Warhammer Stormbringer – New AoS Partworks Magazine from Hachette

Last Updated on February 17, 2022 by FauxHammer

Did you see the post last week? About Warhammer Stormbring? Well turns out that is Warhammer Stormbringer. A(another) new partworks magazine from Hachette! and this time we are back to the Age of Sigmar. Based around the 3rd edition (aka Dominion) rules and models.

Yep, I know. I’m also gutted it’s not a Warhammer Cross-Stitch magazine!

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Warhammer Stormbringer Partworks Colletion

Ok, so we are now looking at the 4th iteration of Warhammer partworks magazines. This sequel to Mortal Realms magazine is now based around Warhammer Age of Sigmar 3rd Edition.

In that, you’ll be getting a bunch of models from that set along with tons more.


hard to see in the above image, but we have Stormcast vs Orks in the most part. And yeah, it’s all the “new” style of Stormcast models. Gone are the old chunky chaps (legwear, not men, I am aware we have female Stormcast) and in is our new, sleeker, Sigmarines.

On closer inspection however, we can see that (like with Imperium). The main armies are once again reinforced. this time with the likes of Steampunk Dwarves. Ogres and even some Tree-People!

And yes. as if you can’t spot them. There be dragons!

Warhammer Stormbringer – Colletion, Issues and price

Everything appears to follow the previous collections

  • 80 issues
  • Weekly (bar issue 1 which has a 2 week run)
  • £8.99 per issue (with issues 1 & 2 being £2.99 & £5.99 respectfully)
  • £2 extra per issue for the premium sub
  • 4 Premium kits coming
  • 5 free gifts throughout the series

So, it’s the usual fare here that we have all come to expect. yay

We’ve now done the full breakdown of all the contents, cost of the collection and models in it.

Click below to see the breakdown

Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - Full Collection Savings Breakdown - Featured

All in all a 30%-40% saving, we are looking at a collection that saves us slightly more than imperium did, but is comparable to GW’s Battlebox savings.

Warhammer Stormbringer Contents

Here’s the first 4 issues.

I’ll do my usual value breakdown’s later on.

Warhammer Stormbringer Issue 1 Contents

Sprue D from Dominion

  • Orruk Killaboss & Stab-grot
  • Knight-Arcanum

Warhammer Stormbringer Issue 2 Contents

Sprue A from Dominion

  • 10 x Gutrippaz
Warhammer Age of Sigmar Dominion Review - Sprue A Coloured

Warhammer Stormbringer Issue 3 Contents

Sprue B from Dominon

  • 5 Stormcast Vindicators
Warhammer Age of Sigmar Dominion Review - Sprue B Coloured

Warhammer Stormbringer Issue 4 Contents

Warhammer Stormbringer – Premium Collection

Once again we have a premium offering with 4 more sets models.

However, at present, they only “tease” what is coming. Premium Kit 1 for example has Yndrasta – The Celestial Spear. And whilst it teases “+More”. We know some of the more because we know what is on the sprue with her…

3 Annihilators and a Knight-Vexillor.

But based on the value of the previous premium kits. I genuinely hope this isn’t all that’s all we get in the one premium set.

Premium set 2 features the Killaboss on Great Gnashtoof. And once again we know what comes with that model. A Murknob with Belcha-Banna and man Skewer Boltboys(z).

for more on the premium sets, please see the official webpage

Warhammer Stormbringer – It’s a Trial!

Here is the most pointless part of this whole post. (because we’ll still have hundreds of people ask “where are my issues” for the next 3 months.) proving nobody reads these articles.

Yes, it comes out in (some) newsagents tomorrow. Does this mean it’s near you? Probably not. Every collection they have done so far has featured an initial 5-week trial. Just 4 issues. The company will act like this is a real, live, ongoing subscription. But it is no more than a trial for the next 5 weeks (issue 1 is out for 2 weeks, then it’s weekly).

You can subscribe online as I just have, but you will not see any issues until at least the summer.

But last time they did this, all of us early subscribers got a free mug. Check out my review of said mug below.

Warhammer Stormbringer & FauxHammer

So, to let everyone know. At this time, we have no pre-arranged agreement for FauxHammer to provide any exclusive info on this collection as we have with both Mortal Realms and Imperium.

Why? I don’t know, I am begging as I always do and we may be able to offer you everything we have done with the previous collections.

But even if we don’t have that (or similar) agreement in place. We will still be doing the usual crazy coverage as we always have. I love these collections on a personal front, so why would I stop covering them?

Expect full content per issue list calculating the value savings as we learn what is coming out. We’ll do a full breakdown of the army image above to infer what is available. and a breakdown of the premium kit’s too.

So stick with us and hit that notification bell in the bottom corner so you can stay up to date with the latest. I’ll have more info for you tomorrow. it’s gonna be a long evening!

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  • FauxHammer

    Self-appointed Editor in chief of FauxHammer.com - But I need to thank the team for existing and therefore enabling me to give myself role - without them, I'm just a nerd with a computer and a plastic addiction.

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Self-appointed Editor in chief of FauxHammer.com - But I need to thank the team for existing and therefore enabling me to give myself role - without them, I'm just a nerd with a computer and a plastic addiction.

6 thoughts on “Warhammer Stormbringer – New AoS Partworks Magazine from Hachette

  • February 15, 2022 at 5:10 pm

    Awesome! Look forward to you previews and updates.

  • February 15, 2022 at 9:04 pm

    Fantastic! I always give Fauxhammer a shout-out in the Hachette surveys – the blog and your YT channel do a great job promoting these partworks.

  • February 15, 2022 at 10:19 pm

    Thanks for posting. Would you mind giving your thoughts (and I know you may not as you’re trying to get coverage with Hatchet, so that’s cool if not) if this would be good value if I already have the Dominion boxed set?

    • February 15, 2022 at 11:36 pm

      Depends what you want. If you just want more models to paint then yeah. Bar the off couple of command units. All the models you get here can easily be doubled up on in an army.

      So 100% yeah.

  • February 17, 2022 at 2:42 pm

    Thanks for the information keep it up. I will need your updates as I will be just getting the stuff I like and want. On the main this is one is a big miss for me.
    I won’t be scalping just choosing what I want.

  • February 18, 2022 at 2:47 pm

    Is there anyone that found the issue #1 in London?



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