn’t a bad price, but I wasn’t going to bother with a whole squad when I just want to ‘have a go’. One would do.

A few weeks later, I noticed they had a copy of a book called “Getting Started with Age of Sigmar”. Which came with the same free Liberator you got with White Dwarf issue I mentioned above. I figured I could hide £7.50 from my wife and just say I had a big lunch that day (I had no lunch that day).

When I got home I ignored the book and started building my Liberator. I loved the style of it, all the detail was incredible for a pre-posed mini (GW need to up their game with Space Marines now and finally start making True-Scale models).

Later on, I actually looked at the book, it advertised you can get a couple of different sets of pre-posed Easy to Build Stormcast Eternals for £10 a box. Either 2 Retributors or 3 Liberators…….. Deal! However, when checking further online, you can actually get a box called “Storm of Sigmar” a Mini version of Age of Sigmar which includes all the above, + an equal share of Chaos dudes, rules and dice for only £20. I’d committed to a £20 spend anyway so why not have the free extras? At best they’ll make some good practise minis, at worst I could probably sell them on eBay for about £20.

So anyway, after all, that I finally started Painting Stormcast Eternals, I’ve now finished my first two and I tried a few things for the first time with them.

  • Airbrushing Gold (actually my second attempt, but my first ‘successful’ attempt)
  • Highlighting Metalics
  • Basing Miniatures with sand/rocks
  • Painting Capes
  • Using Static Grass tufts.

It took me just over a week to get about 70%-80% finish my project of painting Stormcast Eternals. In this time I made a few mistakes (such as getting loads of dust or specks in the parts of the model that should be smooth) which just pissed me off. So I rushed the final highlights and basing to get them finished.

Let me know what you think in the comments.

Painting Stormcast Eternals – First up, Mr Liberator

Painting Stormcast Eternals - Liberator

I’m generally happy with this guy, I followed the colour recipe on the video tutorials from GW. Except I used Blue/Purple washes on the appropriate colours instead of just Agrax Earthshade everywhere. It was my intention to add an extra layer of highlight on the weapon handles, but my ‘couldn’t be botheredness’ kicked in

I did add some Nuln Oil to add depth to the lightning bolts on the shield (as instructed in the guide) and I wish I hadn’t. If you check the lightning bolts on the Arms I simply did 3-4 very thin coats of Ulthuan Grey and edge highlighted with 2 thin coats of White Scar (I don’t like either of these paints).

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Highlighting the scrolls with Ushabti Bone was a chore, I could not get the consistency right to have the paint remain workable long enough on my 00 brush (it just dried on the brush too quick)

Painting Stormcast Eternals - Liberator

I’m just pointing out my own flaws here but shading the inside of the cloak was an Arse too, like White Scar, Ulthuan Grey is also an arsehole of a paint. You can’t see the worst bit, its that inner fold behind the shield). I added Nuln Oil to the detail on the inside of the cloak. A bad idea should have left it crisp blue vs white

Painting Stormcast Eternals - Liberator

This is why I gave up, not only was the shading on the cloak just awful, can you see all the shitty dust that’s on it. Where is this shit coming from? I swear I’m gonna shave myself bald, to keep stray hairs out of my work. I’m hairy, I have lots of hair and a beard, should I actually consider better grooming to improve my hobby?

Painting Stormcast Eternals - Liberator

I didn’t shade or highlight the bramble coming out of the rock (I rushed).

Painting Stormcast Eternals - Liberator

Also, I highlighted the metals with Leadbelcher instead of the suggested Runefang Steel. And somehow (no idea how) I’ve chipped the damn front of the leg. I love painting onto Vallejo Air Primer, but I hate how poorly it sticks to the plastics. (I left it for over a week between priming and painting).

Painting Stormcast Eternals – And now, Senior Retributor

Painting Stormcast Eternals - Retributor

Overall I preferred this guy in every way, no cloak and no shield meant no large smooth areas my dusty house destroys. I’m also not a fan of how glossy the blue has turned out in general, but a matt varnish will sort that.

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Painting Stormcast Eternals - Retributor

Nothing to say here,  other than  love the pose from this angle “come at me, bro!”

Painting Stormcast Eternals - Retributor

Ok, So my fuckup here was airbrushing, see where the parchment meets the back tome thing? After I sprayed my gold, I went over some detail areas with black again (there was no point, I was just trying some detail spraying) I got specks of black from re-priming the scroll with my airbrush on the gold.

Also, have a look at all the points at the top of the tome. All the paint (and undercoat) has come off due to handling. I do handle my minis up close to keep them still and this has worked off the primer with touch alone. grrrrr!

Painting Stormcast Eternals - Retributor

My favourite part was highlighting the Lion Pauldrons. It’s really subtle here but there are technically 5 different colours in there.

Also, I chipped the back of this leg, again didn’t notice until after I took the pics.

Painting Stormcast Eternals - Retributor

And the same with the lion greave, so much detail, so much fun to highlight.

On a final note; the Static Grass Tufts I used were to hide bad areas of the base. With the Bases, I used Eshin Grey & Nuln Oil. Then I dry brushed the coarse sandy areas with Tyrant Skull.

I have always sealed my sand with a 50/50 PVA/Water mix, but I think this lost a lot of the detail on the rocks so I’ll go thinner with the glue next time. .

Update 01/07/18

I managed to sort out my photography set-up and get decent photos with an accurate white balance. Although in the time between then and now I have damaged the mini even more. If you fancy a game of spot the difference, please leave your finding’s in the comments.

Painting Stormcast Eternals - Liberator
Painting Stormcast Eternals - Retributor

Anyway, what do you think, any C&C? I’m happy for a first go, let’s go buy an army!

What did you think of this of my attempt at Stormcast Eternals? please let me know in the comments. If you like what I’m doing here you could really help encourage more content with like or a share. Want to keep updated with the blog? subscribe in the sidebar by email or RSS, or follow me on Twitter


  • FauxHammer

    Self-appointed Editor in chief of - But I need to thank the team for existing and therefore enabling me to give myself role - without them, I'm just a nerd with a computer and a plastic addiction.

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Painting Stormcast Eternals
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Painting Stormcast Eternals
I wanted to have a go at Painting Stormcast Eternals since I first saw them, I finally painted my first two. Now, I tried a few things for the first time
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Self-appointed Editor in chief of - But I need to thank the team for existing and therefore enabling me to give myself role - without them, I'm just a nerd with a computer and a plastic addiction.

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