Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 14: Issues 51-54 Review

Last Updated on November 9, 2022 by FauxHammer

Another month has rolled by, which means that we’re back with another round-up of the latest Warhammer 40,000 Imperium delivery. This time, we’ve got more Adepta Sororitas, a couple of new paints, and a huge, many-legged Necron model.

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Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 14: Issues 51-54 Review – Introduction

Following on from the previous Warhammer 40,000 Imperium delivery was always going to be difficult. Delivery 13 was an undeniable high: crazy savings on a mountain of really cool miniatures. This delivery was, perhaps, the best one to date, and also very much embodied the spirit of why people are such big fans of these partwork magazines: loads of minis at knock-down prices.

So how does its successor, Delivery 14, shape up? Can it step out of the long shadow cast by its predecessor?

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 14: Issues 51-54 Review – Contents

Well, in a word, yes. Quite easily, in fact.

Here’s everything you get.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 14 All

Sure, it’s not quite as miniature-heavy as the previous delivery, but this is still a decent haul. Let’s take a closer look at everything now.

The Magazines: Issues 51-54

Kicking off as we always do with a whistlestop, spoiler-free look at the magazines.

We start at Issue 51. Whilst it champions the Raven Guard on the cover, there’s more than the sons of Corvus Corax waiting within.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 14 Issue 51 1

We’ve got some background on Plasmancers, as well as some lore concerning conflicts in the 41st Millenium. As there are no models with this issue there isn’t any space given over to a build guide, which means there’s room for a good spread of lore that will appeal to everyone.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 14 Issue 51 2
Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 14 Issue 51 3

Moving on to 52, the Triarch Stalker dominates. This massive model comes across both Issues 52 and 53 – you get one sprue in each.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 14 Issue 52 1

There are only a few sides of background in this issue before things take a turn for the practical. Issue 52 provides you with all the instructions you need to build your Triarch Stalker. It’s quite a long process, so it does take up the majority of the issue.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 14 Issue 52 2
Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 14 Issue 52 3

Issue 53 finishes off the Triarch Stalker, providing you with a paint guide for your newest – and largest – model to date.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 14 Issue 53 1

The absence of any build instructions also frees up plenty of space for more lore, so the Adepta Sororitas and the wider Imperium step into the spotlight again.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 14 Issue 53 2
Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 14 Issue 53 3

For the most part, at least. Issue 53 also comes with a fold-out, and this is all about the Aeldari and the Ynnari.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 14 Issue 53 4

Finally, arriving at Issue 54, the Sisters of Battle take over with another injection of miniatures – and a few pages all about them.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 14 Issue 54 1 (2)

There’s both a sizeable build and paint guide for the Sisters in this issue, so grab your glue and your brushes!

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 14 Issue 54 2
Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 14 Issue 54 3

And that’s that. Moving on, let’s get to the really good bit.


Things get off to a stonkin’ good start in Delivery 14 with the towering Triarch Stalker.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 14 Triarch Stalker

This enormous, spider-like miniature can be a bit of a faff to assemble at points, but once it’s together it’s a seriously impressive piece of plastic. Covered in lots of delightfully menacing Necron details (and coming with instructions for several different weapon variants), this mean robot chappie in his death spider will look stunning on any battlefield, shelf, or display cabinet.

Moving on from the monstrous Necron death bug, we arrive at the much smaller (but no less plucky) Sisters miniatures in this delivery. There are 7 in total, starting with these three Battle Sisters.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 14 Battle Sisters

Expanding on the Battle Sisters from the previous two issues, these three ladies bring your total number of Battle Sisters up to 10 – thus completing the group. Once again, these figures are wonderfully unique each in its own pose and filled with character and purpose.

We also have two more Seraphim arrive in Delivery 14. These jump pack-equipped warrior-women will look awesome soaring over any battlefield.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 14 Seraphim

Do consider not attaching them to their flight stands if you intend on priming them with a rattle can or an airbrush, as you may not want to cover the flight stands in paint.

Last but not leave, we arrive at the Arco-Flagellant and Sister Repentia. You’ve also got a couple of these kicking about.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 14 Flagellant and Repentia

Whilst I’m not actually the biggest fan of how either of these miniatures actually look (the Arco-Flagellant creeps me out a bit), I have to say the sculpt and pose of each is fantastic. There’s so much momentum in each miniature, and you get such a clear sense of movement and purpose with each. These are fanatics, creatures with a single purpose: to charge, and to destroy.

Paints and Hobby Tools

There are two paints in this delivery: Pallid Wych Flesh and Dawnstone.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 14 Paints

Pallid Wych Flesh is a colour often used as a fine highlight for very pale skin tones, such as on my Lelith Hesperax model pictured below.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 14 Lelith Hesperax Pallid Wych Flesh Example

It’s one of those paints that’s very useful to have to hand, even if you don’t actually ever use it that often – or use that much of it.

Dawnstone is, however, one of the most useful paints out there. A great highlight for both blacks and greys, it finds itself at home on many bits of power armour, black cloth, and as a highlight on stone.

My Gordrakk, the Fist of Gork’s mount, Bigteef, is highlighted with Dawnstone and Administratum Grey.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 14 Gordrakk and Bigteef Dawnstone Example

So, two fairly vital additions to your paint arsenal. Nice one.

Premium Kit 3

Subscribers to Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Premium will find that their 14th delivery is a little bit bigger than they may have been expecting. Oh yes, you guessed it: it’s time for the third Premium Kit!

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 14 Premium Kit 3 Box

And this one is all about the T’au Empire

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 14 Premium Kit 3 Magazine

There are absolutely loads to things to be getting on with in the T’au Empire Premium magazine, so we’re not going to cover it in any great detail here. Simply know that there’s heaps of lore, loads of background reading, a thorough painting guide (including some basic weathering ideas), some rules guides, and, of course, all the assembly instructions you need for the miniatures in the kit.

Speaking of miniatures, check this guy out.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 14 Premium Kit 3 Cadre Fireblade

The T’au Cadre Fireblade is the ‘hero’ miniature in this Premium Kit. A surprisingly small miniature, he’s nonetheless covered in a huge amount of painstaking detail. That he also comes on a neat scenic base also scores some bonus points from us.

He’s definitely not alone. Following him is a T’au Stealth Team.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 14 Premium Kit 3 Stealth Team

In my very humble opinion, these models are a little bit dull. Whilst they’re certainly iconic amidst the T’au range, they are extremely similar to look at (aside from a few weapon options). They poses are largely identical, and the drone that comes with them isn’t all that different from the other drones you receive in this set.

Well, that isn’t entirely fair. There are a couple of build variations for the drones in the set, as you’ll see in the image below.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 14 Premium Kit 3 Drones and Turret

The Tactical Turret (that squat, barrel-like thing with a six-pack of missiles on its back) is accompanied by a few drones, all of which can have their undercarriages changed to suit a different battlefield role.

Last but not least, we arrive at the iconic Fire Warriors.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 14 Premium Kit 3 Fire Warriors

Who remembers Fire Warrior? I was 9 when that game came out and I absolutely loved it – even if I did get stuck on the mission when all the Chaos Space Marines showed up (seriously, the amount of ammo it took to take one of those things out was daft). I can still remember charging through the trench complex of the original few missions, blasting Imperial Guardsmen to bits with my Carbine.

This Premium Kit would not be able to be considered complete without some of these tiny xenos soldiers. The archetypical T’au unit, the Fire Warrior, with its sleek helmet and array of iconic weapons, are much adored across the 40K fandom, both for their looks, their firepower, and their comical lack of ability to withstand any kind of melee damage whatsoever.

Premium Kit 3 is an excellent addition to any Imperium collection. With a splash of something new and exciting, there will be many collectors out there now looking at the array of impressive T’au warsuits and other miniatures available to flesh out their burgeoning armies.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 14: Issues 51-54 Review – Price and Availability

No FauxHammer.com partworks article would ever be complete without a comprehensive price breakdown. As such, here are some tables for your perusal.

Issue no.Issue Price (GBP)Total Value (GBP)Total Savings
Issue 47£8.99£5.50–£3.49
Issue 48£8.99£17.50£8.51
Issue 49£8.99£17.50£8.51
Issue 50£8.99£12.85£3.86

And again for our friends in the US.

Issue no.Issue Price (USD)Total Value (USD)Total Savings
Issue 47$13.95$9.10-$4.85
Issue 48$13.95$30.00$16.05
Issue 49$13.95$30.00$16.05
Issue 50$13.95$21.42$7.47

Savings were never going to be as good as the staggering value we saw in the previous delivery, but this definitely should not be sniffed at. Savings of £20/$30 across the delivery more than make up for some of the lower numbers we saw in earlier deliveries.

Plus, as we said in our previous delivery round-up, the value is likely better than the number we’ve put here, and that’s down to how we’ve tried to apply a figure to the Adepta Sororitas models. To try and give a sense of the price of these models, we took the Sisters Combat Patrol price and divided it by the sprues in the box. The Sisters sprue that comes with issue 54 is 1 of 7 sprues in the Combat Patrol, so the rough – and we mean rough – value of this sprue is around £12.85.

This is, however, probably wrong. Value is assigned to the models themselves, so the price of the sprue is likely to be much higher. However, because they’re all jumbled up and mixed across several sprues and multiple Imperium issues, it’s very hard for us to figure out their value. This, then, is a lowest-estimate figure.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 14: Issues 51-54 Review – Final Thoughts

Awesome miniatures
Good savings
Excellent Premium Kit
Triarch Stalker is a bit fiddly to build at points

Okay, so it was never going to be quite as spectacular as Delivery 13, but Delivery 14 and Issues 51-54 definitely keep the Imperium candle burning.

There’s a huge amount to like here and very little to criticise. The base magazines and the content available with them is top-notch. The miniatures are varied and look great – even if a couple of them are a bit on the fiddly side. The savings are also good, too, which is always very welcome.

Premium Kit 3 is also fantastic. Packed with a ton of good-quality miniatures, there’s a lot to love found within the cardboard walls of the premium box.

I’m excited for next month already.

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  • VoltorRWH

    Rob has spent most of the last 20 years playing World of Warcraft and writing stories set in made-up worlds. At some point, he also managed to get a Master's degree by writing about Medieval zombies.

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Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 14: Issues 51-54
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Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 14: Issues 51-54


Rob has spent most of the last 20 years playing World of Warcraft and writing stories set in made-up worlds. At some point, he also managed to get a Master's degree by writing about Medieval zombies.

One thought on “Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 14: Issues 51-54 Review

  • November 10, 2022 at 9:44 am

    Are you delayed in reviewing these magazines? I’ve already had the next 4 magazines and I’ve had them about a week. 3 blokes on motor bikes, spread across 2 magazines. 2 paints; a red (I think it’s evil Sunz red and Maccrage or Calgar blue?) and a blue and the 4ths contents escapes me but it was a disappointing month in terms of what’s in the magazines.


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