JoyToy X Warhammer – Wave 2 Confirmed

Last Updated on February 17, 2022 by FauxHammer

Just as we close the book on the preorder for the First Wave of the Excellent JoyToy Space Marine figures, JouyToy themselves (via the site BiliBili in china) has revealed the lineup of the second wave (some of it anyway). Below, we’ll take a look at these along with some exclusive snippets we’ve managed to obtain from overseas contacts. It’s juicy.

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JoyToy X Warhammer – Wave 2

If you remember just a couple of weeks back, we saw some leaked photos of the upcoming Intercessor models, in a half-sculpted state. This included some command level units, a couple of intercessors and an ‘armless Chaos Space Marines. See here for the released images.

Joy Toy 4-inch Warhammer Space Marine Action Figures Leaaked - Featured

Around that time we discovered the list of upcoming models, the first round of which has been formally revealed.

The suspected list. includes,

  • Wave 2 (China Release 2021) – Primaris Assault Space Marines – Ultramarines
  • Wave 2 (China Release 2021) – Primaris Assault Space Marines – Blood Angels
  • Wave 2 (China Release 2021) – Primaris Assault Space Marines – Blood Angels Death Company
  • Wave 2 (China Release 2021) – Primaris Assault Space Marines – Unknnown Chapter
  • Primaris Librarian
  • Primaris Chaplain
  • Primaris Captain in Gravis Armour
  • Primaris Invictor Tactical Warsuit
  • Sisters of Battle (this one is unclear, the translation is bad, but we know (have heard) we are getting “Arbites”?)
  • Chaos Space Marines – Black legion
  • Chaos Space Marine Terminators – Black Legion
  • Chaos Champion – Black legion
  • Chaos Space Marines – Thousand Sons
  • Orks

All the above are to be taken with a grain of salt until we officially see the model announcements from JoyToy officially. Usually done via the BiliBili platform. However, in saying that, the sources I have (both in China and other YouTube channels), have been accurate so far. We just lost a bit in translation. For example, what we original heard were Blood Angels, turned out to be Death Company Blood Angels.

There’s also a third Intercessor Chapter we expect, whether this will be in wave 2 or delayed to wave 3 or later is unclear. It’s not been confirmed what chapter this is specifically, but my sources tell me to expect some along the line of furry good-boys.

Anyway, let’s see what’s coming up along with some more leaked info.

Joytoy X Warhammer Wave 2 – Ultramarine Intercessor Squad

First up (technically second up, since this is Wave 2), we are getting some Intercessors.

JoyToy x Warhammer - Wave 2 - Ultramarine Intercessors 2

Normally GW would push for standard blue Space Marines to be the first release of any new IP share. why they went with the Phobos Armour style first is anyone guess. But anyway, now we get the basic units.

Joytoy X Warhammer Wave 2 Brother Sargeant Manius – Ultramarine Intercessor

Shown below with a Chainsword and optional helmet, (complete with Seargeant insignia). Keep an eye on is left arm which has an auspex attached, this has been shown in other images to open and close.

JoyToy x Warhammer - Wave 2 - Brother Sargeant Manius - Ultramarine Intercessor

This model comes with various extras and ornamentation. Worth noting here that (like all the models below) the blue hands are taken directly from the existing Wave 1 models, suggesting that we will see the same various hand options across the board.

JoyToy x Warhammer - Wave 2 - Brother Sargeant Manius Back - Ultramarine Intercessor

I’ve shown the back of Sergeant Manius so you can see that he comes with an extra attached helmet on his belt.

Joytoy X Warhammer Wave 2 Brother Varo – Ultramarine Intercessor

It’s nice to see that once again this is a unique character and even has a spare helmet

JoyToy x Warhammer - Wave 2 - Brother Varo - Ultramarine Intercessor

The strap on the Bolt Rifle also looks nice and flexible

Joytoy X Warhammer Wave 2 Brother Caeso – Ultramarine Intercessor

Another model with a fairly standard loadout,

JoyToy x Warhammer - Wave 2 - Brother Caeso - Ultramarine Intercessor

The obvious changes here include the head sculpt and the Bolter which now has attached rounds and a mounted launcher.

Joytoy X Warhammer Wave 2 Brother Aulus – Ultramarine Intercessor

The final Ultramarine intercessor shows off his included knife, which matches the style used on the Wave 1 models.

JoyToy x Warhammer - Wave 2 - Brother Aulus - Ultramarine Intercessor

Here’s hoping that the holster, like the pouches on the back of these, are removable and interchangeable.

Joytoy X Warhammer Wave 2 – Blood Angels Death Company Intercessor Squad

The Death Company models, my fave here since they aren’t Ultramarines (no hate – I’m just bored of seeing the same things) look absolutely incredible.

JoyToy x Warhammer - Wave 2 - Blood Angels Death Company Intercessors

However, there is one small point that irritates me on all of them. The insignia is just too low.

Here it is compared to the sprue. version.

JoyToy x Warhammer - Wave 2 - Blood Angels Death Company Chapter Icon
JoyToy x Warhammer - Wave 2 - Blood Angels Death Company Chapter Icon Sprue

It wouldn’t;t matter, I mean these models are far superior in accuracy than anything we’ve had before (I’m looking at you Bandai and Mcfarlane), but because the rest of the model is so accurate – this error just sticks out a mile.

I was hoping that this was only an issue n the mock-up sculpts shown here, but, well, we’ll get to that.

Joytoy X Warhammer Wave 2 Brother Seargeant Samath – Blood Angels Death Company Intercessor

Here we have a very Blood Angely looking Seargeant

JoyToy x Warhammer - Wave 2 - Brother Sargeant Samath - Blood Angels Death Company

Not a massive amount has changed in the overall sculpt. Though the additional helmet and shoulder do have BA iconography which is nice to see. The Aquilla though is a rather standard skull rather than a blood drop.

however, with it being the most accurate action figure Aquilla when compared to our tabletop models. I’ll take this love the others.

Joytoy X Warhammer Wave 2 Brother Zohane – Blood Angels Death Company Intercessor

Our next guy up, also isn;t much different,

JoyToy x Warhammer - Wave 2 - Brother Zohane - Blood Angels Death Company

Again a different head, but otherwise the loadout is standard.

Joytoy X Warhammer Wave 2 Brother Garius – Blood Angels Death Company Intercessor

Again, other than the head, no changes here to note.

JoyToy x Warhammer - Wave 2 - Brother Garius - Blood Angels Death Company

However with the Purity seal on the leg matching the above, i wonder if this is part of the model, and extra and whether it’s standard on these 2 specific models.

Joytoy X Warhammer Wave 2 Brother Garius – Blood Angels Death Company Intercessor

Like with or ultramarines we get a model where the bolter includes a launcher.

JoyToy x Warhammer - Wave 2 - Brother Araclal - Blood Angels Death Company

Aside from that, the head sculpt is different, that’s the only real change here.

Joytoy X Warhammer Wave 2 – Painted

So, you’re wondering what these look like painted? Well, here’s a sneaky shot we have gathered from someone with access to the Chinese chat app QQ.

JoyToy x Warhammer - Wave 2 - Ultramarine Intercessors Coloured

Here we can see the helmeted varients of our 1st company brothers in all their regalia. And we can just make out the Death Company models behind them.

I know a lot of people have been screaming out for unpainted “Artists Proof” versions of these models so they can paint them up themselves. Honestly not sure why. You can just paint over these. Most of it isn’t paint anyway, it’s just blue plastic/resin (whatever it’s made of). and the bits that do have paint on are so thin that when you primer over it, you can’t see it at all.

for example.

This is one which I literally just primed, airbrushed and drybrushed. And there’s nothing from the original Ultramarine colours visible. Now if only I could find some Decals to fit these shoulder pads.

Joytoy X Warhammer Wave 2 – Ultramarine Invictus Tactical Warsuit

So, If you weren’t already away, JoyToy’s existing line of models focus on Futuristic Sci-Fi Warfare – specifically Troopers and Mechs. yes, Mechs. big mechs. And having been introduced to them via this crossover. I’m now the owner of one of the mech models and I must say, it’s ace. The articulation is just incredible, down to multiple joints on each finger.

So I was excited by the rumours of the tactical Warsuit. and now it is “unofficially” confirmed, along with some pricing indications.

I have the below image along with another photograph that I’ve been asked not to share.

Invictor Tactical Warsuit Price

This image basically shows JoyToy talking on the Tencent chat platform QQ (kinda like Facebook messenger but a lot more) about the upcoming Warsuit model, which according to the above will be available for preorder in November at the very, very special price of ¥499 Yuan (about £60, $80 USD).

Please be very aware though that this is a very special pre-order price only (like a Kickstarter Early-bird price) and no, you won’t be getting it for that. I’d expect almost double. Though the Wave 1 figures were sold at a very fair price though GW.

The photo I’ve been asked not to share is a photo of the Warsuit prototype. What I can tell you is that it meets my expectations perfectly and by that I mean it is to scale! and if you’re considering getting one, you’ll definitely want to have one of the current models to sit in it! unless it comes with one)

Does it come with any weapon options other than what is shown above? dunno, maybe/hopefully. JoyToy has a lot of loadout options in their current mechs.

Why won’t I share the pic? Because my source asked me not to. No, I’m not under an NDA despite barking up GW’s leg for the last 3 years saying please please please let us in the NDA club. But my source asked me not to (probably because the pic has gone out to limited people and he doesn’t wanna be getting caught).

I’d love to share it with you, I really would, but if I reveal my sources, they’ll stop telling me things. and we all want to know things early right?

Joytoy X Warhammer Wave 2 – Final Thoughts

I’ve done all I can to hype these up, Wave 1 are literally the most detailed Warhammer Action Figures ever relead. High quality. more than fair price. These I can’t wait to get my hands on and with different helmet options, I want more than one of each.

The Invictor Warsuit is an exciting addition and once again I hope it comes with more loadout options. but then I’ll have to buy more.

beyond this, we’ve also seen pics of the upcoming Chaos marine now that he’s got arms, once again this Black legion terror won’t disappoint. and we’ve only seen the first of an expected 4 models.

What do you think of these? let us know in the comments here or on our socials.

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  • FauxHammer

    Self-appointed Editor in chief of - But I need to thank the team for existing and therefore enabling me to give myself role - without them, I'm just a nerd with a computer and a plastic addiction.

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Self-appointed Editor in chief of - But I need to thank the team for existing and therefore enabling me to give myself role - without them, I'm just a nerd with a computer and a plastic addiction.

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