Leagues of Votann Price, Value and Savings Breakdown

Last Updated on September 13, 2022 by FauxHammer

Exciting!! For the first time in a long time we are seeing a new (old) faction join the Grim Dark Future of the 41st Millennium. As an avid fan of Steam Punk Dwarves myself, loving the Fantasy dwarf redesign with the Kharadron Overlords. I can’t wait to get hands-on with this new box of Miniature miniatures. And since GW upped their prices at the beginning of the year, it’s so nice to see them giving back with these bundle boxes. Let’s have a look at the estimated price value and Savings breakdown for the Upcoming Leagues of Vaotann Army box.

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Leagues of Votann Army Set Price, Value and Savings Summary

Looks like an approximate 40% reduction across the board, depending on how these arrive as retail boxes. Still a solid way to get started with a new army.

Total Value£195.00-£210.00$320.00-$340.00$396.00-$426.00€257.50-€277.50$496.00-$534.00
Army Box Price£120.00*$200.00$240.00€160.00$330.00
Total Savings£75.00-£95.00$120.00-140.00$156.00-$186.00€97.50-€117.50$166.00-$204.00

* We have the UK price confirmed. All other values are worked out in kind.

It’s not clear if these will follow suit of Made-to-Order like the game box releases. But the last Army Box , the Beast Snagga Orks set sold out so fast that they were soon up at double the retail price on eBay.

If you don’t want to be upset then make sure you are on Games Workshop.com or your local FLGS store this Saturday before 10:00am. But I’d start refreshing the page from 09:55 onwards. There may even be a queue on some sites.

Leagues of Votann Army Set Release Date

The news took front-and-centre stage in yesterday’s Warhammer Community Sunday Preview: the Leagues of Votann are coming.

Leagues of Votann Army Set Price Breakdown Hearthkyn Warriors
Leagues of Votann Army Set Price Breakdown hernkyn Pioneers

With the brand-new army box going up for pre-order on Saturday 17th September at 10:00AM, this means it’ll be hitting shelves (and doorsteps) on Saturday 24th September.

Leagues of Votann Army Set Price Breakdown Uthar the Destined and Einhyr Champion
Who else is super excited for the return of the Squats? We certainly are!

Leagues of Votann Army Set Price

We’ve heard that the box will have the following prices…

Current Price£120.00*$200.00$240.00€160.00$330.00

We’ve got it from a pretty reliable source (in fact we are certain of this) that the retail price for the new Leagues of Votann army box will cost £120 in the UK. As such, the values above are worked out based on GW’s usual pricing equivalents in various regions.

Leagues of Votann Army Set Value

The brand-new Warhammer 40,000 faction launch set includes no fewer than 25 hitherto unreleased miniatures:

Leagues of Votann Army Set Price Breakdown Army Set All

As you can see in the image above, there are a few more bits, too: transfer sheets, datacards, a punchboard of tokens, as well as the new faction’s codex.

Now, on its own 28 miniatures for £120 might seem like a bit of a bum deal, but bear in mind there’s a reasonable amount of other stuff in this box as well. Have a look at the table below for our price predictions for these models, and our speculative savings breakdown.

1 x Ûthar the Destined/Kâhl*£24.00$38.00$48.00€31.50$60.00
1 x Einhyr Champion*£24.00$38.00$48.00€31.50$60.00
3 x Hernkyn Pioneers**£37.50$60.00$75.00€50.00$98.00
20 x Hearthkyn Warriors****£30.00-£37.50
$60.00- $75.00
Tokens and Transfer Sheets?????
TOAL VALUE£195.00-£210.00$320.00-$340.00$396.00-$426.00€257.50-€277.50$496.00-$534.00
TOTAL SAVINGS£75.00-£95.00$120.00-140.00$156.00-$186.00€97.50-€117.50$166.00-$204.00
* Based on Captain in Gravis Armour, Primaris Ancient, and other similar Warhammer 40,000 “hero” models
** Based on Outriders
*** per set of 10
**** Based on Primaris Intercessors, Assault Intercessors, Necron Warriors, and other Warhammer 40,000 Troop choices

Obviously, the prices above are very much speculative. We’ve got nothing from the Leagues of Votann in the Warhammer 40,000 range at the moment, so many of the values in the tables above are based on the relative prices of more recent releases (as in within the last 2 years), figures with a similar base size and, we assume, battlefield role.

The figures we really struggled with, though, are the Hearthkyn Warriors. Will these later be sold as a box of 20 or a box of 10? To us, it seems most likely that these figures will retail in boxes on 10 when they are eventually released – after all, most Warhammer 40,000 troop units tend to clock in around that kind of number. Astra Militarum troop choices are usually always 10, Space Marines are always 10, Necrons are always 10, and so-on.

However, it’s not completely inconceivable that they might retail as a box of 20. The new MKVI Tactical Squad for the Horus Heresy does, after all. If so, this will affect the overall price and value in the table above.

As such, do take the values above with a pinch of salt. Got a suggestion for a correction? Let us know in the comments below!

Leagues of Votann Army Set Price, Value & Savings – Final Thoughts

Well, this is all rather exciting, isn’t it?

The Leagues of Votann Army Set promises a brand-new faction (well, not entirely brand new), a host of new miniatures, and a box full of goodies. The pricing is pretty much as we would expect – we’re looking at savings of around 50% when buying the box as opposed to buying everything in the box individually.

Are you hyped for the Leagues of Votann? What else are you hoping to see in the range? Let us know in the comments below!

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  • VoltorRWH

    Rob has spent most of the last 20 years playing World of Warcraft and writing stories set in made-up worlds. At some point, he also managed to get a Master's degree by writing about Medieval zombies.

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Rob has spent most of the last 20 years playing World of Warcraft and writing stories set in made-up worlds. At some point, he also managed to get a Master's degree by writing about Medieval zombies.

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