How to Paint Warriors of the Dead Tutorial – 2019

This Brushstroke tutorial covers How to Paint Warriors of the Dead from The Lord of the Rings – Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game.

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How to Paint Warriors of the Dead – Paints & Tools

How to Paint Warriors of the Dead Tutorial - Complete




  • Biel-tan Green


  • Nylon Stuffing

How to Paint Warriors of the Dead – Tutorial

How to Paint Warriors of the Dead Tutorial - Introduction

Whilst this process of painting Warriors of the Dead is actually very straight forward, there are a couple of items I used which made everything easier.

Mixing Ratios For this guide I used a mixture of Biel-tan shade and Lahmian Medium with different ratios. I found the easiest and most consistent results were with, using a plastic dropper pipette to measure out the amounts.

Drybrushing For this paint scheme I wanted the ease of drybrushing but with a minimal chalky finish. I achieved it using a cheap eye make-up brush. The super-soft bristles produce an amazingly smooth result with no extra effort. Win!

Step 1 – Primer

How to Paint Warriors of the Dead Tutorial - Step 1

Start off by priming the mini(s) white or pale grey.

Do take your time when priming to get a smooth finish, as it makes all the difference to the end result.

Step 2 – Initial Shade

How to Paint Warriors of the Dead Tutorial - Step 2

Shade the whole mini working from the top to the bottom with a mixture of Biel-tan Green shade and Lahmian Medium, at a ratio of 6:1 Medium:Biel-tan Green.

With the shade being so thinned down you’ll find that it naturally produces a stronger tone at the bottom of the mini compared to the top, as gravity draws it to the bottom. This is exactly what we’re wanting to achieve. Simply work the shade into the recesses of the mini and let it do the work for you.

Another advantage of using a shade so heavily thinned with Lahmian Medium is the matting properties of the medium helps to stop the mini becoming really shiny.
Ensure the shade is fully dry before progressing to the next step

Step 3 – Initial Drybrush

How to Paint Warriors of the Dead Tutorial - Step 3

This step is subtle but very important, as it re-establishes the brightness to the upper portion of the mini.

Using a soft make-up brush, drybrush the mini with Ulthuan Grey using downward strokes from top to bottom.

Step 4 – Final Shade

How to Paint Warriors of the Dead Tutorial - Step 4

Shade the whole mini again, working from the top to bottom but this time with a mixture of Biel-tan Green shade and Lahmian Medium, at a ratio of 4:1 Medium:Biel-tan.

The shade will behave as before, with gravity doing all the work. This time though, the tone will be stronger, enabling you to establish darker shadows in the deeper recesses by drawing the shade with your brush.

As before, ensure you let the shade fully dry before proceeding with the next step.

Step 5 – Final Drybrush

How to Paint Warriors of the Dead Tutorial - Step 5

Finally, using a soft make-up brush again, drybrush the mini with Ulthuan Grey using downward strokes from top to bottom.

This time, focus on the very top of the mini and any specific features you want to accentuate.

Once you’re happy with the effect, the mini is ready to be based.

Step 6 – Fog Effect

How to Paint Warriors of the Dead Tutorial - Step 6

The fog effect I’ve used to base my warriors of the dead is achieved by using nylon stuffing material. Like you find in cheap cushions.

Simply tease it out so it’s like a whispy mesh. I chose to tint mine slightly green to tie in better with the minis, but it works just as well as white if you prefer.

To tint the material, I applied two thin coats of the 4:1 Medium:Biel-tan Green shade mix I used on the minis. You can apply it with a brush or airbrush, just watch that it doesn’t form droplets, as these look very ugly once dried.

Then simply superglue the nylon to your base and tease the material into the desired shape.

How to Paint Warriors of the Dead – Complete

How to Paint Warriors of the Dead Tutorial - Complete

Thank You

I hope you find this guide useful.

If you do have any questions or suggestions on how to improve it for others, then please do let me know.

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How to Paint Warriors of the Dead Tutorial
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How to Paint Warriors of the Dead Tutorial
How to Paint Warriors of the Dead from The Lord of the Rings - Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game.
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One thought on “How to Paint Warriors of the Dead Tutorial – 2019

  • January 9, 2020 at 7:33 pm

    I wish I had read this when I bought LOTR Pellenor Fields, last year. I didn’t have lahmian medium. So the biel team green made the mini’s much darker than I wanted. Excellent tutorial and I’ll try this on my next set of dead units.
    Thanks for the tutorials.


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