Warhammer Imperium Magazine Issues 23 – 26 Contents Confirmed

Last Updated on February 4, 2022 by FauxHammer

Merry Xmas everyone, welcome to our final Imperium reveal of the year. We want to thank you all for following along with us and love the support from everyone in all of our communities. Without further ado, let’s take a look at the contents of Warhammer imperium issues 23, 24, 25 & 26.

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Scalpers are all my fault

So I’ve spent the last 4 years getting little more than positive feedback for posting this info. Yet in just the last 2 weeks I’ve seen numerous comments spring up, literally having a go at me.

Thanks for that.

I’ve seen more people complain at me, than people complaining at those showcasing just how many copies of particular issues they bought… Why?

To cut through it, this all started around the time issue 15 came out – 5 Necron Flayed Ones. Normally £31.50 ($50 USD) for only £8.99 ($13.95). Unsurprisingly, this sold out everywhere, quickly because people wanted several copies each.

It’s not just savings people wanted here. Flayed Ones are best in the field as either a unit of 5 or 20. there’s little surprise that people wanted 4 copies of this issue at a minimum.

Forbidden Planet had to cancel preorders and so did DarkSphere who were lined up to get thousands of this issue in stock. I suspect this was water off a ducks back for the former. But for a popular and upcoming retailer like DarkSphere, this will have had a massive, and undeserved negative impact on how they are perceived. To this point, they are going to stop selling imperium after Issue 18, which is really unfortunate for everyone.

In fact, in an earlier version of this post, I joked that DarkSphere were “trying it on” by offering this many copies. Which was inferred from community perception of the situation. However as I’m now in possession of more facts, it appears they were severely let down themselves.

What people could do well remembering, is that the point of this collection is primarily to initiate new potential collectors into the Warhammer universe. It’s not for everyone to be greedy (myself included) and get cheap models – that’s just the benefit that most of us rinse it for.

Hachette will not have made the stock for retailers to order extras of individual issues, they assessed the demand for this series right-back during the 4- week trial. They will have planned with GW a standard QTY of issues to be produced. And they’ll have ordered equal copies of each issue. Because that’s how they make money. They and GW probably lose money on issues like Issue 15, but make it back on the paints issues (like issue 24 below).

I suspect that as the series goes on, the number of issues produced will steadily dwindle as subscribers are naturally expected to fall away from the series throughout its run.

But this complaining, now directed at me too, is simply down to people losing out on high-demand issues they want. Unfortunately, for many who chose to subscribe via the route of the individual issues, they have now totally lost out on an issue in the collection. AS a collector myself, the irritation of my having my collection incomplete is enough to put me off the whole thing. So I get the anger.

But this has been happening since Conquest. Scalpers are gonna scalp. And whilst I have personally made comments (genuinely intended in jest) of buy 5 copies. Come on everyone, it’s hardly my fault that people are actually gonna buy 5. I mean nobody complained when I said the same about the Assault Intercessors as it was not as high-value or popular.

I could say now (and I will), “hey everyone. Don’t go buying extra copies” of the issues below. But people are smart enough to work out the value for themselves and decide they want more than one. And in this week’s post. Sorry, but there are a lot of issues here that people will be getting multiple orders in for.

Personally, I feel the solution is for retailers to limit how many copies people can get for this type of magazine. Instead of being first-come-first-serve when the first person orders 2000 copies of an issue. They should give priority to the many and for everyone who placed an order. they should deliver at least one issue. and instead of cancelling whole orders for people who preordered later. they should cancel down issues equally across the board.

But how they could manage that and whether anyone has the mechanism behind it is anyone guess (unlikely). So if you want these issues. Just go and preorder them. now! In fact, from Forbidden Planet, you should have already preordered them when they became available, (when that happens is on them, not me)

You can always cancel individual issues later.

Warhammer Imperium Magazine Issues 23 – 26 Contents

Warhammer Imperium Issue 23 Contents

Release Date: 02/02/22

Issue Price£8.99$13.95$€9.99$
Total Value£25.00$38.00$€32.50$61.00
Total Saving£16.01$26.05$€22.51$
Percentage Saving64%63%69%

The first of a few good savings in this issue and a really nice looking model at less than half price. But remember. don’t go buying more than one if you don’t need it. I’m sure you’ll listen.

Other than angling the Spyder at different angles there aren’t any differences in build options for this beastie.

Warhammer Imperium Magazine - Issue 23 Contents - Canoptek Spyder

Warhammer Imperium Issue 24 Contents

Release Date: 09/02/22

Issue Price£8.99$13.95$€9.99$
Total Value£7.50$12.35$14.80€9.90$17.90
Total Saving-£1.49-$1.60$-€0.09$
Percentage Saving-20%-13%-1%

Another dull issue with just 2 paints, but if you are new. the Nuln oil will really start to make your models pop. Rackarth flesh will be useful for the purity seals and tabards on your marines.

Warhammer Conquest Contents Issue 18
Warhammer Conquest Contents Issue 7

Warhammer Imperium Issue 25 Contents

Release Date: 16/02/22

Issue Price£8.99$13.95$€9.99$
Total Value£25.00$38.00$50.00€32.50$61.00
Total Saving£16.01$24.05$€22.51$
Percentage Saving64%63%69%

Another unit which can be built in 2 ways. this issue will have you build the models as Immortals. However, the full army screenshot does also indicate that we will later see the alternate build of Sniper Rifle wielding Deathmarks.

Remember though, even though this is a huge saving, on models with multiple build and pose options. don’t go buying several copies.

Warhammer Imperium Magazine - Issue 25 Contents - Necron Immortals

Warhammer Imperium Issue 26 Contents

Release Date: 23/02/22

Issue Price£8.99$13.95$€9.99$
Total Value£22.50$36.00$43.00€29.50$60.00
Total Saving£13.51$22.05$€19.51$
Percentage Saving60%61%66%

Another cool Ad-mech model and if you like this guy, your next step is to get hold of Belisarius Cawl because he is just bigger and both are just so much fun to paint.

Once again, High-value character model, but don’t buy multiple copies.

Warhammer Imperium Magazine - Issue 26 Contents - Tech Priest Dominus

Warhammer Imperium Magazine Issues 23 – 26 Contents – Final Thoughts

An absolute bumper set of 4 this week with high-value savings across the board. Especially fun for Necron Players, and whilst I have both whinged and joked above about buying multiple copies of certain issues. When it comes to the Spyder especially. I’m sorry to tell you that people will be trying to get at least 3-5 copies each with 3 being the most likely average.

DImmortald will also be in high demand too, sorry. It’s a multi-pose kit with 2 build options. Decent to field and 60% off! People will inevitably buy 2-4 copies. Again, sorry.

As for the Tech-Priest, whilst you can realistically only field 1 of this support unit. he’s just so damn fun to paint that painters will be wanting at least 2 of them.

So get your orders in ASAP. If you hadn’t already, you probably should have.

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  • FauxHammer

    Self-appointed Editor in chief of FauxHammer.com - But I need to thank the team for existing and therefore enabling me to give myself role - without them, I'm just a nerd with a computer and a plastic addiction.

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Self-appointed Editor in chief of FauxHammer.com - But I need to thank the team for existing and therefore enabling me to give myself role - without them, I'm just a nerd with a computer and a plastic addiction.

21 thoughts on “Warhammer Imperium Magazine Issues 23 – 26 Contents Confirmed

  • December 17, 2021 at 5:13 pm

    This is your fault is like blaming McDonald’s for fat people. Stupid & greedy gonna be stupid & greedy.

    BTW am I the only one just subscribing for one copy of each magazine? I get the savings and such but really? If you have 10(20/30/40) quid to throw about once a week thats £160 a month just buy what you need LOL.

    What if Issue 29 is 5 sprues of Flayed Ones?

    • December 17, 2021 at 11:36 pm

      What if the moon was made of cheese? There is no chance whatsoever of any issue containing 5 sprues of Flayed Ones.

  • December 17, 2021 at 7:43 pm

    I love the fact you offer these up ahead of launch. It means I can plan paint schemes and battles with my son who is just getting into the hobby. I ordered an extra copy of the Flayed Ones through Darksphere and got a cancellation notice. It’s a shame, but if people are that desperate, let them to it. You do a good job dude, your site is great. Anyone who tells you otherwise needs their head checked. Keep it up!

  • December 17, 2021 at 8:58 pm

    Hi, I want to apologise for giving you grief in an old article with the flayed ones in. That was me running high on frustration from not being able to get the issue and it being my first magazine follow-along I was caught blindsided by not being able to get an issue.

    Nevertheless it was not right for me to aim any of my frustration at yourself, your articles have been instrumental in my picking of many hobby items (such as my airbrush), and you’re only outlining a truth of collecting this magazine – people love a bargain :)

    • December 18, 2021 at 12:09 pm

      It’s all good man, trust me this was more aimed at people messaging my personal Facebook account than you.

      I get people are P*ssed!

      • January 24, 2022 at 11:00 am

        I need to apologize as well. I was frustrated at not getting the flayed ones edition because they were all gone so early. Not your fault. Just scalpers being the gits they are.

  • December 17, 2021 at 9:29 pm

    The only purpose of Hatchette letting you know early to then reveal it to us is to boost preorders, it does not help those collecting the entire collection, and in fact those collecting the entire set are meant to subscribe via Hatchette. Therefore do not listen to the moaners and haters and also there is no reason why people shouldn’t buy multiple copies if they want them.

    If someone misses out on an issue it is their own fault for not subscribing with Hatchette, there is no excuse, they had 6 months between trial and release to get a subscription going. If they couldn’t afford the commitment to all 80 then again that’s noone else’s fault but your own, you have chosen other priorities and decided to play the risky game of going to 3rd party retailers piecemeal. Do not moan at other people for what you cannot afford or will not commit for, or if you didn’t want the entire collection. The magazine isn’t designed for those wanting just one faction, it’s a product of 4 armies and scenery and everyone should be happy they even have the option of buying individually.

    Lots, or even most of the products sold by hachette are designed to be bought in their entirety, it’s hardly useful to built half the titanic or other models. The way people buy Imperium or MR or Conquest is really the exception, not the rule.

    • December 17, 2021 at 11:55 pm

      Being poor is your own fault?

      • December 18, 2021 at 8:17 am

        Well it’s certainly not other hobbyist’s fault if you are poor. Blaming other people for getting multiple issues when you couldn’t get any because you couldn’t afford to subscribe is like me blaming Bill Gates because I cannot afford a new PC.

        The only person in the world who has control over your finances is you, every individual “plays their own cards” everyday in life. Most of the people who are buying the magazine all started with the same cards and almost none of them got Bill Gates Full House lucky either so if someone has gotten to the point where they can’t afford to subscribe to Imperium it’s pretty much entirely down to how they played their own cards.

        • December 18, 2021 at 12:11 pm

          @Tyris @Richard.

          Cool chat, everyone welcome to chime in here, but save the drama for Facebook & Twitter please

          • December 18, 2021 at 11:37 pm

            Ain’t no drama here.

        • December 19, 2021 at 12:20 am

          Funny you should mention PCs, since one of the major factors in not being able to afford a new PC currently is that cryptocurrency miners keep buying up all the parts (and unlike the resellers who buy up the magazines, they’re not even planning on flogging them on eBay for a profit).

          Less funny that you should think you’ve got sole control over your own finances; unless you’re your own employer, your own landlord, your own supplier of electricity and water then you’ve got no control over your own income and can only control certain outgoings – like whether or not you subscribe to Imperium, which unless you actually want more than about two-thirds of the models isn’t even really a savings. If all you’re looking to get is a couple of Tomb Spyders and a Firestrike Servo-Turret because that’s what you need to round out an existing collection, spending appx. £700 on 80 magazines is a really inefficient way to accomplish that.

          • December 20, 2021 at 1:06 pm

            Its not funny how you are equating “having control of your own finances” as being the person who pays your income. You know full well that having control of your finances means being the one responsible for your outgoings. Choosing where you live (the size and thus cost), choosing how much you spend on food or how often you use heating or electrical devices, how you commute to work, if you want to have children. Whether you have take out once a week or go for a night out. How many hours you work or choice to change your job or career path to earn more or less money. these are all things that people with control of their finances have a choice that determines whether they can afford imperium or not.

            If you are one of those people who only wants one or two of the magazines to try and pick up a bargain then that is another one of your choices and doesn’t come with any guarantee you will be able to get the magazine. You are the equivilent of one of those “Middle of Lidl” shoppers who has to compete in the first come first serve to pick up a bargain. There is no special treatment for these people, no guarantee they will get the item they want before they run out of stock. Complaining at other shoppers or even the shop itself for not getting the thing you wanted because you were slower than others is plainly stupid. The world does not work on an everyone gets everything they want basis. The world is very much limited things for limited people in a limited universe. Its about time you accept that to save yourself any future dissapointment in life. Noone in life is special, again everyone is just playing with the cards they are dealt.

  • December 17, 2021 at 11:54 pm

    “Other than angling the Spyder at different angles there aren’t any differences in build options for this beastie” – not so, not so! The Spyder can be built with or without particle beamers on its carapace and underneath it can have a gloom prism and / or a fabricator claw array. The particle beamers make the biggest visual difference since you can’t really see the underside all that well during play…

  • December 19, 2021 at 5:57 pm

    I absolutely get why people are frustrated by both the specific situation with some particular issues, and the general situation that there’s really no way to guarantee getting the whole set, since the Hachette subscription is so unreliable and the other ways to buy seem to be very risky as well. Anecdotally, subscribing through a WH Smiths branch seems to possibly be the most reliable option, but even then some people are missing popular issues.
    Anyway, none of these issues are FauxHammer’s fault in the slightest, and I can’t fathom why anybody would be blaming you for any of this. If anything, getting the heads up on future issues gives people like me a warning of which ones are going to be in high demand and then I know I need to move fast to beat the scalpers to a copy. In my view you’re fighting the good fight, thank you and keep up the good work!

  • December 24, 2021 at 2:19 am

    Any idea where to get copies of issue 23? It looks like forbidden planet have delisted it – I worked out the sky to go to it direct but it shows as out of stock. Just issue 23, they have 24, 25 & 26…

    • December 25, 2021 at 12:57 pm

      All I can recommend now is local newsagents or keep an eye on the Hachette site for individual issues. :(

      • December 25, 2021 at 5:54 pm

        Yeah cheers will keep an eye – thought it was worth checking if you had a lead on anywhere else online you could buy it :)

        • December 26, 2021 at 3:00 pm

          Have you joined our Discord and Facebook groups? the community may be of more help?

  • December 24, 2021 at 2:10 pm

    Once again, High-value character model, but don’t buy multiple copies.

    This made me read the whole article. Normally, I just skim through to see what content to expect. I pretty much disagree with the sentiment here.

    Let’s look at it from different perspective. If I wasn’t supposed to buy multiple copies, I would certainly not be able to order multiple copies at once. And if there was real limit on how many can people buy, it would be available only through subscription. Neither is the truth because neither GW nor Hachette wants those limits. Both are profiting from this situation. GW by having additional topic to be talked about online as this is the only case where GW makes a real sale and Hachette by pulling more people to subscription.

    Imperium magazine is super high demand with limited volume. I see it locally as well. I could buy Mortal Realms in my local newspaper store and they sometimes had it in local Tesco and Sainsburys superstores but not Imperium. My local newspaper store had just first 4 issues and than nothing. The only place to buy online is Hachette, Forbidden planet and it used to be my favorite Darksphere as well. It is sad that Darksphere is no longer selling these. I’m not going to buy anything directly from Hachette. I had terrible experience buying Conquest magazines directly from them. They are not reliable seller and I haven’t found company with worse customer support. Forbidden planet has all interesting issues sold out the day the content is published here. I missed Spyder and Immortals myself this time.

    Imo this is just heavy capitalism applied. Individual customers are not important because there is much more customers already than magazines going out and neither Hachette nor your local newspaper store cares that much if they sell each magazine to a different customer or all of them to scalpers.

    • December 25, 2021 at 1:00 pm

      You’re totally welcome to your view and thank you for commenting. Just FYI, Mortal Realms, Like AoS doesn’t have anywhere near the popularity of 40k. And Whilst Hachette was notably terrible during the Conquest run. They have been incredible when it comes to Mortal Realms & Imperium. At least far cry for what they were, try giving them another chance.


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