Warhammer Imperium Magazine Issues 5 – 10 Contents Confirmed

Last Updated on February 4, 2022 by FauxHammer

Here we are, back again with another series of Content Confirmed. this time for the incredible new (currently upcoming) Warhammer Imperium Magazine. Kicking off this exclusive series with some exclusive news. we are exclusively revealing the contents of Warhammer Imperium Issue 5-10. Exclusively on FauxHammer.com. Look, I’m excited about this being exclusive ok! I worked hard on this.

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Warhammer Imperium Magazine Contents – Video Edition

Don’t want to read? well, it’s 2021 so I don’t blame you. Nobody has time for that. To make it easier, check out our video version of this article below

Don’t forget to like, comment, subscribe & hit that wee’ li’l notification bell.

Warhammer Imperium Magazine – Introduction.

Ok a few things before we get to the contents.

1. Join our Facebook Group

We currently run the largest Facebook Group for Warhammer Conquest and Warhammer Imperium collectors. get the latest news, share your progress, ask for advice.

When I say get the latest news, well, you know that email you just got from Hachette for being a subscriber, Well at least 40 people have already shared it in the group. ;)

Not bad that we run the biggest group considering we only created it because we kept getting told off by other groups for posting exclusive news. Anyway, the point of this group is to post what you want, so long as it’s about Conquest or Imperium, or 40k or Partworks in general. we aren’t too fussed really so long it’s hobby related. Just don’t spam and don’t directly insult anyone.

2. Subscribe with, or buy extra issues from Forbidden Planet

There’s no doubt that you may want some extra issues throughout this collection. Imperium is simply the cheapest way to buy many of these models. The easiest way to get extra issues is to order them from Forbidden Planet. This means you keep stock on the shelves in retail stores so that anyone uninitiated can happen upon a magazine and maybe we get a new hobbyist.

If you subscribe here you also have the benefit of receiving your issues weekly, normally packed in a box not a plastic envelope and you never need to leave the house.

They do charge postage but this caps out at £5.50 once you buy 3 or more of any combination of issues. At least with Conquest and Mortal Realms, the issues were 50p cheaper than retail. So as long as you order 11 issues in one order, you break even. order more and you also save money. and yes, we know you are going to buy at least 10 Guilliman when he rolls around (probably in issue 80).

At the time of writing, the issues are not yet up for preorder but keep checking this link until they appear.

Full disclosure, it says at the top of the pager but I’ll be clear, we are an affiliate of Forbidden Planet which mean if you buy after clicking our link, we make a commission at no extra cost to you. It’s how I keep the lights on.

3. Win a Premium Subscription through us!

I know I said this would be a YouTube exclusive and we wouldn’t post about this on the page. But I’ll be honest this hasn’t been anywhere near as popular as I thought it would have been. so I’ll shamelessly boot the numbers by shouting about it again

I’ve set the video above to ignore all the fluff at the intro explaining what conquest is, but if you want to win, the steps are simple.

  1. Like that Video
  2. Subscribe to the Channel
  3. Comment on the video telling me why you’re excited for the Warhammer Imperium Magazine
  4. Share the video (I will ask you to prove you did and if you can’t we will bounce your preliminary win to someone else).

Under 18’s are welcome to enter with the permission of a parent or guardian, The competition closes on 23/08/21 at 5pm GMT. I’ll set up a live stream for that evening for the draw. and will contact you to share your details with Hachette to get you set up ready for the first despatch of the magazines from the 25th onwards.

4. Know the pre release schedule.

11/08/21– Today (at the time this article is released) we can reveal the contents of all the issues up to issue 10 hurray. But we aren’t the only ones with the magazine. Other Content Creators will be releasing their views over this next week.

Check out places like Tale of Painters (a personal favourite blog) for their take on Imperium.

Tale of Painters Logo

18/08/21The Warhammer Imperium website is back up for new Subscriptions. if you missed out on subscribing during the Trial run, that’s ok. You can sign up as a new subscriber through the official website from 18/08/21 onwards.

Also, be on the lookout for the TV advert dropping this week too.

25/08/21 – Warhammer Imperium Magazine Released. Nip on to your local Newsagents, Forbidden Planet, WH Smiths Tesco, ASDA or Warhammer store and you should see issue 1 on the shelves. Issue 1 will be out for 2 weeks before Issue 2 drops. and from then on it will be a weekly magazine.

Online subscribers issues should start shipping shortly after this and you should be getting issues 1 & 2 through the post around the time issue 2 drops in stores (depending on when you subscribed)

5. Follow our Main Imperium Contents post.

When we get new issues we always do a separate post, but if you want to keep an eye on the latest, or the complete collection info by following this page.

This is also where you will find the content for issues 1-4

Warhammer Imperium Magazine Issues 5 – 10 Contents

Ok I’ll shut up now and show you what you are here for

Warhammer Imperium Issue 5 Contents

Release Date: 29/09/21

Issue Price£8.99$11.95$$
Total Value£22.50$35.0$4530 €$60
Total Saving£13.51$23.05$$

With Conquest, we had Lieutenant Calcius (which I converted into an Akira Primaris Outrider). With Mortal Realms, we had Xandria Azurebolt. Now with Warhammer Imperium, this is our Exclusive model.

As for his Name, well I’ve spoken with Hachette and I have the info on his name. But I want to know what you think? Put your guesses in the comments. Here’s a clue It’s something Ultramariney. But if he were from another chapter. What chapter and what would you name him?

Warhammer Imperium Magazine - Primaris Captain

Warhammer Imperium Issue 6 Contents

Release Date: 06/10/21

Issue Price£8.99$11.95$$
Total Value£22.75$50$$
Total Saving£13.76$38.05$$

This was one of the slightly later issues of Conquest (issue 11) that gave us the Aggressors. A formidable unit right upfront. Since you can’t get these easy build models from GW anymore. this could be your last chance to grab this sprue. get at least a couple of them whilst you can. Especially at this price.

Oh and you get some Abaddon Black.

Warhammer Conquest Contents Issue 11
Warhammer Conquest Contents Issue 1, 26 & 49

Warhammer Imperium Issue 7 Contents

Release Date: 13/10/21

Issue Price£8.99$11.95$$
Total Value£9.20$15.20$$
Total Saving£0.21$3.25$$

Our First Paints only issue, we’ll be getting a few of these and many of them like before may only contain two paints. here we get 3 for the price of slightly less than 3. Not too bad as one of these is Retributor armour. the absolute best Gold GW makes

Warhammer Conquest Contents Issue 1
Mortal Realms Full Contents - Issue 2 - Corax White
Warhammer Conquest Contents Issue 14

Warhammer Imperium Issue 8 Contents

Release Date: 20/10/21

Issue Price£8.99$11.95$$
Total Value£17.50$28$35€22.50$29
Total Saving£8.51$16.05$$

This is the other Command unit that arrived in Indomitus and its follow up starter sets. Where the Recruit edition came with the Royal Warden that you got in Issue 1 . This chap came with the larger Elite and Command Editions.

The price value can vary depending on how you get him. With Command and Elite Editions of 40K 9th edition. The value per model in those sets is around £2.41 (or local equivalent above) or half of £10.83 if you consider the price per sprue. in which case he is half of one.

But an equivalent model (Overlord) would probably cost you about £17.50

Update: sorry sorry sorry, as above I originally reported this to be the Necron Overlord from Indomitus and the 40k 9th edition starter sets. However. After looking back over the complete army list. I noticed that we don’t actually get that overlord. We get the retail overlord!!!!

Value and demand of this issue Immediately goes right up!

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Maagazzine Contents - Issue 8 - Necron Overlord

Warhammer Imperium Issue 9 Contents

Release Date: 27/10/21

Issue Price£8.99$11.95$$
Total Value£5.42 – £14.50$8.30 – $22.50$$
Total Saving-£3.57 – £5.51-$3.65 – $10.55$$

This is the first half of Sprue B from Indomitus and the 9th edition starter sets. Which I’ve coloured in for you below so that you can see which models go with which parts. You get the option to build these with Gauss Reapers or gauss Flayers – though Indomitus will show you a specific way and deliver the other 10 models to build the other way across 2 later issues.

Technically you get five and a half Warriors in this issue and can only properly build 4. As 2 of the heads come next week and one of the weapons + arms is required to build the 6th Warrior. (assuming you get the top half of the sprue shown below this week).

It will be interesting to know how they are going to have you build this. arguably the faceplates for the heads are interchangeable but all the instructions I’ve seen identify 2 only two specific faces per model.

Value again is tricky, you can get this as cheap as £1.63 as the per model price if you buy Recruit Edition. (so multiply this by 6 as the minimum number of wariors+scarabs it can be (£9.78), the sprue value is around £5.42 as this is half a full sprue. But to buy this specific unit on its own, you’re looking at £29 – sand it’s half of that.


Warhammer Imperium Issue 10 Contents

Release Date: 03/11/21

Issue Price£8.99$11.95$$
Total Value£5.42 – £14.50$8.30 – $22.50$$
Total Saving-£3.57 – £5.51-$3.65 – $10.55$$

The other half of the above


Warhammer Imperium Magazine Issues 5 – 10 Contents – Final Thoughs

By this point of the magazine, you are pretty stacked on the Necron side. With the two command units, all those Warriors and Destroyers from issue 4. I have no idea what’s next at this point but my money is on some Assault Marines or maybe some Outriders. but it may be a little early in the series to be chucking out bikes.

If history has told us anything it’s that the big units will come much later into the series.

What do you think is coming next, check out the complete collection breakdown then let us know in the comments

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  • FauxHammer

    Self-appointed Editor in chief of FauxHammer.com - But I need to thank the team for existing and therefore enabling me to give myself role - without them, I'm just a nerd with a computer and a plastic addiction.

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Self-appointed Editor in chief of FauxHammer.com - But I need to thank the team for existing and therefore enabling me to give myself role - without them, I'm just a nerd with a computer and a plastic addiction.

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