Eldrich Omens Price, Value and Savings Breakdown

Last Updated on January 31, 2022 by FauxHammer

I’ve really gotten back into Chaos Space Marines Lately. First inspired by the Premium Kit from Warhammer Imperium. Then I went and cracked on with the Chaos Battleforce I got in 2020. I’ve also been keeping a close eye on Ravaged Star. So getting a new Battle Box with Chaos Space marines interest had me at hello. Oh and there’s some new Aeldar/Eldar in it. So, let’s see what this box’s value will be in our Price, Value and Savings breakdown for the Eldric Omens box.

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Eldritch Omens Price, Value and Savings Breakdown – Summary

I know most people don’t read these articles, so here’s the main bit you all want to know upfront. This may shock you considering most websites nowadays give you a clickbait headline, waffle a bit and hide the meat of the content somewhere in there. I’m just hoping this win some some internet respect points.

Eldrich Omens - Price, Value & Savings Breakdown - Contents

Please bear in mind that much of this is based on our inferences from previous/existing releases.

Aeldar/Eldar force Value£86.50$145.00$170.00€110.00$228.00
Chaos Space Marine force Value£98.00$160.00$190.00€125.00$220.00
Total Value£184.50$305.00$360.00€235.00$448.00
Box Price*£105.00$170.00$210.00€140.00$290.00
Total Savings£74.50$124.00$150.00€95.00$158.00
Percentage Saved43%44%42%40%35%
* Based on recent Battlebox Prices (Shadow Throne/Fury of the Deep)

So, if the £105 price point is correct, a rough 40% saving on these models, which is fairly standard for these types of Battlebox releases. But there is some more value here, beyond price, when compared to the more recent boxes.

Worth noting, some people have claimed that this box has a £125 (or respective) price point. We are looking for a source to confirm this.

We will update when we know for certain at 10am on Saturday (February 5th) Morning, if we don’t see beforehand. Remember though, you can usually get around 20% off (at least in the UK) whatever the retail price is at a local or online FLGS.

Below is the breakdown assuming the new price point. it’s worth noting that from what I have seen it’s only the UK and EU pricing that has leaked. The other countries are estimated (based on Indomitus RRP)

Aeldar/Eldar force Value£86.50$145.00$170.00€110.00$228.00
Chaos Space Marine force Value£98.00$160.00$190.00€125.00$220.00
Total Value£184.50$305.00$360.00€235.00$448.00
Box Price*£125.00$200.00$240.00€155.00$290.00
Total Savings£59.50$94.00$120.00€80.00$158.00
Percentage Saved32%34%33%34%35%
* Based on rumours of price hike.

And there’s the rub, value-wise, this box cost the same as Indomitus cost us just shy of 2 years ago…

And the savings in this box, “estimated” are almost poultry to Fury of the Deep which was basically 50% off or “get the other faction free”, which was released only two weeks go.

But because this has new-new Aeldar in it. You’ll pay it, and they know it.

It’s has been fairly standard for a while that when a new single model is made, GW will bundle it along with 2 tiny starter forces, stick some fluff around it in the form of a 3ish mission campaign and then charge you for a full box, just to get early hands-on with these 2 new minis

“This is the way”

But here, it’s not just 2 new minis. In fact, the only mini in this box that isn’t new, is the Forge/Mauler Fiend, and that’s an impressive beast on its own.

So you get exclusive access to a decent bunch of new models. Especially good for those you who have been chomping champing at the bit for new Aeldar/Eldar. here’s your place to re-start.

Eldritch Omens – Forces Value

Right, let’s look into the individual forcesT

Eldritch Omens – Aeldar/Eldar force – Value & Savings

Right, what is it? Aeldar? Eldar? in my day (90s) it was Eldar, no confusion. With only one “A”. Now they are referred to as Aeldari. were they always and I just didn’t notice? The first I saw of this new A was in the Lumineth Realm Lords (AoS High Aelves) Army Box. I assumed it was something to do with Games Workshop being unable to Copyright Elves, but they could possibly copyright Aelves. That made sense.

Eldrich Omens - Price, Value & Savings Breakdown - Aeldar Force

But was Eldar ever a thing outside of Warhammer 40,000. is it now just to match up AoS Aelves with 40k Space Aelves naming convention?

Seriously. I don’t know. Please let me know in the comments. but before you answer if it’s now or always has been Aledar. Why is the box called “Eldritch” Omens, not “Aeldaritch Omens”? Come on…

Anyway, here’s what we reckon this force is worth.

Aeldari Autarch*£17.50$30.00$35.00€22.50$40.00
Aeldari Rangers**£32.50$55.00$65.00€42.50$90.00
Aeldari Shroud Runners (Jetbikes)***£36.50$60.00$70.00€45.00$98.00
Total Value£86.50$145.00$170.00€110.00$228.00
* Based price of single command units. e.g. Spiritseer
** Based on Howling Banshees
*** Based on Primaris Outriders

I’ve never been a fan of Eldar models personally. To me, they have always just been the pompous “we’re not Space Marines” force of 40k. But I am looking forward to these ones. the upscale of the models to 32mm is a welcome improvement. The upcoming Grim Fandango Dark Reaper Models look cool too

Now we look forward to remakes of Warp Spiders, Howling Banshees, Striking Scorpions & Fire Dragons.

Then we can really start whinging on not having a single new Tyranid model in almost a decade.

Eldritch Omens – Chaos Space Marine force – Value & Savings

Chaos Space Marines are the best 40k army, fact.

This is the force that drew me to 40k. not one specific Faction, just 40k space Marines in general. my love for these is exactly why I’ve backed the Ravaged Star campaign on Gamefound. I don’t care how long they take to arrive. They are Chaosy Sci-Fi models and so I want them.

Eldrich Omens - Price, Value & Savings Breakdown - Chaos Force

But just as that campaign is released, we finally get to see some new Heretic Astartes direct from GW.

Chaos Warpsmith*£17.50$30.00$35.00€22.50$40.00
Chosen Chaos Space Marines**£32.50$55.00$65.00€42.50$90.00
Total Value£98.00$160.00$190.00€125.00$220.00
* Based on Chaos Lord
*Based on Chaos Space Marine Havocs

These look like a fun set of models to build and I’m super interested to see if any more come from here. We have had new models over the years with the last main release being the models in the Start Collecting Chaos Space Marins boxed set and a small trio in Blackstone Fortress.

Put simply, if GW put Chaos Space marines in a box. I’m buying it even if I need to remortgage to do so.

Eldritch Omens Price, Value and Savings Breakdown – Final Thoughts

yep, this is the way, you want new models, you need to buy a whole box. but it’s nice to know that even if you do, you are only paying slightly over the odds of what you’d pay for these models individually retail. And if you don’t like the other force, you can do what so many others do and sell the other force on eBay.

I remember getting a load of extra Stormcast on the cheap because someone sold that half of Blightwar.

The models in the above set will come out on their own eventually, but this is a great value way to get hands-on now.

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  • FauxHammer

    Self-appointed Editor in chief of FauxHammer.com - But I need to thank the team for existing and therefore enabling me to give myself role - without them, I'm just a nerd with a computer and a plastic addiction.

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Self-appointed Editor in chief of FauxHammer.com - But I need to thank the team for existing and therefore enabling me to give myself role - without them, I'm just a nerd with a computer and a plastic addiction.

6 thoughts on “Eldrich Omens Price, Value and Savings Breakdown

  • January 31, 2022 at 5:38 pm

    The Box is confirmed 155 Euro and 125 Pound – this is basically all new models with other boxes just having a new character. I would guess that Rangers would be somewhere in the range of Howling Banshees and Shroud Runners more like Harlequin Skyweavers (but third model bonus maybe).

      • February 4, 2022 at 5:22 pm

        I can confirm this, too. Information from a shop

  • January 31, 2022 at 8:46 pm

    Great article. You’ve helped convince me to spend money on this because I’ll actually be saving money and so overall I’ll better off… that’s how it works right?

    Eldar is a Tolkien term, I think it’s what the elves call themselves. I doubt it’s under copyright but GW couldn’t exactly claim it was their invention.

    Also, we already have new Howling Banshees, they came out with Jain Zar in Blood of the Phoenix in 2019.

    • January 31, 2022 at 11:12 pm

      That is exactly how it works, yes.

      Thanks for the clarity of Eldar

      I missed the Howling Banshees, but as I said above. my caring for Eldar (sorry Aledar) models is on the low end of a casual shrug.

  • February 3, 2022 at 8:28 pm

    It’s Eldar, always was, always will be. (probably even got some GW materials with the correct spelling 👍in storage)
    While I don’t overly care about the CSM it’ll be fun to paint them, since it’s something I’ve actually never done, or it was so long ago I can’t remember doing it. 🙈 Maybe a traitor version of Space Wolves, that could be fun.

    The Eldar on the other hand, can’t wait to slap some paint in those shinies. Sadly, while it must’ve been 30 years or so since last time I painted one, I’ve always loved the design of the models. Still remember the sleek lines of the Phantom Titans. If I remember correctly I did use the old GW metal purple for the wings on one. 😜 Last Eldar model I bought must’ve been when they released the metal Phoenix Lord’s. Darn, it’s been a long time, aka I’m old. 🤯

    Ot. While it’s true Tolkien used the term Eldar as a name for elves, it does have Norse, Turkish, Persian origins. No clue which one used it first.
    Oh and if the internet is to be believed, GW has actually copyrighted the term Eldar.


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