Warhammer Imperium – New 40k Magazine from Hachette Partworks?

Last Updated on January 4, 2021 by FauxHammer

Merry Christmas and Happy Boxing Day Everyone (assuming you celebrate it). If you follow the site you will know I rarely do the whole Rumour and Speculation thing, but when it comes to partworks magazines, I’ll latch onto anything I can! So this is a total rumour at this point, but we likely have our first glimpse of a new 40k Partworks Magazine – Warhammer 40,000 Imperium.

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This news came to me from Archonaess – our French translator who was watching YouTube and came across this snippet of detail. IMHO this looks fairly concrete based on previous findings we’ve seen on Hachette’s site.

Here’s the source; On Chapter Master Valrak’s Youtube Channel, he noted at the end of his latest video (one man’s footnote is another man’s article) that one of his Discord members “ThePhoenix” saw the new listings on Hachette’s website – see below.

Update – it appears that the first known record of this was from Bolter & Chainsword Forum User FRATER DOMUS – so well done and kudos for breaking the story!

So, here’s what we know.

Earlier this week, when searching Hachette’s website for “Warhammer” you’d be greeted with a huge list of Warhammer Mortal Realms Issues as usual. However, you would have also seen two blank placeholders titled “Warhammer 40,000 Imperium” Issues 1 & 2, Priced at £2.99 and £5.99 respectively.

It’s still there now, go check.

If you click those links however, you are greeted with blank pages.

But those pages were up long enough for Google Crawl-Bots to pick up the existence and for a time you could search “Hachette Warhammer Imperium” and find further proof they exist in Google.

Warhammer 40k Imperium - Google Search

I can’t seem to find this however

What is Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Magazine?

I’m not sure, I do still have a good relationship with Hachette and I have reached out to them for comment. If I do get a response I’ll likely be under NDA until they are ready to announce it. This means anything they do tell me, I can’t disclose. But it doesn’t stop me from talking about things in the public domain and speculating.

Had they told me anything I would likely not be making this comment as I would have no way to prove that my speculations aren’t directly based on information they have given – thus risking my relationship with them.

So please take the fact that I am talking right now as proof that I have had no info from them, but as soon as I do, I will share it when allowed.

Also, we are now doing much more YouTube Content ourselves, so stay up to date with our latest videos and such. See the video version of this article below.


Is Warhammer 40,000 Imperium a Partworks Magazine?

Most certainly, that’s what Hachette do. They have so far been Responsible for Warhammer Legends (a Black Libray Book Series), Warhammer 40,000 Conquest (A model collecting and gaming series based Warhammer 40,000) & Warhammer Mortal Realms (The same as Conquest, but for Age of Sigmar)

Is Warhammer 40,000 Imperium a Models Collection Like Conquest & Mortal Realms?

It could be, the time is about right.

Conquest and Mortal Realms were insanely popular. Assuming it made money for both companies (how could it not unless someone has done really bad Return On Investment maths when arranging this deal) why would Hachette and Games Workshop not want to do this again?

Assuming Covid-19 had not screwed up the worlds and delayed Mortal Realms magazine several weeks, we’d have been getting issue 50-60 around now. It was about that time in the Conquest Subscription when Moral Realms was revealed. It’s like that even though MR had it’s schedule impacted, this should not impact GW’s future projects.

They’ve been scrambling to get their product releases back on track for a while rather than just delay everything 3 months.

It could be another Black Library collection series, But I’m quietly confident this will be the new version of Warhammer 40,000 Conquest. I could be wrong, I often am.

How Much will Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Issues Cost?

Well, Issue 1 is clearly indicated to be £2.99 and Issue 2 is £5.99. This matches Mortal Realms Pricing and suggests the standard-issue price would be £7.99 like the last two magazines. But I wouldn’t be surprised if we see a hike up to £8.49 or £8.99 with standard issues. Brexit an all.

Update: As pointed out in the comments and I personally checked. Warhammer Imperium Issue 3 was shown on the site at a price of £8.99.

Now showing Issue 3 & Issue 4 at £8.99. So expect a slight price hike with this new series.

If Warhammer 40,000 Imperium is a miniatures collection, what Armies will it Feature?

Well, Conquest came out after Dark Imperium, and like that box, it focussed on Space Marines Vs Deathguard. Mortal Realms came out after Soul Wars and again, like the last boxed set, featured Stormcast and Nighthaunt.

The last 40k Boxed set was the incredible Indomitus. So my Money is on Space Marines and Necron. The latter of which being perfect for the beginner painter (not so much for building though – fiddly)

What is in Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Issue 1?

Conquest came with paints and Space Marines. Mortal Realms Came with no paints but had Stormcast Sequitors and Chainrasps so you could get straight into playing the game.

Warhammer Imperium Issue 1 Concept
Official Image – Definately not a dodgy mock-up by me I promise.

If I were a gambling man, I’d say that Issue 1 will come with a Sprue of Necron Warriors from Indomitus and a Squad of Assult Space Marines from the same set along with a fold-out play mat and some dice.

Then you’ll get paint and some more models in issues 2 & 3.

How often are Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Issues released?

Like the other magazines, this will be weekly. You can subscribe with Hachette who will deliver the issues every 4 weeks-ish (it’s been quite intermittent over the last two series) But with Hachette, you get some exclusive extras with certain deliveries. See our Mortal Realms page for examples of what you got with that.

You can also subscribe with your local newsagent and pick it up weekly.

Or (my preferred method) Subscribe with Forbidden Planet. They charge you postage per issue up to 3 issues then postage is capped at £5.50 no matter if you order 3 issues or 30 issues. They normally offer the magazine 50p cheaper than anyone else anyway. As long as you buy 11 issues in one order you can get them at the same price (or cheaper if you order 12 or more issues in one order) delivered to your house weekly.

What countries will Warhammer 40,000 Imperium be released in?

Again, inferring from the last two magazine series, we can expect to see this in the UK first and foremost. Those series have also popped up in European countries such as Spain, France, Germany & Italy – Both magazines have also made the journey across the ocean to Austraila

Unfortunately theres been no sign of either of these Magazines in the Amricas which is really unfortunate for that huge market.

So if you are a partworks publisher in that region, sort it out and get these mags distributed!

When will Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Issues 1 be released?

Unknown, based on these pages being on the site I expect it will be trialled in the First-Quarter of 2021.

Worth noting that these magazines are always trialled for a few months before release.

With both Conquest and Mortal Realms, The issues appeared in some stores in one Region of the UK. Partworks companies do this to estimate the demand for a series before it rolls-out proper.

If you see this on shelves in the next 3 months, you are likely just to be seeing the trial version in your area. During the trial, the official website will be live and due to people in the trial area posting online, everyone in the UK will know before long. At this point, anyone can subscribe, but you won’t actually get anything until the series is launched proper.

If you call Hachette, history has shown us they will “not know anything about a trial” and will encourage that this is a proper launch and be unsure as to why the issues are not shipped, suggest delays and come up with all manner of crazy excuses to pretend they know nothing about a trial – I have no idea why this is their standard practice… Maybe they don’t want to influence the results of a trial by admitting it’s a trial? Whatever…

Anyway. In the last two series, anyone who has subscribed during this trial period. has been offered the first 3 issues free when the product rolls out properly, normally 3-6 months post-trial.

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  • FauxHammer

    Self-appointed Editor in chief of FauxHammer.com - But I need to thank the team for existing and therefore enabling me to give myself role - without them, I'm just a nerd with a computer and a plastic addiction.

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Self-appointed Editor in chief of FauxHammer.com - But I need to thank the team for existing and therefore enabling me to give myself role - without them, I'm just a nerd with a computer and a plastic addiction.

12 thoughts on “Warhammer Imperium – New 40k Magazine from Hachette Partworks?

  • December 26, 2020 at 2:16 pm

    Hey, there definitely will be a new Hachette Partwork Magazine series. Rhu changed job to work on Hachette Partworks GW content. It was posted on his Twitter.

  • December 26, 2020 at 3:47 pm

    Welp. Colour me tentatively interested. Conquest and Mortal Realms were both pretty great value and the only reason I didn’t go all-in on the latter was lack of living space, but I’ve cleared a couple of cubic feet now…

  • December 26, 2020 at 4:48 pm

    This would be great! I’m hoping it’s a few months off tho, so that Mortal Realms is closer to completion. I was disappointed to miss Conquest but picked up a few issues and Mortal Realms has been great for a beginner to pick up a range of models to build/paint/play. I’ll look forward to your coverage 👍🏼

  • December 26, 2020 at 10:19 pm

    Good news. Hope to hear more if you are allowed to share any updates!

    Interesting they called it imperium rather than indomitus. Too much to hope one of the armies is imperial guard!

  • December 28, 2020 at 11:18 am

    Just searched the website and noticed that issue 3 and it’s £8.99. If it’s more books like legends or another model series, I’m looking forward to it.

  • December 28, 2020 at 2:40 pm

    It’s updated more; issue 3 showing at £8.99 now

  • January 1, 2021 at 5:47 pm

    That’s an extra £80 over the whole run compared to Conquest… :|

  • January 4, 2021 at 1:15 pm

    Issue 4 on there now.;.

  • January 18, 2021 at 3:30 pm

    Just a heads up, the four issues are no longer showing on the website.

    • February 9, 2021 at 8:23 am

      I can neither confirm or deny this to be the intended date.


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