How to paint Alpha Legion Tutorial – 2019

Last Updated on September 23, 2019 by FauxHammer

Welcome everyone, Brushstroke here – Below is my how to paint Alpha Legion tutorial. If you have been looking for a quick and easy way to paint this colour scheme. See the 5 simple stages below.

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How to paint Alpha Legion Tutorial – Paints & Tools

How to Paint Alpha Legion Tutorial Step 0



How to paint Alpha Legion – Tutorial

Step 1 – Find the Correct Paint

I wanted to try and find a way to replicate the box-art Alpha Legion colour scheme with as little effort as possible.

After various experiments, with glazing and layering, I wondered if a paint existed which actually matched the turquoise colour.

Turns out there is!

It’s not marketed as a miniature paint but as it is an acrylic metallic craft paint, I figured~ why not? It can be thinned using just water and can be airbrushed or hand brushed without any problems.

It’s made by a US company called DecoArt and the paint is Dazzling Metallics – Teal. (careful when you buy, there is a non-metallic version).

This guide details how to use it to paint Alpha Legion armour and it couldn’t be simpler! :o)

Like FauxHammer said in the Best paints for Miniature Painters guide, you can use pretty much any Acrylic that works for you.

How to Paint Alpha Legion Tutorial Step 1

Step 2 – Apply Base Colours

Over a black primer paint in the following base colours:

How to Paint Alpha Legion Tutorial Step 2

Step 3 – Apply Shading

Shade all the following colours with NuIn Oil:

Shade the following colours with Agrax Earthshade:

How to Paint Alpha Legion Tutorial Step 3

Step 4 – Highlight

The metallic teal is such a shiny colour, there is very little need to add many highlights to it. I did, however, choose to pick out a few details which had sharp edges. Specifically, the face and fingers.

Edge highlight as follows:

How to Paint Alpha Legion Tutorial Step 4

Step 5 – Apply Fine Details

The last few details to finish off are:

The eyes I base coated Caliban Green, layer with Warpstone Glow and final layer of Moot Green.

The skulls and bones I aged by doing a final wash of Seraphim Sepia.

The chainmail I rusted by lightly glazing with some thinned Troll Slayer Orange.

The tusks I base coated Rakarth Flesh, shaded the base with Seraphim Sepia, then painted stripes of Pallid Wych Flesh and White towards the tip. In hindsight, I would change the white to Screaming Skull, as they came out too stark.

How to Paint Alpha Legion Tutorial Step 5

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How to paint Alpha Legion Tutorial
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How to paint Alpha Legion Tutorial
See the 5 simple stages below for my How to paint Alpha Legion tutorial.
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5 thoughts on “How to paint Alpha Legion Tutorial – 2019

  • May 8, 2019 at 6:10 pm

    Nice tutorial and great result without a ton of work.

  • December 22, 2019 at 6:34 am

    I tried the mettalic paint and needed 6 layers to get decent not great coverage over the black primer. Tried over lead belcher and not any better. Am i missing something?

  • January 9, 2020 at 2:55 pm

    I bought it and have the same issue! Do I just slop it on thick or whats the process?


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