How to Paint Fallout Raiders from Wasteland Warfare

This week’s Brushstroke guide shows you how to paint a Fallout Raider from Wasteland Warfare

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How to Paint Fallout Raiders – Paints & Tools



How to Paint Fallout Raiders – Introduction

How to paint Fallout Raider from Wasteland Warfare - Introduction

When painting skintones, one of the biggest struggles is to achieve a soft, smooth finish. The best way I’ve found, is to apply the paint as a series of glazes rather than normal thicker coats.

All this really means, is thinning the paints right down, until they have the consistency of milk. When you paint them onto the model you are just looking to wet the surface with them, effectively tinting it.

Over repeated applications of the glaze, you build up the colour you want. Unlike washes, where you want them to flow into all the recesses, with glazing you need to be more controlled and not let the paint run.

The main trick here is to not overload your brush and take your time. Be sure each layer is fully dry before applying the next.

How to Paint Fallout Raiders – Tutorial

Step 1 – Base Colours

How to paint Fallout Raider from Wasteland Warfare - Step 1

Over a white primer paint the following The Army Painter base colours:

  • Skin -Barbarian Flesh The aim here is to apply the paint as a glaze so it is semi-transparent and just tints the white primer with a soft tone.
  • Combats -Elf Green
  • Armour Plates & Metal Details -Gun Metal
  • Leather -Leather Brown
  • Waist Band -Hardened Carapace
  • Bullets -Greedy Gold
  • Boots -Matt Black

Step 2 – Shading

How to paint Fallout Raider from Wasteland Warfare - Step 2
  • Skin -Shade with Flesh Wash. As with the base layer, the aim again is to keep the tone soft and light. So, keep this step thin and concentrate it to the recesses.
  • Combats -Shade with Green Tone
  • Leather & Bullets -Shade with Strong Tone
  • Armour, Metal, Waistband & Boots -Shade with Dark Tone

Step 3 – Highlights

How to paint Fallout Raider from Wasteland Warfare - Step 3

Following the washes, each colour needs to be brightened back up;

  • Skin -Lighten the tone of the raised areas back up, by glazing with layers of Corpse Pale. Again the aim is to apply the paint as semi-transparent, so that the colour underneath still slightly shows through.
  • Leather -Highlight the edges with Leather Brown
  • Combats -Highlight the raised creases with Elf Green
  • Metals -Highlight with Plate Mail Metal

Step 4 – Details

Hair- Over the white primer, recess shade with thinned Dungeon Grey, layer with Ash Grey and highlight with Spaceship Exterior.

Stubble – Mix a small amount of Ash Grey into thinned Barbarian Flesh and glaze the side of the head and chin to create a subtle stubble effect. Remember to keep the paint really thin to enable the colour underneath to show through.

Eyes – I wanted to give an eyelinered effect to the eyes, so I painted the whole eye with Hardened Carapace, I then added a horizontal stripe of Spaceship Exterior across the middle. Finally, paint a vertical line of Hardened Carapace down the middle of each eye to form the pupils.

Rust- Drybrush the metal where you want rust with Dry Rust, then thinly wash with Dark Tone. Lightly stipple some random spots of Dry Rust on the top and edge highlight with Plate Mail Metal.

How to Paint Fallout Raiders – Complete

Thank You

I hope you find this guide useful.

If you do have any questions or suggestions on how to improve it for others, then please do let me know.

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How to Paint Fallout Raiders from Wasteland Warfare
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How to Paint Fallout Raiders from Wasteland Warfare
This week's Brushstroke guide shows you how to paint a Fallout Raider from Wasteland Warfare
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