Boarding Patrol: Adepta Sororitas Price, Points, Value and Savings Breakdown

Last Updated on April 15, 2023 by FauxHammer

The nuns with guns are back on the scene with a brand new Boarding Patrol box set. If the Emperor’s Light shines upon you as a Sisters of Battle player, then you’ll want to check out what you can save in our Boarding Patrol: Adepta Sororitas Price, Points, Value and Savings Breakdown.

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Boarding Patrol: Adepta Sororitas Release Date

Boarding Patrol: Adepta Sororitas was one of a trio of Boarding Patrols announced at last week’s Sunday preview. The release date for Boarding Patrol: Adepta Sororitas will be April 8th 2023.

boarding patrol adepta sororitas box

Pre-orders will go live at 10am on April 1st 2023. Would have been a good opportunity for the pre-orders to go live the next day, but as it is well known, nuns don’t work on a Sunday.

Boarding Patrol: Adepta Sororitas Price

The price of the box will be as follows;

Boarding Patrol: Adepta Sororitas£85.00$140.00*$170.00*€110.00*$220.00*
* Based on Boarding Patrol: Adeptus Mechanicus (same UK price)

Global prices have been estimated from similar-priced products.

Boarding Patrol: Adepta Sororitas – Price, Value & Savings Summary

Here’s an overview of the savings this box will provide;

Total Value£135.00$220.00$270.00€177.50$354.00
Boarding Patrol: Adepta Sororitas Price£85.00$140.00*$170.00*€110.00*$220.00*
Total Savings£50.00$80.00$100.00€67.50$134.00
Percentage Saved37%36%37%38%38%
* Based on Boarding Patrol: Adeptus Mechanicus (same UK price)

This time around, savings in all listed currencies are consistent around the board – between 36-38%, snagging you some really great discounts whatever zone you live in. For myself in the UK, £50 off would be an easy deal maker for me – if I were to start a Sisters of Battle army, this seems like a great jumping off point.

Boarding Patrol: Adepta Sororitas – Contents

This Boarding Patrol is stacked with a total of 26 miniatures – one of the larger Boarding Patrols out there. This what we are blessed with;

boarding patrol adepta sororitas

My first impression upon seeing this Boarding Patrol box is how well endowed it is with models. It’s a great selection for a Boarding Actions list for beginners and veterans alike – it has an eclectic mix of shooting and melee fighters that would work tremendously in the close quarters game mode. As the box is highly infantry based, it’s definitely going for a bit of a horde list there.

Boarding Patrol: Adepta Sororitas – Value

Below are the individual values of each kit in the box, and how they stack up.

Battle Sisters Squad£37.50$60.00$75.00€50.00$103.00
Celestian Sacresants£37.50$60.00$75.00€50.00$97.00
Repentia Squad£35.00$60.00$70.00€45.00$91.00
Total Value£135.00$220.00$270.00€177.50$354.00

A third of these units sit comfortably within the same price range – and so drive up the overall value of the box, price wise and miniature number wise.

Boarding Patrol: Adepta Sororitas – Points

How does this box fare on the tabletop? Let’s look at their points.

– Brazier of holy fire
– Condemnor boltgun
– Plasma pistol
– Power sword
– Blessed blade
– Null rod
– Rod of Office
– Word of the Emperor
– Rapturous Blows
– Divine Deliverance
– The Emperor’s Grace
– Righteous Judgement
– Blinding Radiance
Battle Sister Squad
– Sister Superior
– Incensor cherub
– Simulacrum imperialis
– Heavy bolter
– Ministorum heavy flamer
– Multi-melta
– Artificer crafted storm bolter
– Meltagun
– Ministorum flamer
– Power maul
– Power sword
Repentia Squad
– Repentia Superior
Celestian Sacresants
– Sacresant Superior
– Spear of the faithful
Total Raw Value414pts

The contents of this box comes to a respectable 414 points, leaving you the option of either adding another cheap squad or unit to your boarding force to make the 500 point threshold or absolutely ramming what you’ve got with wargear upgrades. Both options are very viable and will leave you with a strong list to take to the battlefield.

I’m honestly not sure what I’d change about this Boarding Patrol box – it seems pretty solid to me. But we might as well go into a little depth on what we get to provide a bit of context on what they can do on the tabletop.

The Canoness, as an HQ unit, has a lot going for her. With a Null Rod, she cannot be targeted by psychic attacks. She also has a 4+ invulnerable save, an aura that would give friendly units within 6″ a re-roll on a hit roll of 1 and a whole slew of abilities called Blessings of the Faithful. These individual abilities all provide excellent bonuses, so they’re worth a read – and adding at least one to your Canoness, no matter the expense. For me, Righteous Judgement stands out the most for me, namely because it ignores Look Out Sir! and inflicts mortal wounds on rolls of 6.

And then we have the highly versatile Battle Sisters Squad. You have a lot of weapon options, but read your datasheet carefully – there are caveats to having multi-meltas or heavy bolters, as you can only have 1 special or heavy weapon per 10 models in a unit. However, it is worth customising your squad to maximise their damage output – both far and close ranged. The Incensor cherub gains you a miracle dice – which gives the ability to perform one Act of Faith, which again is worth a read as their rules and abilities are legion.

Finally, the Repentia Squad seem to fulfil a role similar to Chaos Cultists – chaff to chuck at your enemies to distract them or to spam on objectives with sheer numbers contesting them. Pairing them with a Repentia Superior gives them additional buffs in the charging and fighting phases. The Celestian Sacresants appear to be the tankier units of the box – they have 4+ invulnerable saves and can deny Overwatch.

Overall, I’d suggest that this is a strong Boarding Patrol list – it has a bit of everything that a small 40k army should have, with a wide range of miniatures different enough to keep painters engaged. If you’re one to scream ‘The Emperor Protects!’ in a public place, then this is a box you don’t want to miss out on. If the nuns with guns have won you over, then head on over to Games Workshop or your favourite FLGS this Saturday and secure your box for the Golden Throne.

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