Warhammer Imperium Magazine – Army Points Breakdown

Last Updated on June 25, 2021 by FauxHammer

Here’s a new type of post for me. You know when I started this site it was meant to be about miniature painting. Then I fell in love with the partworks magazines and decided to just go with it. I’ve never been into the gaming side of this hobby, but I’ve been asked more than a few times now “What is the points cost of each army in Warhammer 40,000 Imperium?” So here we go, I’m now doing the gaming side of coverage with our breakdown of Warhammer Imperium Magazine’s Points per Army

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Ok, let me just say, as I got into writing this I announced to the FauxHammer team what I was doing and my plan was to do a grid similar to the cost breakdown article but instead of giving you prices, tell you the points for all the models.

That’s when someone (Oberael) who knows much more about the gaming side of the hobby made a minor suggestion.

“Umm, GW will probably get a bit grumpy if we share the points cost of each model – that’s the whole point of the various Codiecies and other publications”.

And whilst (at this time) we have no direct affiliation with GW. As massive fans of their various products, the last thing we want to do is P them off.

Looking around online, this seems to be the case and just trying to find the points values for these models was a chore (for me especially as I have no background in the game). There are sources that have been recommended to me, which I have used extensively here.

I was initially planning to get the 40k app, but reviews within my own inner hobby circle have been mixed – to put it politely.

So anyway, below I’m going to summarise the units list again and then give a total for the points in the various forces. Hopefully, this overall suggestion rather than the specific breakdown will be enough to keep the dark gods happy.

When calculating this, I’ve paid close attention to the specific units shown in the complete army images so that I can ensure I’ve picked the correct loadout based on what Hachette’s picture indicated we are to build the models as. Obviously you can build your force a different way and stray from the mags, or pick up extra copies of certain issues to give yourself the choice.

But for this, we are following as close as we can infir from the magazine.

Warhammer Imperium – Army Points Summary

With this being 2021 – chances are I’ve lost 75% of the audience already with all the words above. So here’s a reward for those of you who stuck around.

A quick Summary Table of the forces included in the mag

Space Marine Army2196
Sisters of Battle449
Adeptus Mechanicus310
Imperial Forces Total2955
Necron Army2304

Warhammer Imperium – Imperial Army Points

Straight away I’m going to note (as you will have seen above) that the 2 main forces in this set, Imperial & Necron, are heavily unbalanced – with the forces of the Imperium boasting nearly 600 points extra over top of the Necron

The full imperial force clocks in at 2955 points

I believe the intent here is that when we get to the later issues, the game scenarios presented will take only a selection of the Imperial forces against the Necrons, which should help guide you into building your own army whilst keeping them balanced.

Colour me surprised if the mag doesn’t start nudging you toward the 40k app.

Warhammer Imperium – Space Marine Army Points

The Space Marines alone clock in at 2196 points which is just about 200 shy of the total Necron Army. So the inclusion of both Sisters and Adeptus Mechanicus (AdMech) really is just a bonus!

The Space marine force includes;

Warhammer Imperium – Sisters of Battle Army Points

As we noted earlier in our coveraghe, the Adeptus Sororitas are an exact match to the Army Box released release back at the end of 2019.

The models in this set add up to 449 points

As for the models themselves, check out the list below

Warhammer Imperium – Adeptus Mechanicus Army Points

And the small scattering of Admech units works out at 310 points

Warhammer Imperium – Necron Army Points

The Necron force is a pretty decent starter army in its own right and remembers you can always bolster these forces with multiple copies of some issues. Whilst the force is HQ heavy already you can always get a command barge as an option (though I expect this will span multiple issues)

The Necron force below adds up to 2304 points

Ouside the HQ you can easily double or tripple up on many of these units. many of them will likely be a single issue too. A ton of the Elite forcres below can be duplicated for a larger force and who wouldn’t want more Tomb Blades as they just look so cool.

So that’s it, 2 decent forces, all at a huge 40% – 50% off retail along with what is really some bonus extras by having the AdMech and Sisters.

What do you think of all this? Are you going to be getting Imperium to start a new army? Bolster an existing force? is this your first entry into Warhammer? Let us know in the comments.

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  • FauxHammer

    Self-appointed Editor in chief of FauxHammer.com - But I need to thank the team for existing and therefore enabling me to give myself role - without them, I'm just a nerd with a computer and a plastic addiction.

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Self-appointed Editor in chief of FauxHammer.com - But I need to thank the team for existing and therefore enabling me to give myself role - without them, I'm just a nerd with a computer and a plastic addiction.

2 thoughts on “Warhammer Imperium Magazine – Army Points Breakdown

  • March 15, 2021 at 4:03 pm

    Awesome stuff, thanks for the continued updates. I resisted mortal realms and Conquest, just picking up the odd issue from FP as you recommend but after missing their launch box the sisters in this one have pushed me to subscription

  • March 19, 2021 at 7:52 am

    I subscribed and got an email from Hatchette the other day. In it they confirm this is a trial but the uptake has gone well and they expect to release late summer


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