Redgrass Games Wet Palette 2

Last Updated on May 20, 2021 by FauxHammer

If it’s not broken, don’t fix it. Yeah, we all know that. So when you already have the absolute best retail wet palette on the market, why risk changing it? well, to make it even better of course!

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Redgrass Games Wet Palette 2

Ok, not the most inventive name for a follow-up, but certainly much better than all the tech products we get which keep the same name and add Generation x to a hidden subtitle. (curse you 3 Kindle Fire HD8 cases that didn’t fit).

Redgrass are back with a new Kickstarter for what could be an even better, best wet palette. Since they are really only competing against themselves in this market. It’s nice to see a follow-up because the only reason they could have for doing one is making what is already the best product even better!

Redgrass Games Wet Palette 2 Impressions - Layers

So, what’s changed?

Redgrass Games Wet Palette 2 Features

Let’s summarise the main changes

  • The Paper (most important, more on this below)
  • The Size
  • The Lid
  • The Accessories
  • Extra Inserts

Lets take a look at this in detail

Redgrass Games Wet Palette: Palette Harder

Looking at the size, both the Painter and Studio versions have had a size increase.

Redgrass Games Wet Palette 2 Impressions - Dimensions

The standard Painter palette is now 165mm x 240mm (whereas the previous version was 150mm x 200m,)

The large studio Studio palette is now 205mm x 305mm (whereas the previous version was 200mm x 300mm)

The previous studio was double the size of its Painter counterpart, these ones are more oddly sized but I believe that many of us will be happy with the extra palette space.

I’m not sure how they came up with this size, maybe they interviewed a load of painters. maybe they did an in-depth study on miniature painter ergonomics. all I know is that I never got a questionnaire.

Redgrass Games Wet Palette: With a Vengeance

The Paper is the biggest point here. two reasons.

  1. you can make a wet palette out of any container, the box your palette sit’s in doesn’t really matter
  2. Redgrass Games sent us some of their paper a few months back to see what we thought (spoiler alert: WOW!)
Redgrass Games Wet Palette 2 Impressions - Delivery

Here’s our hands on impressions with Redgrass Games new hydration paper in our old wet palette.

That’s the first thing to note actually, the paper is available in the classic sizes, so those of you not looking to upgrade your container can still back at a pretty low tier and get 15 sheets of the new hydration paper. Considering you can wash it and reuse it about 3-5 times per sheet. 15 sheets are equivalent to 45 – 75 of your old sheets. Noice.

The new sheets have more of a glossy texture rather than the semi permanent baking paper style of the old sheets. Similar in look to GW’s paper palette, but don’t be confused, this is very different stuff. the new paper is also one-way. with the labelled side facing down

Redgrass Games Wet Palette 2 Impressions - Paper texture

I started with this as I do with every wet palette paper I’ve ever had (I wasn’t really sent much in the way of instructions) I wet both sides of the paper and then placed it label down on a damp hydration foam. As expected it curled.

Redgrass Games Wet Palette 2 Impressions - Paper Curled

a couple of minutes spent flattening this out with a credit card

It was when I put the paint on I had a moment which could only be exclaimed with the initials W, T and F.

Redgrass Games Wet Palette 2 Impressions - Paint Run

Clearly I’m doing something wrong

The good news is, as advertised, I can easily wash this off and leave it to dry, ready to be reused later. so, no waste here.

Redgrass Games Wet Palette 2 Impressions - Washable

My next attempt I didn’t wet the top, I just laid it down on a wet hydration foam and smoothed it out until it stayed flat. much better

Redgrass Games Wet Palette 2 Impressions - Paint on Palette

Painting with this really is a bit of a game-changer. The paint stays contained within the remit you give it. Either by putting the paint on it or adding some water to its surrounding area, but unless you soak the top it stays where it’s put.

Blending colours is much easier on the palette due to this as the paper allows just enough water to seep through that it does not cause runs.

Redgrass Games Wet Palette 2 Impressions - Painted Model

Even things like washes and contrast paints work well, and, would you believe it, metallics behave much better too. staying wet longer and not overdiluting as they have been known to do on most other papers. in fact, as I’m writing this, I just went over to my wet palette to check the gold, and it’s still wet, even on the thin parts. it will still dilute a bit too much if let overnight, but for a single session. it lasts much longer than it would without the palette.

Honestly, my recomendation, even if you don’t care about the palette. Back this paper!

Redgrass Games Wet Palette: 2.0

The palette itself has some differences, you can still use both the base and the lid as a palette, but this new lid is different.

First up it’s flexible. which is really neat considering the previous one used to pop off from time to time.

Redgrass Games Wet Palette 2 Impressions - Lid

But they’ve also improved the seal which was one of my qualms over the first generation. The seal was ok, it just wasn’t very airtight and would get worse over time. The new one is purported to be extra thick

Also, the standard colour is now Red (grass games). personally, I miss the orange, but it doesn’t take a genius to know I like orange

Redgrass Games Wet Palette: Paint Free or Paint Hard

The accessories are now “slide-on” rather than magnets. I keep being told by Redgrass reps that you can easily add your own magnets to the accessories or palette to make them compatible with the old models, but I’m yet to see space for these in any of the mockups.

Redgrass Games Wet Palette 2 Impressions - Accessories

The palette does allow for accessories on all four of it’s sides this time rather than just one length and one width.

As for the accessories, there’s the new wavy, but also anti-spill accessories for your GW shades. (I have my own method of dealing with that problem)

They are now also offering a galss palette for oil paints, which if nothing else is really sexy.

Redgrass Games Wet Palette 2 – Final Thoughts

Whilst I havent touched the new palette itself I’ll have hands-on ASAP, the paper is absolutely spectacular

If nothing else it’s worth backing for this alone. but since you are spending money, why not go the whole hogg and get a new palette to match and give your old one to a friend who has never tried a wet palette before.

I’ve no doubt this will reach its funding goal (probably within the opening hours) and with Redgrass, you know you are backing a reputable company that has a track record of delivering well.

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  • FauxHammer

    Self-appointed Editor in chief of - But I need to thank the team for existing and therefore enabling me to give myself role - without them, I'm just a nerd with a computer and a plastic addiction.

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Self-appointed Editor in chief of - But I need to thank the team for existing and therefore enabling me to give myself role - without them, I'm just a nerd with a computer and a plastic addiction.

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