Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 8: Issues 27-30 Review

This month’s Warhammer 40,000 Imperium delivery drops a nifty pile of Necron reinforcements onto player’s hobby desks, as well as a few new pots of paint and a piece of scenery.

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Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 8: Issues 27-30 Review – Introduction

Another month has flown by. It’s hard to believe we’re into April already, and that we are no fewer than eight months into the Warhammer 40,000 Imperium partworks service.

So, those amongst you who regularly follow this segment might notice that we’ve skipped a number. The last time we discussed Imperium, we did so whilst looking at Delivery 6. “But this is Delivery 8!” you cry. “This is an outrage! Where’s Delivery 7?!”

Whilst I’ll go into it in more detail later in the “Miniatures” section of this review, as I’ve had a couple of problems this month that are covered in more detail there, the TL;DR is that Delivery 6 hasn’t turned up (yet). I’m gutted about this, as I was really looking forward to getting my paws on the Tech Priest Dominus and a new pot of Rakarth Flesh as mine has partially dried out and now looks a little bit like pink boogers.

Anyway, as I said, more on that later. This month, along with some new paints and a large lump of terrain, subscribers will also receive no fewer than 10 (more) Necron Warriors. How many is that we’re up to now? I’ve lost count!

Anyway, let’s dive right in and have a closer look at this month’s delivery.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 8: Issues 27-30 Review: Contents

I usually like to start these sections with a nice photo of everything you get in a month crammed into my lightbox. This month, however, I’m not going to be able to do this.

I can’t actually provide you with a picture of everything that comes with Delivery 8 because, as you’ll learn later on in this review, I haven’t actually got everything you’re supposed to get with this particular instalment of the Warhammer 40,000 Imperium subscription service.

But more on that when we get to it.

The Magazines: Issues 27-30

First off, let’s have a (mostly spoiler-free) look at the lovely pile of written stuff that comes with Delivery 8. I often wonder how many people actually read the magazines, or do people just tend to discard them in favour of the figures? I always make a point of reading through everything, whereas I’m not convinced FauxHammer himself has actually realised there are magazines involved in the subscription, plastic-added miniature fiend that he is.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 8 Issue 27 1

Issue 24 provides readers with more background on Space Marines, as well as a bit more information on the rise of Humanity within the 40K universe.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 8 Issue 27 2
Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 8 Issue 27 3

There’s also a painting guide for the new terrain, as well as some new rules for you to play with.

Inside issue 28, readers will find the build guide for the Necron Warriors that should arrive with Issues 28 and 29. You’ll need both magazines to be able to make the figures.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 8 Issue 28 1

There are also more new rules, as well as further lore for the Adeptus Mechanicus and Necrons.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 8 Issue 28 2
Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 8 Issue 28 3

Issue 29’s cover makes me want to start re-painting my Space Marines as Space Wolves – and that’s not something I ever thought I’d say.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 8 Issue 29 1

Inside, there’s heaps more information on the Imperium of Man, particularly Space Marines.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 8 Issue 29 3
Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 8 Issue 29 2

There’s also a double-sided fold-out for those of you who want to get your lore nerd on (or just look at some super cool pictures).

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 8 Issue 29 Extra

Finally, we arrive at Issue 30, the cover of which makes me forget all about Space Wolves and want to re-paint all my Space Marines as Howling Griffons.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 8 Issue 30 1

There’s plenty more Space Marine lore in tis one, including a few sides on Space Marine successor chapters. This’ll really help those people looking for inspiration when painting their miniaturised members of Humanity’s finest of the 41st Millennium.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 8 Issue 30 3
Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 8 Issue 30 2

So, between pages of new lore, new rules, and painting tips, there’s plenty for you to be getting on with.


We’ll get the big one out of the way before moving on to the little fellows. So, here it is: the Haemotrope Reactor.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 8 Scenery

This bit of Adeptus Mechanicus-style scenery is, perhaps, one of the least-offensive bit of terrain out there. In spite of its appearance, it’s very quick and intuitive to put together. It only takes a couple of minutes to get it from the sprue and all put together, and it’s also pretty unique in how it looks as well. It’s a nice change from the boxes and cargo crates we’ve had so far.

Next up are the Necron Warriors and, well, this could’ve gone better. Here’s a picture of the Necron warriors you could build with the sprues in this box. Those of you with extremely long memories may recognise this picture from our Command Edition review.

“Why are you using such an old picture?” you cry. Well, see, I haven’t actually been able to build the Necrons from, Delivery 8. And I promise you, for once it’s not my fault.

This needs some explanation.

I’ve been a subscriber to Hachette’s various services for over two years now, first with Mortal Realms and now with Imperium. In that time, I’ve never had any need to contact them at all. Every delivery had arrived on time and without a hitch. The contents of all the magazines I’ve every received have always been correct, and where there were any issues, I received clear communications from Hachette about what to expect.

However, over the last month I’ve had a number of problems with my Imperium subscription, so I thought I’d share them here to give people advice about what to do should they end up in the same situations as I have.

The first problem I had was that Delivery 7 – so, that’s Issues 23, 24, 25 and 26 – didn’t turn up. I usually very reliably receive my deliveries from Hachette between the 9th and 15th of each month, and when the 20th rolled around and I hadn’t received Delivery 7, I tried to get in contact with Hachette via their online email form to find out what had happened to it.

Five days later, they had not responded, so I tried again via the same form. A couple of days after that and I still hadn’t heard anything, so I rang their Imperium customer service number and got through to someone (surprisingly quickly, actually).

Turns out that they’d arranged for re-delivery for the missing Delivery 7 and not told me, but I was going to have two wait around 2 weeks for it to arrive. Fine, not the end of the world. I’d manage.

But then, two days later, Delivery 8 – this delivery – showed up. This was approximately two weeks earlier than expected. A bit odd that it had arrived so soon, but again not the end of the world. It meant I could prep this review ahead of time. So, as usual, I started opening everything up and making a start. I built the Haemotrope Reactor from Issue 27, then broke out 28 and 29 for the Necron sprues.

And immediately hit another problem.

Issues 28 and 29 are supposed to come with the below sprue spread across two issues: the bottom half in 28, the top half in 29. My issues, however, came with the bottom half of the sprue twice which meant I couldn’t actually build anything.


Again, I contacted Hachette’s Warhammer Imperium customer service hotline. This time I was told to photograph the sprues and email them to their customer service email, which I did straight away. Given the experience I’ve had with their email comms recently, though, I’m not expecting a response.

As of writing this, I’m still waiting on my Necron Warriors to arrive, so haven’t been able to get any pictures of them assembled – hence the gritty old photo from the old photography set up days. Sorry, folks!

The lesson learned from this, though, is that if you’re having issues with a delivery, call Hachette. Don’t try and email them as you’re unlikely to get a response.

Hachette’s contact details can be found here. Make sure you ring the Warhammer 40,000 Imperium-specific hotline

Paints and Hobby Tools

Two great paints this month: Mephiston Red and Mournfang Brown. Both of these are favourites of mine, and two you should always have in your painting arsenal.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 8 Paints

Mephiston Red is one of those paints you’ll find yourself reaching for time and time again. Whether it’s a cape, a helmet lens (or an entire helmet), a plume, the casing on a gun, or an infinitude of other parts, Mephiston Red will set you right. In the image below, I used MephisonN Red to basecoat all of the robes and tabards on these Ulfenwatch, before washing it all with Carroburg Crimson and highlighting it with Evil Sunz Scarlet and Wild Rider Red. It’s an awesome, diverse colour that goes on beautifully.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 8 Mephiston Red Example

Mournfang Brown is much the same. A delightful colour to paint with, it has excellent coverage and can be used on everything from leather details to rust, earth, and even skin. Mournfang Brown is also a favourite of mine – I decided to paint 2,000 points of Ironjawz as brown-skinned Warcraft-inspired Mag’har Orruks and used Mournfang Brown as the base for all their skin, as you can see in the image below.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 8 Mournfang Brown Example

For those interested, this chap’s skin was all basecoated with Mournfang Brown, washed with Agrax Earthshade, then highlighted with Skrag Brown and Deathclaw Brown.

So yes, two great paints this month that no hobbyist should ever be caught without.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 8: Issues 27-30 Review – Price and Availability

Here’s our savings breakdown for this months delivery.

Issue no.Issue Price (GBP)Total Value (GBP)Total Savings (GBP)
28£8.99£5.42 – £14.50-£3.57 – £5.51
29£8.99£5.42 – £14.50-£3.57 – £5.51

And here it is again for those in the US.

Issue no.Issue Price (USD)Total Value (USD)Total Savings (USD)
28$13.95$8.30 – $22.50-$5.65 – $8.55
29$13.95$8.30 – $22.50-$5.65 – $8.55

Delivery 8, then, isn’t as kind to your wallet as some of the other deliveries we’ve seen so far. Between a couple of pots of paint and some sprues of Necron warriors (the value of which are so variable due to being available in so many different starter sets and other boxes), Issues 27-30 are a little disappointing when it comes to savings.

It’s important to remember, though, that ultimately the savings on offer over the course of the Imperium subscription outweigh the losses on some deliveries. You can find more information on this, as well as what else is to come, over on our Imperium Magazine Contents List page and out Full Collection Savings Breakdown, which we update regularly.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 8: Issues 26-30 Review – Final Thoughts

Two really great paintsSavings are poor
More Necron Warriors (if they actually arrive with the right sprues…)

Well, this one was a bit of a bust.

If I’d have had no issues with Delivery 8, I’d likely have still felt a bit meh about it. On paper, it’s not the most exciting delivery (unless you’re a huge Necron fan, in which case you’ll probably be quite happy with this delivery) but it’ll still be enough to see you through to the next month.

If you’re like me, you may be suffering from robo-fatigue with the Necron Warriors, of which we’ve already received 13 thanks to Issue 2, Issue 9 and Issue 10. Those aside, the Haemotrope Reactor is a nice, easy bit of kit to put together that looks quite unique, and the paints in this delivery are up there with the best.

The problems raised in this review aren’t so much Imperium content issues: they’re general production issues. We love working with Hachette – they’re a great company who do a huge amount for us plastic-loving nerds. But we know that our first duty is to you as our readers and consumers, hence we always provide you with a warts-and-all look at anything we review.

We’ve done this with Delivery 8 this month, because sometimes things do go wrong with these services, and it’s important for people to know how they can go about fixing them.

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  • VoltorRWH

    Rob has spent most of the last 20 years playing World of Warcraft and writing stories set in made-up worlds. At some point, he also managed to get a Master's degree by writing about Medieval zombies.

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Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 8: Issues 26-30
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Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 8: Issues 26-30


Rob has spent most of the last 20 years playing World of Warcraft and writing stories set in made-up worlds. At some point, he also managed to get a Master's degree by writing about Medieval zombies.

3 thoughts on “Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 8: Issues 27-30 Review

  • April 7, 2022 at 7:26 am

    Had the same issue with the Necron warrior sprues in the earlier delivery (the first set we got). Was able to kitbash some slightly odd weapon carries but it worked ok.

    On a side note, always call Hachette, they have a poor email service but an awesome phone service.

  • April 7, 2022 at 5:50 pm

    Just looked at my copies after reading this and i seem to have the opposite with two of the top half sprues for no. 28 and 29

    ive been ordering through forbidden planet as i was a bit late to the party, any idea if hachette would sort out the error or am i forever stuck with 2 of the same sprue ??

    • April 8, 2022 at 5:06 pm

      Sorry, this has happened. But no Hachette will refer you back to Forbidden Planet. Sorry.


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