JoyToy Space Marine Incursors Action Figures Review

Last Updated on February 15, 2022 by FauxHammer

We caught another squad of sneaky Space Marines creeping around Castle FauxHammer this week – this time, it was a box of Space Marine Incursors. The second of two boxes of JoyToy Space Marine Action Figures that we’ll be looking at ahead of the release of wave 2, whilst these plucky soldiers of the far future are no longer available to purchase, we’re having an in-depth look at them to help would-be buyers make an informed decision regarding any future JoyToy releases.

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JoyToy Space Marine Incursors Action Figures Review – Summary

The JoyToy Ultramarines Incursors are an excellent companion to the Infiltrators. High-quality action figures with a full range of movement, these figures will make a worthy addition to any Space Marine fanatic’s collection.

JoyToy Space Marine Incursors Action Figures Review – Video

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JoyToy Space Marine Incursors Action Figures Review – Introduction

Yes, it’s another slightly weird retrospective product review.

JoyToy’s Space Marine Incursors – just like the Infiltrators that were released with them – cannot be purchased anymore. In fact, would-be collectors haven’t been able to get their mitts on them for the best part of three months now.

Games Workshop announced its collaboration with toy manufacturer JoyToy in mid-September 2021, and shortly afterwards JoyToy’s first wave of Space Marine action figures was made available to purchases for a week on made-to-order. Since then, more waves have been officially announced via Games Workshop’s Warhammer Community website (though we got the scoop early).

You might be wondering, then, why we’re having a look at a box of action figures that’s been off the shelves for the best part of a quarter of a year. Well, it’s quite simple really: last time round, there was a lot of scepticism regarding the release of these action figures. The majority of the community had not heard of JoyToy – a Chinese company – before, and when the boxes of four figures were announced as being £100 each, a lot of would-be buyers were hesitant to splash their cash on something of an unknown. Sure, spending £100 on a box of figures from Games Workshop is fine, we know we’re getting the highest quality, but action figures made by another company?

It was a bit much for a lot of people, so to try and give any would-be buyer a better understanding of the quality of product available from JoyToy in wave 2, we thought we’d get up close and personal with the figures in wave 1.

JoyToy Space Marine Incursors Action Figures Review – Unboxing

So, here they are:

JoyToy Space Marine Incursors Action Figures Review Unboxing 1

This big ol’ box comes with four smaller boxes inside it. They’re all identical on the outside, so you’ve no way of knowing which Ultramarine is in which.

JoyToy Space Marine Incursors Action Figures Review Unboxing 2

In theory, you should have one of each of the four.

Inside is a sealed plastic tray containing your marine(s) and all their extra bits – as well as a card identifying which is which.

JoyToy Space Marine Incursors Action Figures Review Unboxing 3

Let’s have a look at each figure in turn.

JoyToy Space Marine Incursors Action Figures Review – The Figures

So, before we start, something to be aware of which all these Space Marine JoyToy figures is how they are assembled.

Their design is both its greatest strength and, at times, the figure’s biggest flaw. Each part of the model is attached to its other parts by simple ball joints, as you can see in the image below.

JoyToy Space Marine Incursors Action Figures Review Ball Socket Joint 1

Parts – be they legs, heads, shoulderpads, arms or even the upper and lower torso – are all attached with this simple mechanism. This makes the models very simple to assemble (not that any assembly is needed, but should, say, an arm fall off it’ll be easy enough to put back on) and also gives them a great range of movement.

However, it’s a bit of a double-edged sword when it comes to the hands.

As you’ll have seen in the final unboxing photo, each figure comes with six hands – three for the left, three for the right – that can be chopped and changed depending on how you want to pose the figures and what equipment you want them to be holding.

Each hand is attached in the same manner: inside the lower-arm is a ball, as you can see in the picture above, and the hand itself is shaped into a hemispherical socket into which the ball can be pushed – in theory.

JoyToy Space Marine Incursors Action Figures Review Ball Socket Joint 2

In reality, the socket-hole in the hands is often far too small to fit the ball into easily. this is then made more difficult by the fact that the plastic the hand is made of, whilst a little bendy, is not so flexible as to be easily shaped to slot the hand comfortably back onto the wrist.

It took me a lot of time and effort to swap the hands out on the Incursors in order to have them posed how I wanted them (based on their character cards), and I’d often find other bits of the figure falling off as I tried to affix them – which attests to the force required to get the hands onto the ball-joints. Also, because the wrists are fully posable, the joint will actually move around as you try and push the hand onto it, which makes it even more difficult.

Anyway, I eventually got the figures set up more or less how I wanted them, so let’s have a look at each in turn.

Brother Aurelian

Let’s kick things off with Brother Aurelian.

JoyToy Space Marine Incursors Action Figures Review Brother Aurelian

Aurelian is a standard Incursor. Dressed in the Mk X Phobos armour, which is designed specifically to allow Space Marines to be more lightweight and manoeuvrable, they are elite hunters, who stalk their prey armed with occulus bolt carbines and multi-spectrum targeting arrays. Their equipment allows them to move through the most hostile of terrain in all weather conditions and still take out their targets with deadly accuracy.

I got the information above from a product listing on GW’s webstore, and in clicking between the store listing for the Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine Incursors and this page to put together this review, I’ve come to really appreciate the level of detail on Brother Aurelian. Have a look at the store page yourself and see if you can guess which Incursor he’s based off. It won’t take you long.

It stands as testament to the design of the action figure that Aurelian is so identifiable alongside his source material.

Brother Sergeant Romulo

You can do exactly the same with Brother Sergeant Romulo.

JoyToy Space Marine Incursors Action Figures Review Brother Sergeant Romulo

Every detail on the miniature upon which he is based has been faithfully rendered into his action figure: from the mask on his face to the markings on his shoulderpads and knees.

Romulo, like his colleagues, comes with some bits that need to be attached. The first is his backpack. As you’ll have seen during the unboxing, this comes unattached, but is simply pushed onto the figure’s back to affix it. Also unattached are the knives on his right thigh and the holster on his left.

Now, you get some options with the holster. If you wish, you can outfit any of the Incursors with either a holsters bolt pistol, or you can have them holding a pistol and attach an empty holster to their thigh. They also come with all the different hands you’ll need to ensure they’re holding whatever armaments you decide to equip them with.

Brother Varron

Brother Varron has an additional extra when compared to the buddies with whom he shared a box.

JoyToy Space Marine Incursors Action Figures Review Brother Varron

He comes with a mine. Again, if you have a look at the store page listing for the Incursors, you can see Varron quite clearly amidst the number there. It’s another nice detail to have included with the figures.

I did, however, have a problem with Varron (well, an additional problem alongside the hoo-hah with his hands that’s as universal to these JoyToy Ultramarines as them being blue is). And that is that he was broken.

When I removed Varron’s backpack from his box and attached it to him, I noticed that what I assume is his multi-spectrum targeting array was a bit wonky. On closer inspection, it turned out it had almost snapped off.

JoyToy Space Marine Incursors Action Figures Review Brother Varron Damage

This was an easy enough fix with a dot of superglue, but was a little disappointing nonetheless.

Brother Remus

Finally, we have Brother Remus, another more standard Incursor.

JoyToy Space Marine Incursors Action Figures Review Brother Remus

There are some obvious craniofacial design/sculpt differences between Remus and the other “standard” Incursor in the set, Aurelian, which helps make each one stand out in spite of the fact they’re the same rank in the same gear. Again, though, he’s covered in faithfully-rendered details and looks great.

Side-by-side, they make quite the display piece.

JoyToy Space Marine Incursors Action Figures Review All

So far so good – even in spite of one or two hiccups.

JoyToy Space Marine Incursors Action Figures Review – Articulation

With the help of Brother Aurelian, I was able to put to test just how well the JoyToy Incursors articulated. Just like the Infiltrators, the Space Marine Incursors have 25 points of articulation.

So, yes, they can just about do the YMCA, which I feel needs to be a standard test when trying out how well action figures bend.

JoyToy Space Marine Incursors Action Figures Review Articulation 4
JoyToy Space Marine Incursors Action Figures Review Articulation 5
JoyToy Space Marine Incursors Action Figures Review Articulation 6
JoyToy Space Marine Incursors Action Figures Review Articulation 7

The C is a little bit lacklustre, and the M isn’t so great, but Remus isn’t far off. Strange the things that survived the Imperium’s Long Night.

As mentioned, the JoyToy action figures are for the most part build around ball and socket joints which helps them be really posable. There are a few hinged joined, such as at the elbows and the knees, but rotating components in the legs and arms help ensure there is still a great range of movement across the figures.

This means that Aurelian can also do a pretty reasonable dab (though in hindsight he looks more like he’s weeping and pushing away an unseen lover who’s broken his heart. Or just sneezing).

JoyToy Space Marine Incursors Action Figures Review Articulation 3

…And can ask to be painted like one of your French xenos somewhat stiffly.

JoyToy Space Marine Incursors Action Figures Review Articulation 1

In more serious terms, he’s bendy enough to be able to sit down with ease. Those hinged joins in his knees become a little more obvious as he does so, but that’s the price to pay for such a great range of movement.

JoyToy Space Marine Incursors Action Figures Review Articulation 2

The range of movement in a JoyToy Incursor is excellent. Aside from the joins in the knees, the rest are very well hidden, so you’ll be able to pose your action figure just about however you desire.

JoyToy Space Marine Incursors Action Figures Review – Details

To give you an idea of the scale of these JoyToy figures, here’s the image from our Infiltrators review of one of the Infiltrators side-by-side with one of the popular MacFarlane Space Marines.

Whilst not as Tall, they are far more accurately detailed, better sculpted and painted. When priming over them you also don’t get any raised edges over transfers which some people have noted about the McFarlane models. (though I’ve never seen that myself.

JoyToy Space Marine Infiltrators Action Figures Size Comparison MacFarlane Primaris Space Marine

Each of the JoyToiy Incursors are 12cm tall (4.75″ for the wargamers). They come with a dizzying array of details: fully painted and edge highlighted, and featuring all the appropriate squad markings.

JoyToy Space Marine Incursors Action Figures Review Details 3

I septn a long time going over the details on these figures trying to find some flaws and errors. On the whole, they’re very good: there are a handful of places where the paint has either chipped off or not gone on quite right – for example, see Varron’s knife-sheathes in the image above and Aurelian’s forehead in the image below.

JoyToy Space Marine Incursors Action Figures Review Details 1

Brother Sertgeant Romulo’s eyes are a bit weird, but that was about just about all the faults I could find.

JoyToy Space Marine Incursors Action Figures Review Details 4

The vast majority of the figure has been painted really well. The metallic finished on the grenades and guns looks great, and even the highlighting also looks very good.

JoyToy Space Marine Incursors Action Figures Review Details 2

But the true beauty of these figures lies in just how faithful they are to their source material. Every detail is been lifted from the Incursors miniatures and just made a little bit bigger for the sake of the upscale.

The markings look great, the guns and other equipment all look brilliant too. Sure, there are a few knocks in places, but then again these have come quite a distance to arrive here in this country with me, so i think it’s only fair to be forgiving.

JoyToy Space Marine Incursors Action Figures Review – Price and Availability

As stated in the introduction, JoyToy’s first wave of Space Marine action figures was made to order for a week in late September 2021 and are no-longer available for purchase from GW. You may be able to find them on other websites, such as eBay, but as far a Gee-Dubz are concerned, that’s that for these figures. At least for now.

You can still import them, though if we are right, GW proper are trying to clamp down on this. But check both eBay along with any action figure import sites and they are still plentiful.

Wave 2 is coming. If you don’t want to miss out on any future JoyToy releases, keep your eyes open for further announcements.

JoyToy Space Marine Incursors Action Figures Review – Final Thoughts

Very detailed models
Articulation to put other action figures to shame
Very faithful recreations of Incursors
A few customisation options
Difficult to change hands
Prone to coming apart (but easy to reassemble)

As with the Infiltrators, JoyToy’s Space Marine Incursors are near-faultless recreations of their miniaturised tabletop namesakes. Great fun and covered in details faithful to the original models, these figures will be a great addition to anyone’s Ultramarine, Space Marine, or general Warhammer 40,000 collection.

There are a few faults – a few chips in the paints here and there, and the infuriating hands that don’t attach without enormous effort – but these can be forgiven as the overall quality of the figures is exceptionally high.

If you’re tempted by JoyToy’s next wave of Warhammer 40,000 action figures, take the plunge. You likely won’t be disappointed.

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  • VoltorRWH

    Rob has spent most of the last 20 years playing World of Warcraft and writing stories set in made-up worlds. At some point, he also managed to get a Master's degree by writing about Medieval zombies.

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Rob has spent most of the last 20 years playing World of Warcraft and writing stories set in made-up worlds. At some point, he also managed to get a Master's degree by writing about Medieval zombies.

One thought on “JoyToy Space Marine Incursors Action Figures Review

  • December 18, 2021 at 3:53 pm

    As with all figures its best to let the hands sit in very hit water for a minute or two to soften and then the can be changed a lot easier. Same goes for stiff joints as sometimes paint apps can stick and causes breakage if you force it


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