Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team: Nachmund Review

The Kill Team expansions are coming thick and fast. Hot on the heels of Chalnath, where the Adepta Sororitas clashed with the T’au Empire, fans of Warhammer 40,000’s close-quarters skirmish wargame are being whisked off to the Nachmund Gauntlet, where a group of intergalactic elf pirates are having an epic falling out with some naughty space marines (many of whom seem to look a bit like Eastenders’ Phil Mitchell…).

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Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team: Nachmund Review – Summary

The latest offering in the series of new edition Kill Team releases, Nachmund carries the torch forward with a similar level of pomp and fanfare to its predecessors. With enough new rules to keep competitive players’ noses buried in the new expansion’s book, and some truly fantastic miniatures to boot, Nachmund is only let down by the fact its sprues are extremely complicated and its assembly guide contains a number of glaring mistakes.

Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team: Nachmund Review – Introduction

We’re now seven months into the new edition of Kill Team and we’re once again receiving a hearty injection of fresh content.

So far, we’ve seen the Death Korps of Krieg battling it out with Orks, the Adepta Sororitas squaring off with the T’au Empire, and today the latest instalment of expansive content for Kill Team pits Aeldari space pirates against Chaos Space Marines.

So far, the newest edition of Kill Team and its expansions have been fairly well-received by the community. Whilst the new models on offer have left painters and gamers alike drooling, some of the rules have received a bit of a mixed reception – which you can read about in our original Octarius review – but with each expansion, some of these are slowly ironed out, which is good.

We won’t spend any more time discussing the overarching core rules changes to the new edition of Kill Team in these reviews, as there’s nothing new to be said. Instead, we’ll focus instead only on these expansions.

Today, we have another offering of brand-new miniatures, scenery, and rules to get stuck into. Without further ado, let’s make a start.

Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team: Nachmund Review – Unboxing

The Nachmund box comes emblazoned with the image of one of the new, punk-haired Corsair Voidscarred on the front, bedecked in ocean-blue armour studded with the ovular gemstones so atypical of the Aeldari.

Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team Nachmund Review Unboxing 1

Within lie your sprues – and, boy, there are quite a few this time around. In fact, the box is so thick, the designers at GW have decided they have enough room to print images of the models in the box on the inner sides!

Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team Nachmund Review Unboxing 2

There are 14 sprues in total: 7 for the scenery, 4 for Chaos, and 3 for the Aeldari.

Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team Nachmund Review Unboxing 3

Beneath the plastic lies a divider, designed to keep the pointy bits of sprue from scratching up the stuff beneath.

Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team Nachmund Review Unboxing 4

Beneath the divider lies everything else: the board, the bases, and the book.

Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team Nachmund Review Unboxing 5

Everything is shrink-wrapped or in a packet, so make sure you have something sharp on hand to get it all open.

Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team: Nachmund Review – Contents

The contents of these boxes will be looking a little familiar now for anyone who’s been following these new Kill Team releases.

These boxes tend to be fairly predictable in their contents so as not to play favourites with certain factions, so each release tends to contain a new rules manual, two Kill Teams of around 10 miniatures, some transfer sheets, a few bits of terrain, and a new gaming board for players to play on. Sure, Octarius had a few extras, but that’s to be expected as it was a new edition launch special.

Nachmund repeats the pattern, and GW once again visit the tried-and-trusted formula with the following goodies.

Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team Nachmund Review All
  • 1 x 96-page Kill Team: Nachmund Rules Manual
  • 20 x Citadel Miniatures
    • 10 x Corsair Voidscarred
    • 10 x Legionary Operatives.
  • 2 x Transfer sheets
  • 18 x Sector Mechanicus Terrain Pieces
  • 1 x Double-sided game board

There’s a decent selection of bits in here, and we’ll have a closer look at them all now.

Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team: Nachmund Review – Literature

There’s only one book in the Nachmund box, but it’s a pretty important one as it contains all the info players need to get to grips with their new factions and the Nachmund setting.

Kill Team: Nachmund War Manual

The Nachmund War Manual is the holy grail for purchasers looking for new ways to play Kill Team. It’s a nice – and surprisingly meaty – book. Part of me expected a pamphlet when I read it was 96 pages, so I was surprised by how thick it actually is.

Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team Nachmund Review Book 1

In spite of its modest count of pages – not itself necessarily a bad thing – there’s a lot of content slipped between the pages of this little book.

As ever, a sizeable amount of book is given over to the lore behind the Nachmund expansion. I won’t go into it in any detail here so as not to spoil it for anyone who’s that was inclined, but a good quarter of the book is given over to the futuristic setting, as well as the background to the Corsair Voidscarred and the Legionary Operatives.

Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team Nachmund Review Book 2

There are, as one would hope, plenty of pictures of the models included in the set, all painted to a world-class standard by GW’s ‘Eavy Metal team. If this won’t inspire would-be hobbyists to grab some paints and some brushes, nothing will.

Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team Nachmund Review Book 3
Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team Nachmund Review Book 5

I was also surprised to see a short story, taking an up-close and personal look at the Voidcarred and the Legionaries, tucked in amidst the pages.

Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team Nachmund Review Book 4

The majority of the book, however, is given over to the additional rules introduced with the Nachmund expansion.

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Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team Nachmund Review Book 7

Of course, there are also all the datasheets and stat blocks you need in order to get playing with the figures included in this box.

There are some interesting rules in here to help spice up how you play your games of Kill Team and truly individualise your play style. The Chaos Legionaries, for example, can pledge themselves to any of the various Chaos Gods in order to receive bonuses to how they perform in combat.

Whilst the Chaos rules generally exploit the various themes surrounding the differnet Chaos Gods, the Corsair rules tend to focus around how nimble the Aeldari are, focusing on movement and their general ability to traverse the board at lightning speed.

It’s a really nice book, clearly formatted (though sans an index page, but sporting a concise contents section), with good headings, plenty of pictures, and clear language throughout. Whether you’re a Kill Team veteran or just getting started with the system, you shouldn’t have too many problems navigating this book.

Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team: Nachmund Review – Wargear

Nachmund, much like Chalnath, is a little sparse in terms of gaming aids and accessories. There are no range rulers, no dice, and no tokens in the box, so you’ll need to source these elsewhere if you want to play a game with the Nachmund box.

There is, however, one ….

Double-sided Game Board

These are becoming quite common in GW boxes – not just Kill Team releases. These solid, hardwearing gaming boards are excellent, not just for games of Kill Team, but also for your matches of Warhammer 40,000 or any other sci-fi game you may wish to play.

Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team Nachmund Review Board 1

It’s got a few far-future motifs of it – lots of metal ruins and machinery – so they’re not so easily transferrable into Age of Sigmar (unless you can cover up all of these with other bits of scenery, or just don’t care all that much).

Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team Nachmund Review Board 3 (1)
Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team Nachmund Review Board 2 (1)

The print is of good quality, and because they have cuts for folding there’s less risk of damage to the print from repeated folding and unfolding, as there is with mats or other flat card gaming surfaces that occasionally appear in these kinds of releases.

Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team: Nachmund Review – Models

There are no fewer than 20 miniatures (so, two teams of 10) and 18 bits of terrain in the Nachmund set. Buyers of the box will be safe in the knowledge that they will be able to not only two complete squads to their name, but also that their battlefields can look suitably immersive whilst spinning dice and pushing figures around.

Legionary Operatives

The somewhat unimaginatively named Legionary Operatives make up the Chaos half of the Nachmund box.

Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team Nachmund Review Legionary Operatives 1

As with just about all the recent Chaos Space Marine releases (see Eldritch Omens), there are a huge amount of variant builds for each figure. Each model can be assembled two or three ways – aside from one particular Marine, which has whopping five different builds.

Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team Nachmund Review Legionary Operatives 2

The vast amount of options for each miniature is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, all the different parts available allow you to personalise your figures to your heart’s content, and will leave you with plenty of bits left over for future projects.

Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team Nachmund Review Legionary Operatives 3

However, the large number of components does have a downside. All the parts are spread across multiple sprues, and they’re not the most straightforward to build – not because parts don’t go together well, but because there are a lot of bits distributed almost randomly across the different frames. Tracking down that particular left arm to support the hand holding the bolter is a bit more challenging than it should be, as there’s a good chance it won’t be on the same sprue.

Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team Nachmund Review Legionary Operatives 4

The finished results are great – but they aren’t, perhaps, as unique as one may hope, especially compared to the Corsairs, or any of the other Kill Team squads that have previously been released. The Legionary Operatives have all the grim Chaos energy that you’d want them to have, but there isn’t a huge difference between the Legionary Operatives, and, for example, the Chosen from Eldritch Omens or even just a standard squad of Chaos Space Marines. Sure, there’s more options for how they can be built, but were you to put these on a shelf alongside a few other Chaos units, you might struggle to tell them apart.

Still, they look great, and that should be the takeaway from this. These models are excellently sculpted and will look awesome crushing their enemies on the table top. You might just look down at your line up one day and notice a standard Chaos Space Marine has snuck into your Kill Team.

Corsair Voidscarred

The Voidscarred suffer from the same malady as the Legionary Operatives: a lot of parts in a lot of places.

Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team Nachmund Review Corsair Voidscarred 1

As before, the great thing about the Voidscarred is that there are multiple build options for each figure, and plenty of ways to individualise each model. The likelihood of you turning up to a game and finding someone else there with the same combo of models in their Corsair Voidscarred team is infinitesimally tiny.

However, as before, the parts for each model are scattered haphazardly across three sprues once again, just as they were with the Chaos units. But the issue is more profound with the Voidscarred, as each model is on the whole made up of more parts. Said parts are also significantly smaller, which makes them even more difficult to find.

Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team Nachmund Review Corsair Voidscarred 2

Legs that go together are on different frames. Torso fronts and torso backs – even those numbered sequentially – are found nowhere near each other. Two arms that hold a gun will be found on separate sprues – and neither component will be particularly near the gun either. The hardest part about building the Voidscarred is finding the bits that go into each model.

The results, though, are superb.

Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team Nachmund Review Corsair Voidscarred 3

Where you can criticise the Legionaries for looking perhaps looking a little too similar to some of the other Chaos units available, it’s difficult to say the same of the Voidscarred. These are a really unique, dynamic, and exciting bunch of figures that will delight painters the world over. Corsairs are described as hailing from fleets made up of Aeldari from all different parts of the universe, and thus being made up of all sorts of different cultures. This is captured expertly across these miniatures in the individuality that can be achieved with each model.

Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team Nachmund Review Corsair Voidscarred 4

There’s a huge amount of variation and individuality between all the figures, no matter how they are built, and the level of detail across each and every sculpt is truly excellent. GW have come out of the gates throwing some huge punches with their new Aeldari models and I think we can all agree, so far they’ve done a smashing job.


For the most part, the veritable forest of scenery that comes with the Nachmund box is fairly straightforward to build. The majority of the component parts that go into each model are fairly few, and the guide – although occasionally brief (i.e. skipping repeat steps on some duplicate components with different numbers) – is clear enough.

Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team Nachmund Review Scenery 2 (1)

There are one or two mislabelled components – such as the hatch that goes on top of the Fuel Reservoir – but these are easy enough to circumnavigate, as the clear pictures throughout the guide make it easy to match components to their images.

However, everything goes a little bit wrong when the build guide reaches the Toxic Smog Stacks.

Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team Nachmund Review Smog Stack Issue 5

These two bits of scenery appear to be innocuous and straightforward enough – and they are, for the most part. There is, however, a big problem with them – and it relates to these little parts.

Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team Nachmund Review Smog Stack Issue 4

These little pieces are designed to be used throughout the building process, not only for the Toxic Smog Stacks, but also for the Fuel Reservoirs before them. These little parts are designed to serve two functions: the first is decorative, they’re designed to be used as grate covers on the exterior of the models. You are able to select whichever of the three you like the look of the most and use it to decorate the piece of scenery.

The second job these do is serve as quite important joins throughout the Smog Stacks. Those that are left over and haven’t been used as decoration become key joins in the stack’s build. One is about half way up, the other is on the base.

It’s here things go wrong.

First off, the assembly guide doesn’t actually tell you to attach these parts at the base of the stack. If you’re like me, you’ll notice the issue when “finish” assembling the Smog Stacks as per the guide and try and stand them up. They won’t.

They’ll fall over, as the short, outward-facing vent at the bottom of the stack will prevent the flat bottom of the Smog Stack from sitting flush on a flat surface, and it will topple over. If you look on the reverse of the Nachmund box, though, you can see a Smog Stack on the bottom left-hand corner of the preview image – it clearly has one of these little caps affixed to the bottom of it.

Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team Nachmund ReviewSmog Stack Issue 1

You’ll need to affix your two left over caps to the bottom of each stack – you’ll also need to affix the two pipes that are on the sprue without any explanation to the bottom of the Smog Stacks as well (something I didn’t fully clock until reviewing the pictures I’d taken for this review) as these are also missed off the assembly guide.

Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team Nachmund Review Scenery 3

It’s as if a step of two were completely missed from print. It’s annoying they’ve been missed off, but not the end of the world. However, there is another issue.

One of the caps – the one with the Mechanicus skull on it – isn’t flat.

The sculpt of the mecha-skull’s shape extends beyond the flat edge of the cap, so if you stick one of these on to the bottom of the Smog Stack and try to stand it up, it’ll still fall over. Your options are to either swap this part out with another one available – which is unlikely, as you’ll probably have run out by this point – or to sand/file down the face of the component. You can see the results of not doing so in the image of the Toxic Smog Stacks above – the one on the left is a bit on the wonk.

You can see on the image below I’ve started having to shave some of the bits of it off in order to get it flush with a flat surface.

Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team Nachmund Review Smog Stack Issue 3

This is a singularly frustrating speed-bump in what is otherwise a fairly easy and straight-forward building process.

I make it no secret in these reviews that I’m not much of a fan of building or painting scenery, but I don’t mind the Sector Mechanicus stuff that comes with Nachmund – which must mean that, on the whole, it’s pretty good, in spite of its bumbling build guide.

There’s a good spread of stuff in here: large pieces, smaller bits, and my personal favourite, the crane. The Sector Mechanicus kit is also quite multi-levelled, which will help bring a sense of proper verticality to your games of Kill Team, instead of limiting your battlefield to whatever table surface you’d usually play on.

Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team: Nachmund Review – Price and Availability

When I reviewed Kill Team: Chalnath, I got a bit of a headache trying to figure out whether or not I thought the box was worth the money. To paraphrase a several paragraph-long explanation: although Octarius had a lot more content in it that Chalnath (as was to be expected: the former is a new edition box, the latter an expansion), the fact the two weren’t priced all that far apart left me unsure as to whether or not I felt like Chalnath was worth the money GW were charging for it. Essentially: was Octarius a bargain and Chalnath a fair price, or was Octarius a fair price and thus Chalnath a bit expensive?

Since I last got very confused about the prices of some plastic dudes and some ruined buildings, we’ve not only had GW increase their prices, but we’ve also had a few releases that help shed light on some of the pricings of these Kill Team expansion boxes.

The Veteran Guardsmen, the Ork Kommandos the Octarius War Manual, and all the scenery in the Octarius box have become available for purchase, and the Novitiates and the Pathfinder Team have gone up for pre-order (and likely full purchase at the time of publication of this review), as have the Chalnath War Manual and the Chalnath terrain.

These help us understand just how much value is to be had not only in the prior-released sets, but also how much money we may save with Nachmund.

On average, the Kill Team sets, each of which contains one complete kill team featured in one of the previous boxed releases, average at about £35 GBP/$60 USD/€45 EUR (with the Kommandos costing a little more and the T’au a little less). The books are both priced at £27.50 GBP/$45 USD/€35 EUR. The two scenery boxes also share price tags, weighing in at £67.50 GBP/$112 USD/€87.50 EUR.

Now that we have this information, we’re able to make some guesses as to how much money we’re saving with these boxes. So, it’s time for a couple of FauxHammer.com Price Breakdown Tables.

First off, here are our predictions for how much this stuff will cost to buy separately and the total predicted value of the contents of the Nachmund box, based on the values listed above. Note that this does not include the gaming board.

ItemPredicted Price (GBP)Predicted Price (USD)Predicted Price (EUR)
1 x Corsair Voidscarred Kill Team£35.00$60.00€45.00
1 x Legionary Operatives Kill Team£35.00$60.00€45.00
1 x Kill Team: Nachmund War Manual£27.50$45.00€35.00
1 x Kill Zone: Nachmund£67.50$112.00€87.50
TOTAL VALUE£165.00$277.00€212.50
Note the values in this table are based on the prices of the other Kill Team items listed above.

Here’s how much you save buying the Nachmund box when comparing the retail price to our predicted values.

ItemPrice (GBP)Price (USD)Price (EUR)
Kill Team: Nachmund Total Predicted Value£165.00$277.00€212.50
Kill Team: Nachmund Price£115.00$195.00€150.00
TOTAL SAVINGS£50.00$82.00€62.50
Percentage Saved30%30%29%

Given that the contents of Chalnath and Nachmund are very similar, we can safely assume this formula will likely be carried across into future Kill Team expansions, so buyers will be safe in the knowledge that they are making a reasonable saving of around 30% when buying a complete box instead of all the individual parts separately.

If you are interested in saving even more money, you’ll want to have a look at your local independent gaming store, or have a poke around your favourite online retailer. You’ll likely be able to grab a copy of Nachmund for an even more discounted price.

Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team: Nachmund Review – Where to Next?

The new edition of Kill Team is a bit complicated given that there are all sorts of different things available to aid your gaming, and might seem quite daunting to the uninitiated.

Ultimately, though, where your next destination is once you’ve purchased the Nachmund box depends entirely on what you want to get out of Kill Team. If you’re just after some models to paint, then your next stop should be your local hobby supply retailer – the world is your oyster.

If, however, you’re after more of the same stuff as can be found within the cardboard walls of the Nachmund box, the path may seem a little less clear.

There’s quite a lot of stuff for the new edition of Kill Team: from complete expansions to individual teams, as well as a host of official wargear – dice, rulers, and so-on – there’s a lot to get your head around. As such, getting started can be a bit difficult – and expensive.

First up, if big boxes are your thing for models, rules, or both, you might want to see if you can find a copy of Octarius. GW doesn’t have any more copies, but your local independent store might, so check with them. There’s also Nachmund’s predecessor, Chalnath, which may appeal.

Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team Octarius Review All 2 - Edited
Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team Chalnath Review All

If, however, you want to get playing Kill Team right away, but Nachmund is your only purchase thus far, there are a couple of things you’re going to need to source for yourself. First off is the Core Book, and unless the faction you plan on playing is one of the ones that’s already been released as a part of a new edition box, you’ll likely need a Compendium as well. Oh, you also might want some Combat Gauges.

Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team Octarius Review Core Book 1 - Edited
Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team Octarius Review Measures

If you’re happy with the Kill Teams in Nachmund and just want to get going with your gaming, GW does a couple of bundles to get you started, but they aren’t cheap. There’s the Rules Collection as well as the all-inclusive Essentials Collection.

If Nachmund isn’t your thing but you’re still tempted by Kill Team, you won’t need to wait too long for the next box. These are being released on a quarterly basis, so we’ll likely see another June/July time.

Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team: Nachmund Review – Final Thoughts

Once again, some really cool miniatures
Tons of varied and interesting scenery
Decent gaming board
Good campaign book
Miniatures are a bit of a pain to build
As this is an expansion, you’ll require additional purchases if you want to use them properly
A few hiccups with the scenery and the scenery’s assembly instructions

So, another Kill Team expansion reviewed. I wonder how many more of these we’ll see over the next few years, and who will be squaring off against who next?

Nachmund carries on the pedigree established by the previous new edition Kill Team releases: good miniatures, good scenery, and a good book. There’s a lot in here for people to enjoy.

There are only really two criticisms that can be levelled at what are an expertly-designed and beautifully detailed cohort of miniatures: the first is that the Chaos Legionaries are a little bit on the unimaginative side. Whilst their sculpts are excellent, there isn’t a huge amount of difference between the Legionaries and a lot of other Chaos Space Marine units – particularly the Chosen that were debuted in Eldritch Omens. On one hand, this opens the doors to all manner of conversions and kitbashes; on the other, it is possible to have too much of a good thing.

The second criticism is the sprue layout. Having a vast amount of possible build choices for figures is great and will never be anything but. However, GW needs to figure out how to make this work across their sprues. Having the 8-10 parts required to assemble one figure scattered into each and every corner of three different sprue frames doesn’t make for a relaxed building experience. Looking for part 133 on the sprue with part 132 and 134, just to realise ten minutes later that you’re not going mad and that it is, in fact, on another frame entirely, does begin to grate by the fifth model.

But these are relatively minor criticisms in the grand scheme of the figures available in the box. Once again, the level of detail across all the figures is superb. 2022 really is turning out to be an excellent year for fans of Games Workshop miniatures – so far the offerings have been second-to-none, particularly those on the Aeldari front. Collectors of the 41st Millennium’s pointy-eared space-farers will one again be overjoyed with the new miniatures, whilst fans of other parts of the 40K range should keep their fingers crossed for new releases later in the calendar, as the quality on show this year is truly exceptional.

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  • VoltorRWH

    Rob has spent most of the last 20 years playing World of Warcraft and writing stories set in made-up worlds. At some point, he also managed to get a Master's degree by writing about Medieval zombies.

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Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team: Nachmund
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Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team: Nachmund


Rob has spent most of the last 20 years playing World of Warcraft and writing stories set in made-up worlds. At some point, he also managed to get a Master's degree by writing about Medieval zombies.

2 thoughts on “Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team: Nachmund Review

  • March 24, 2022 at 1:36 pm

    Parts being scattered across the sprues wouldn’t be nearly so much of a problem if the part numbers weren’t also scattered across the sprues. If you build a kit from Airfix or Revell, you might find step 1 has you retrieving parts 5, 17 and 101 instead of 1, 2 and 3, but because the parts are numbered according to their locations on the sprues, locating them is just a matter of following the numbers up or down.

  • March 25, 2022 at 8:09 am

    As a KT aficionado, I fully agree with your assessment and overall evaluation. Great article!


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