JoyToy Space Marine Infiltrators Action Figures Review

Last Updated on February 15, 2022 by FauxHammer

We’ve managed to get out hands on a couple of boxes of wave one JoyToy Space Marine action figures – or maybe these sneaky infiltrators have been in Castle FauxHammer since they were released in September and we’ve only just caught them creeping around…?

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JoyToy Space Marine Infiltrators Action Figures Review – Summary

Good quality action figures with an excellent range of movement, the JoyToy Space Marine Infiltrators will make a worthy addition to any Warhammer 40,000 fan’s collection.

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JoyToy Space Marine Infiltrators Action Figures Review – Introduction

Yeah, okay. This review is a bit of a weird one.

JoyToy’s Space Marine Infiltrators (and the Incursors that were released alongside them) aren’t available anymore. In fact, they haven’t been available for almost three months now.

Announced mid-September 2021, JoyToy’s first wave of Space Marine action figures was available for a week on made-to-order. Yes, this does mean that you can’t actually get them anymore.

So, why are we looking at these now?

Well, for one: we’ve only just managed to get our hands on a box of each (yup, there’s an Incursors review coming too). Secondly, JoyToy have announced that a second wave of Space Marine action figures is on the way.

Last time round, no one had really heard of JoyToy and had no idea what they would be getting should they purchase what was then a made-to-order box of four figures costing £100 a pop. It was quite an investment and a bit of a leap into the unknown that some of the community were hesitant to take the plunge with.

So, with wave 2 on the horizon, we thought we’d have an in-depth look at the wave 1 figures to give people a better idea of the kind of quality that can be expected with the coming release.

JoyToy Space Marine Infiltrators Action Figures Review – Unboxing

The four Infiltrators (from left to right, Brother Pullo, Brother Sergeant Octavio, Brother Ruban and brother Cyrus) come in a large box…

JoyToy Space Marine Infiltrators Action Figures Unboxing 1

…And within that box, four individual boxes.

JoyToy Space Marine Infiltrators Action Figures Unboxing 2

There’s nothing on any of the exterior packaging to inform one which is in each box. The only way to find out is to open the boxes up and see what’s inside.

JoyToy Space Marine Infiltrators Action Figures Unboxing 3

Each figure comes packages as seen above in a plastic case, along with a card denoting which is which. Brother Cyrus is the chap in the image above.

The pieces are packaged fairly loosely in their boxes. You won’t have to push anything hard in order to get each component out. To be honest, you could probably flip the box over and all the bits would just fall out of their respective blisters.

Let’s see what they’re like outside of their packaging.

JoyToy Space Marine Infiltrators Action Figures Review – The Figures

Before we get too into the figures as they come out of the box, I just want to go over one of the features of the JoyToy Infiltrators that is both a strength and a weakness.

The JoyToy Infiltrators are assembled in a remarkably simple but simultaneously very robust fashion. Each limb is attached to the next by a ball-socket or similar join. This does mean you can pull them apart – and this is what you’re meant to do if you want to replace any of the figures’ default hands with any of the hands that can hold weapons.

JoyToy Space Marine Infiltrators Action Figures Brother Cyrus Hands 1

As you can see in the image above, Brother Cyrus’ hands came off no trouble at all. The issues began when I tried to get some hands back onto his wrists.

The socket-hole in the hands into which the ball on the wrist is supposed to go is far too small to fit the ball into with any kind of ease. What’s more, the plastic the hand is made of, whilst a little bendy, is not so flexible as to be easily shaped to slot the hand comfortably back onto the wrist.

JoyToy Space Marine Infiltrators Action Figures Brother Cyrus Hands 2

It took an an inhuman amount of twisting and pushing to get any of the hands onto any of the models feature in this review. What’s more, the alternate hands do not fit comfortably onto the ball-joints when you’ve attached them and fall off very easily. This is for a couple of reasons.

The first is because the entryway into the hand is a lot smaller than the ball join. This is supposed to help the hand stay in place once it’s on the join, but in truth just makes it incredibly difficult to attach the hand.

The second is the material the hand is made of. Whilst the thinner parts of the hand, such as the fingers and thumbs, are bendy enough to take the pressure of being shoved onto the ball joint, but the plastic around the wrist which is much thicker, doesn’t yield to the shape of the joint. As such, the hand is incredibly difficult to attach – and sometimes the plastic even splits.

Another issue I had was bits falling off. It speaks to the force I was having to use to get the hand on the ball joint that as I was doing so, other parts of the figure occasionally fell off: shoulderpads, arms – Cyrus even came apart at the waist at one point, which was a bit of a shock.

Anyway, I eventually swapped out some hands to hold some weapons so the figures matched their images on their cards. So, in no particular order, here they are.

Brother Cyrus

Brother Cyrus – much like Brother Pullo who we’ll get to in a minute – is a bog-standard Infiltrator.

JoyToy Space Marine Infiltrators Action Figures Brother Cyrus

Dressed in Mk X Phobos armour and armed with a marksman bolt carbine, Cyrus also comes with some swapping options that will begin to look very familiar shortly.

A cluster of pouches can be attached to one of his thighs. There are also two holster options: one with a bolt pistol, attached to his left thigh in the image above, and one without a bolt pistol, as the bolt pistol can also be held in the hand as a weapon.

Along with the bolt pistol, Cyrus also has his marksman bolt carbine, and a detachable pack on his back.

He comes with three hands for each wrist (a closed right fist, a slightly more open right fist, a right fist with trigger finger extended, a left fist, a left fist with trigger-finger extended and a left hand open to cradle a large weapon).

Brother Ruban

Whilst he looks quite different to Cyrus, Ruban comes with all the same swap options as his battle-brother: six hands, a cluster of pouches for one thigh and two holster options for the other – along with, of course, the two different guns.

His satellite dish also needs to be attached to his pack separately.

JoyToy Space Marine Infiltrators Action Figures Brother Ruban

You might notice in the image above that Ruban’s feet are placed a little oddly. Well, this is because this was the only way I could get him to stand up.

See, Ruban arrived with a busted right foot.

JoyToy Space Marine Infiltrators Action Figures Brother Ruban Legs

As you can see in the image above, Ruban’s right foot isn’t flat like his left foot is. Instead, whenver I tried to articulate Ruban’s foot so it was flat like his left foot, it sprung back to how it is in the image above, as if something was pushing it out of place.

No amount of twisting, untwisting, bending, removing, and muttering “what on earth…?” solved the problem. I can only imagine that something hasn’t gone quite right with Ruban’s right leg at some point during the manufacture and now the joints aren’t lining up as they should.

Brother Sergeant Octavio

The big difference between Octavio and the rest of his squad is that he’s not wearing a full helmet. All his other options will now seem very similar: six different hands, two different weapons, a set of pouches and two different holsters.

JoyToy Space Marine Infiltrators Action Figures Brother Sergeant Octavio

The part of his helmet that he is wearing is painted red, as one would suspect with a Primaris Sergeant. he also has the appropriate marking on his shoulderpad and right knee denoting his higher rank.

Brother Pullo

Pullo, like the three figures seen before him, has three different hand options for each arm, a pack of pouches for one thigh, two holster options for the other, and two weapon options – bolt pistol or marksman bolt rifle.

JoyToy Space Marine Infiltrators Action Figures Brother Pullo

It actually took me a while to spot any differences between brother Pullo and Brother Cyrus.

Here are Cyrus (left) and Pullo (right) side-by-side:

JoyToy Space Marine Infiltrators Action Figures Cyrus Pullo Comparison

The differences between the two figures are extremely minimal: the armour on their forearms is slightly different, and Cyrus has three rivets on the brow of his helmet. That is, as far as I can tell, it. The rest of their armour is identical, as are their weapons, antennae and so-on.

JoyToy Space Marine Infiltrators Action Figures Review – Articulation

The JoyToy Space Marine Infiltrators are covered in articulation points – 25, to be exact. So, yes, they can do a relatively faithful recreation of the YMCA.

JoyToy Space Marine Infiltrators Action Figures Brother Pullo Articulation 1
JoyToy Space Marine Infiltrators Action Figures Brother Pullo Articulation 2
JoyToy Space Marine Infiltrators Action Figures Brother Pullo Articulation 3
JoyToy Space Marine Infiltrators Action Figures Brother Pullo Articulation 4

The M’s a bit of a miss, and the C could be better, but it’s fairly good.

The articulation points are also very dynamic . Every articulation point can move a good deal; there are no cases of any limbs just being able to do a token wiggle forwards and backwards. This means every part of the Infiltrator enjoys a full range of movement.

Y’all ever wanted to see a Space Marine dab?

JoyToy Space Marine Infiltrators Action Figures Brother Pullo Articulation 5

They’re also all very well-balanced (aside from the busted Brother Ruban with his dodgy right foot). But if you’d rather have your Infiltrators sitting down, that’s an option too.

JoyToy Space Marine Infiltrators Action Figures Brother Pullo Articulation 6

When the knees are really bent, some of the articulation points do become very obvious as you can see above – but that’s the compromise for having a great range of movement.

JoyToy Space Marine Infiltrators Action Figures Review – Details

Side-by-side with the ever-popular MacFarlane Primaris Assault Intercessor, you get a real sense of just how comparatively diddy the JoyToy Infiltrators are.

JoyToy Space Marine Infiltrators Action Figures Size Comparison MacFarlane Primaris Space Marine
This is also a scale representation of what it’s like when I stand next to little ol’ FauxHammer.

The level of detail on the JoyToy figures, however, vastly supercedes that on the MacFarlane figure. They’re also far bendier.

Each figure is 12cm tall (4.75″ for the wargamers), and comes fully painted with edge highlighting and all the appropriate squad markings.

JoyToy Space Marine Infiltrators Action Figures Brother Ruban Details

I was a little surprised that the screen and the dial on brother Ruban’s wrist communicator didn’t come painted, as some effort has gone into ensuring the various other buttons and dials on the figure were done. That said, the cable on his arm looks great.

JoyToy Space Marine Infiltrators Action Figures Brother Pullo Details

The bolters that come with all the figures also look great, with different coloured lenses on each of the scopes and the bolt casings visible through the gun magazine also painted as you’d expect them to be.

JoyToy Space Marine Infiltrators Action Figures Brother Cyrus Details

Brother Sergeant Octavio has a couple of extra details compared to the rest of his squad. Not only is his face on display, but he also has some grenades strapped to his chest. Whilst the detail on the face is good, some of the paint around his service stud has cracked – though it’s not brilliantly evidenced in the image below.

JoyToy Space Marine Infiltrators Action Figures Brother Sergeant Octavio Details

Both Brother Sergeant Octavio and Brother Ruban also come with these icons on their belts:

JoyToy Space Marine Infiltrators Action Figures Brother Ruban Legs Details

Whilst these are nice details to have, they do get in the way of articulating the right leg a little bit. Also notable on the image above (which is of Brother Ruban) is that there’s a large black smear of paint on the front of his belt, which doesn’t look great.

In all, though, the figures look smashing. The details on the figures are good, and there’s variation between the models (well, most of the models, Cyrus and Pullo) to make each mmeber of the squad unique. The various markings and “extras” on each figure that denote their squad role and ranks are all faithfully accurate to their source material, which will appeal to the die-hards and the lore-nuts.

Overall, these are some great action figures that’ll bring some real joy to whoever purchases them.

JoyToy Space Marine Infiltrators Action Figures Review – Price and Availability

As stated in the introduction, JoyToy’s first wave of Space Marine action figures is no-longer available. Made to order for a week in late Sepember 2021, unfortunately the ship has sailed.

You can still import them from China at a fair price as the release over there is much more open and they are available in shops. Check eBay or action figure import sites.

However, wave 2 is on the horizon. Keep your eyes open for further announcements concerning these action figures.

JoyToy Space Marine Infiltrators Action Figures Review – Final Thoughts

Detailed models
Great articulation
Faithful representations of Space Maring Infiltrators
Interchangeable weapons options
Very difficult to change limbs
Prone to falling apart
Pullo and Cyrus are basically the same figures

Faithful recreations of their tabletop brethren, the JoyToy Space Marine Infiltrators are fun figures, covered in details and as bendy as one could want them to be. Whether you want them to be standing guard side-by-side with your miniatures collection or reclining on a bookshelf filled with Black Library models, you’ll struggle to find a pose you can’t get these figures into.

They are, however, let down in a few places: whilst they come apart very easily, swapping out their hands is incredibly difficult (and in doing so, you’re likely to unseat other parts of the figure). There are a few blips in the overall paint job as well, with the occasional errant splatter of paint here and there.

But in all, these are high-quality figures that are well worth the price. If you’re an avid collector of Warhammer 40,000 merchandise, you won’t want to miss out on wave 2.

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  • VoltorRWH

    Rob has spent most of the last 20 years playing World of Warcraft and writing stories set in made-up worlds. At some point, he also managed to get a Master's degree by writing about Medieval zombies.

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JoyToy Space Marine Infiltrators Action Figures Review - Final Thoughts


Rob has spent most of the last 20 years playing World of Warcraft and writing stories set in made-up worlds. At some point, he also managed to get a Master's degree by writing about Medieval zombies.

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