Valkyrx: Days of the Valkyrx – Miniatures Review

Heroes and demons clash once again in the fiery crucible of miniature wargaming – and provide us with a host of new figures to wrap our brushes around. Whether you’re after tyrannical tabletop devils or valiant miniaturised warriors, Birmingham-based Valkyrx will have a model for you. But how these miniatures shape up, and just what is the Intelligent Wargaming Table? Come and find out in our Valkyrx: Days of the Valkyrx – Miniatures Review.

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Valkyrx: Days of the Valkyrx – Miniatures Review – Summary

Valkyrx’s Days of the Valkyrx miniatures are, in a word, gorgeous. Supremely detailed, these original miniatures will look phenomenal gracing any tabletop or display shelf. Unfortunately, they come with a handful of caveats: difficult to assemble and sometimes tough to paint, these models aren’t for beginners.

Valkyrx: Days of the Valkyrx – Miniatures Review – Introduction

If you’re into miniatures and miniature painting, likelihood is that you’re also a huge fantasy nerd. A such, minis like the two pictures below, from Days of the Valkryx, will probably catch your eye.

Valkyrx Days of the Valkyrx Review Painted Minis

I’ve always been a fan of monsters, demons, heroes and hobbits. Some of my earliest memories are my father reading Tolkien to me. In my younger years, I spent hours reading Paul Stewart’s fantastic Edge Chronicles (also beautifully illustrated by Chris Riddell).

This obsession leapt from the printed pages of books and into other media. I spent untold hours lost in fantasy videogames (The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion and World of Warcraft the two largest culprits, here) or writing my own fiction.

I’ve also recently re-started watching BBC’s Merlin from 2008, the introduction to which has possibly the greatest score of all time.

For a dweeb like me, then, Valkyrx’s range of fantasy miniatures should be an easy sell. Giants, monsters, demons and flaming sword-wielding wizards, these miniatures tick a lot of boxes

Ross ran into the guys from Valkyrx in Birmingham at the UKGE a few weeks back. You can see them in our roundup video at the 08:36 mark. When they very kindly sent us a bumper box of their Days of the Valkyrx miniatures, I was made up.

Valkyrx: Days of the Valkyrx – Miniatures Review – What is It?

Valkyrx Gaming are a small English company based in Birmingham. They currently have two gaming systems as well as a number of highly-detailed miniatures for each. Their fantasy range, Days of the Valkyrx, is the subject of this article. They also have a Napoleonic-era wargame called Brown Bess. They are, however, also in the process of developing a third.

However, what makes Valkyrx Games and its systems stand out is that they’re designed to be played on their Intelligent Wargames Table.

Days of the Valkyrx: Background

You can download a complete, 93-page backstory to Days of the Valkyrx here, totally free. However, the general run-down is as follows:

Jealous Gods have sent Mangere and his demon lieutenants to destroy an early medieval Earth. Aided and abetted by unworldly necromancers they have raised an army of mutants, awakened long forgotten beasts from the underworld, and wraiths from their tombs. The zombie ranks of their evil army are swelled by the dead warriors of their opponents, raised again and turned against their former friends and allies.

King Modrof, raised from the dead as a living spirit by the Valkyrx herself, leads his unlikely alliance of dragons, elves and dwarves, in defiance of the seemingly irresistible tide of evil sweeping the once fair lands. This is an ancient tale of good vs evil, where creatures of myth and legend contend one against the other. A world of magic and mystery where the living resist the un-dead hordes beyond number. Earth is a battlefield where demons and heroes alike are mere pawns in the hands of the Gods.

Source: Valkyrx Games

It’s a classic high fantasy blast, with gods and demons, dragons and wizards, and spells and sorcery a-plenty. It’s nothing revolutionary, but for fantasy buffs this is that kind of familiar narrative setting that feels like a warm hug.

Days of the Valkyrx: The Intelligent Wargames Table (IWGT)

You might be thinking, “This sounds pretty cool. So, how do I play Days of the Valkyrx?” Well, the answer is a little bit more complicated and in-depth than you may expect.

Days of the Valkyrx is designed to be played on Valkyrx Gaming’s Intelligent Wargames Table. Ross was lucky enough to get a first-hand look at the IWGT when he visited the UK Games Expo back in June. You can see his full round-up here. The Valkyrx guys appear at the 08:36 mark and delivered a smashing little interview.

Valkyrx Days of the Valkyrx Review Intelligent War Gaming Table 5

The Intelligent Wargaming Table is designed to take all the faff out of wargaming. As Jon Spalding, the visionary behind the IWGT said in another interview:

“Well-meaning attempts to make tabletop games more realistic have resulted in increasingly complex rules, a proliferation of look-up tables, and enough dice to sink a battleship. Games can be tediously slow, denying the player the opportunity to play in “real time”. Paradoxically, this defeats the worthy aim of making the game a true-to-life simulation.”

Jon Spalding in Wargames Illustrated Magazine

The IWGT is designed to make wargaming quick, exciting, and streamlined. Targeting the immersion-breaking twenty-minute checks of three rulebooks, a codex, and a subreddit, the derailing arguments over minutiae such as which rule takes priority over which, and the need to transport a library’s-worth of books around with you whenever you want to play your favourite game, the IWGT’s selling point is that it does all this for you.

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It’s not an attempt to disparage current, for use of a better word, “analogue” gaming. Instead, the IWGT is designed to broaden the community associated with wargaming by ensuring that players can focus on “command, not computation”. The removal of a need to constantly check rules, distances, and dice will make wargaming all the more accessible to people who find that sort of thing difficult.

The Table itself is designed to retain that traditional tabletop feel. A variety of surfaces are created using 2mm vinyl mats to suit your particular play aesthetic. You can then add scenery to your heart’s content in order to ensure your gaming experience is exactly how you’d like it to be.

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Beneath all this, though, lies all the tech that removes the need for dice, measuring tape, and all the other markers, tokens, and other stuff you’d traditionally associate with any tabletop game.

A honeycombed mesh of printed circuit boards, transmitters, microprocessors, and other technical gubbins awaits those brave enough to peek beneath the surface of the IWGT. These light up under the units of the player whose turn it is, can be used to aid player movements by checking unit movement allowance, and can even play atmospheric music to help make the gaming experience all the more dramatic.

Valkyrx Days of the Valkyrx Review Intelligent War Gaming Table 1

This is all done by using Near-Field Communications (NFC). The table reads unique ID tags attached to the underside of each unit. It matches this to the particular units statistics and keeps track of their weapons, spells, morale, and so-on so you, the player, do not have to.

Outcomes are determined in moments by the Intelligent Wargaming Table’s computers without the need to roll dice or consult manuals. One neat feature is that if a unit uses a spell (which is selected from the IWGT’s touch-screen interface), the IWGT will then mimic the spell by flashing lights from the caster’s position towards their target.

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If you’re interested in learning more, you can also download all the rules for Age of the Valkyrx here. Fantasy gaming enthusiasts are also being invited to participate in a free to enter “Days of the Valkyrx” tournament held at Valkyrx’s 3,500 square foot Gaming Centre in Edgbaston, Birmingham on the 3rd and 4th September this year. The winner will receive a £1,000 prize, so if you fancy your chances, check out Valkyrx’s website for more info, or email them at

Valkyrx: Days of the Valkyrx – Miniatures Review – Unpacking

Departing from the tabletop and moving towards the hobby bench, let’s now have a look at some of Valkyrx’s range of miniatures.

Each Valkyrx miniature comes unassembled and packaged in a plastic baggie.

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Depending on the number of components that go into assembling the miniature, the baggie may have several even smaller baggies inside it.

Assembly instructions for each miniature are reached by a unique QR code that’s printed on a sticker attached to the front of each package.

That’s it. There are no frills and no fluff. What you see is very much what you get.

Valkyrx: Days of the Valkyrx – Miniatures Review – Assembly

I must admit, my relationship with Valkyrx’s Days of the Valkyrx miniatures didn’t get off to the best of starts. Putting these miniatures together pushed my abilities and my stash of superglue to their absolute limits.

Let me explain. First of all, all of the Days of the Valkyrx miniatures are resin. Resin, as a medium for the printing and creation of miniatures, has dramatically fallen out-of-favour with hobbyists, sculptors, and producers over the last decade or so. Why? Well, there are two reasons.

The first is plastics. With the advent of 3D printing and the simultaneous explosion of easy-to-acquire, high-quality computer software to aid with the sculpting process, the quality of plastic miniatures has dramatically increased in recent years. Look at the new Aeldari kits compared to their early 2000s counterparts, for example.

Plastic is also easy to use. It’s soft and it cuts nicely, so it’s easy to remove parts from a sprue and assemble them. Plastic glues are, on the whole, also very straightforward to work with as they aren’t as liable to damage your skin as some alternatives. If you walked into a room of hobbyists and asked them which they would prefer to work with, plastic or resin, the vast majority would say plastic. Big-brand retailers likely would, too: we’ve seen with the arrival of the new Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness that Games Workshop are taking steps to move away from resin.

The second reason why resin has become unpopular is because it’s a bit of a pain to work with.

For one, resin requires washing. A lot of resin miniatures have a chemical applied to them to prevent them from getting stuck in their moulds. This needs to be scrubbed off with a toothbrush, hot water, and washing up liquid. As you can imagine, scrubbing any miniature with a toothbrush – especially if it has small or fragile details – can lead to damage, so you need to be really careful.

Valkyrx Days of the Valkyrx Review Prep 1

Occasionally, you can get away with not washing resin miniatures (and I mean occasionally). However, in the case of the Days of the Valkyrx miniatiures, whatever had applied to these figures meant that even after being washed, some of the components were still reluctant to stick down. It took a lot of work to get everything put together.

Resin also needs to be affixed with superglue or another strong adhesive. Using superglue with miniatures is a tricky business, as superglue is, by its chaotic nature, more interested in gluing your fingers to your model than it is gluing your model together. We recommend using something like Tamiya Modelling Glue.

Next, resin can break quite easily. I was halfway through trying to assemble Dwarf Lord Drisne when his axe inexplicably snapped in half. Trimming mould lines or extra tags of resin off a miniature is difficult to do, as the resin will often not come away cleanly as it would with plastic.

In addition to this, because of the way resin is moulded, you’re also liable to get some truly beastly gates, mould lines and other bits that require trimming. Because of how tough resin can be, it can be quite easy to damage your figure.

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Valkyrx Days of the Valkyrx Review Prep 3

So, yes. Things didn’t get off to a great start, largely because the miniatures are made of resin. But we did get there, eventually – and some of the results are truly spectacular.

Valkyrx: Days of the Valkyrx – Miniatures Review – The Miniatures

The guys at Valkyrx very kindly sent us a selection of miniatures to take a look at for the purpose of this review. There are ten miniatures in total, spread across seven packets (you get three Wearg Archers in a packet).

I’m not certain what scale these miniatures are meant to be. In fact, the scaling feels a little bit all over the place. Mangere, the Demon King, for example, is 77mm high. Dwarf King Drisne, atop his rock, is 98mm high – and seems very large for a Dwarf. He towers over Wulfgeldre, who is only 55mm high. In stark contrast, the weargs tend to clock in at around 40mm high. Whilst this doesn’t reduce the quality of the miniatures, it might make it more difficult for you to slot them into your Warhammer army as a proxy, or use in your D&D campaign.

As I said in the previous section, I had a nightmarish time trying to get some of these miniatures put together. Bits wouldn’t fit, there were nodules and flakes of resin that needed to be cut off contact points, and some infuriatingly difficult components to glue down. As I was building, I was thinking to myself: “This better be worth it. These better be some damn good miniatures.”

Mangere, the Demon King

I mean, come on.

Valkyrx Days of the Valkyrx Review Mangere the Demon King 1

Mangere, the Demon King, the big bad evil guy of the Days of the Valkyrx mythos, is a jaw-dropping miniature.

Looming over the table and ruthlessly imposing with his brace of cracked skulls, this model cuts a fearsome figure. Painted up, Mangere makes an almighty centrepiece for, well, just about anything really.

Valkyrx Days of the Valkyrx Review Mangere the Demon King 2

I must apologise for my photographs of Mangere. This model was made of a white-coloured resin that was a near-perfect shade match for the inside of my lightbox.

But in spite of my shoddy camerawork, the incredible level of detail on this miniature shines through. He is utterly spectacular. A truly terrifying foe who has mastered the the battlefield – and looks awesome doing so.

Pocadyl, Bringer of Plague

In the grand scheme of the miniatures win this sample, the somewhat diminutive Pocadyl is a little overshadowed.

Valkyrx Days of the Valkyrx Review Pocadyl 1

Perhaps slightly predictable in his look and not as large nor impressive as some of the other miniatures in the range, Pocadyl is a a bit forgettable. And that’s a shame, because anywhere else he’d be a stunning miniature worthy of a great deal of scrutiny.

And he still is. There’s a tremendous amount of detail across this miniature. Covered in buboes and pustules, the eerie sixteenth- and seventeenth-century plague doctor aesthetic synonymous with discussions of plague in history textbooks finds a comfortable home in the Days of the Valkyrx setting. Furthermore, of all the figures we were sent, little Pocadyl was by far the easiest to put together. In fact, he was so easy to put together that I genuinely forgot I’d assembled him.

Pocadyl simply suffers from not being the coolest kid in the bunch. Even in this review, he’s sandwiched between two stunning figures: Mangere before him, and the guy we’re about to get to in a moment.

Poor chap never really got a chance to shine.

Unsibb, Bringer of War

You’ve all played Elden Ring, right?

You all got really, really stuck on Starscourge Radahn, yeah?

Unsibb, Bringer of War might be a bit of a trigger for you, then.

Valkyrx Days of the Valkyrx Review Unsibb 1

Looking like a fusion between the aforementioned son of Radagon and Rennala and his gravitational magic-sustained horse (what, you were so busy looking at his giant swords and terrifying magic you didn’t notice the tiny horse between his legs?), Unsibb, Bringer of War is an absolutely gorgeous miniature.

Unique, imposing, and rife with intricate sculpt-work, of all the miniatures in the box, I think Unsibb is my favourite. Just look at the quality of the details on this figure.

Valkyrx Days of the Valkyrx Review Unsibb 2

Even the hair looks great!

Valkyrx Days of the Valkyrx Review Unsibb 3

Bizarre, yet not wholly unfamiliar, this miniature is a stunning addition to the Valkryx catalogue.

Ellorgast, Otherworld Necromancer

And the award for grossest miniature of 2022 goes to…

Valkyrx Days of the Valkyrx Review Ellorgast 1

In spite of his comparatively high number of parts (six arms and a bunch of tentacles) Ellorgast is relatively straightforward to assemble. Arms and excess limbs do fit into their slots without too much difficulty (though those under the tentacles on his shoulders to require a bit of a twist and shove), though they do leave behind some fairly obvious gaps and seams.

Valkyrx Days of the Valkyrx Review Ellorgast 2

Again, though, the quality of this miniature’s sculpt is breath-taking. The truly grotesque twin faces and eye-ridden flesh are wrought in such realism that looking at this miniature makes me feel a little bit uncomfortable.

Any Warhammer Chaos fans will get a huge kick out of this model, and will likely try and find a way to work it into their armies as a proxy.

Maegan and Puca

Of all the miniatures we were sent to review, the gruesome twosome known as Maegan and Puca – a wearg riding on an ogre-like creature – come off worst in their battle with gaps and seams.

Valkyrx Days of the Valkyrx Review Maegan and Puca 1

This otherwise very impressive and extremely detailed miniature has some beastly gaps between his components, most prevalent around both the ogre-creature’s arms and the stomach of the wearg sitting on his shoulders.

Valkyrx Days of the Valkyrx Review Maegan and Puca 2
Valkyrx Days of the Valkyrx Review Maegan and Puca 3

It’s a real shame with this figure, because, yet again, the rest of this model is near-faultless. The details, particularly those on the flesh and faces of the two characters, are stunning. The individual muscle sinews on Maegan’s arms are excellently sculpted, as is the vile sneer on Puca’s face.

Wearg Archers

The Wearg Archers were the final figures I assembled when building the Days of the Valkyrx miniatures, and by this point in the build process I was dreading it. I was petrified that there’d be more difficult joins and awkward resin lumps on contact points – but on a much smaller scale, as these minis are tiny.

Happily, I was proved wrong. More or less.

Valkyrx Days of the Valkyrx Review Wearg Archers 1

I had some difficulty with only one component, which across all three of these miniatures is fairly forgivable. You can just about make it out on the closest miniature in the image below. The figure’s left arm is attached to its body via a polyhedral peg that should slot into a hole on the body of matching size. However, I could not get these parts to join up. I eventually just cut the peg off and glued the arm on without it.

Valkyrx Days of the Valkyrx Review Wearg Archers 2

Once again, there’s a staggering amount of detail across these figures. Their faces are worthy of particular note: the detail there is near-flawless, and rendered at such a small scale that it boggles the mind at the sheer talent and skill that must have gone in to such an intricate design.

Wearg Wolf Rider

Nothing says “baddie” like riding on a wolf, eh?

Valkyrx Days of the Valkyrx Review Wearg Wolf Rider 1

Overall, the quality of the sculpt on the Wearg Wolf Rider is, once again, excellent. However, there are once again a few gaps and seams.

The join lines on this miniature are quite clear to see. There’s one on the wolf’s back-right thigh, another on its lower jaw (both of which will likely become near-invisible once painted), and a much more offensive one around the Wearg’s middle.

Dwarf King Drisne

Of all the miniatures in the box, Drisne gave me the most grief. And that breaks my heart.

When I was first in touch with Valkyrx about their range and they offered to send us a sample of products, I was secretly hoping Drisne would be amongst the number. When I saw that he was, I could have jumped for joy.

Valkyrx Days of the Valkyrx Review Drisne Dwarf King 1

But the spell wore off quickly. The reasons? His hands and his leg.

I could not get Drisne’s hands, both of which are affixed to his axe, into the slots on his wrists. No matter how much I moved the parts around, I could not get them to line up in a such a way that allowed for each hand to be flush with each wrist, and for each arm to then fit in his shoulders.

I eventually had to cut away parts of his hands and wrists in order to get the two to come into contact with each other. It was infuriating – especially considering I was, by this point, drenched in superglue from failed attempts to join the parts together. You can see my handiwork (pun kinda intended) in the image above. The left hand still doesn’t quite line up with where it’s supposed to be.

After finally getting the moustachioed warrior to hold his axe, I saw this.

Valkyrx Days of the Valkyrx Review Drisne Dwarf King 2

He has a hole in his thigh.

Wondering if perhaps I’d missed something, I went back to Valkyrx’s website to take a look at their product photo and noticed Drisne is supposed to have two arrows in him: one in his thigh and one in his back.

Valkyrx Days of the Valkyrx Review Dwarf Lord Drisne Valkyrx Photo

But there were none to be seen in my component pile. I went back through all the bits I had spare and all my cut-offs to see if I could find these two errant arrows, but I had no such luck. I can’t, however, say for certain whether or not they were in the bag, or if I lost them at some point.

It’s a small hole, and could easily be filled with some green stuff or some sprue goo. All the same, I was absolutely gutted that Drisne had not come out as well as I’d hoped.

Wulfgeldre, Warrior Wizard

Wulfgeldre comes a close second to Pocadyl for the award of easiest miniature to put together. He’s made of only a handful of large, tactile parts that don’t require too much in the way of tidying up.

Valkyrx Days of the Valkyrx Review Wulfgeldre 1

Again, I apologise for the images. Like Mangere at the top of this section, Wulfgeldre is also made of a lightbox shade-match white resin.

Valkyrx Days of the Valkyrx Review Wulfgeldre 2

The only part of this miniature I’m not so taken with is the cloak. The rest of the figure’s sculpt is gorgeous – the flames of the sword, the details on the staff, the grim and drawn face – but compared to these the cloak seems a little basic.

Valkyrx Days of the Valkyrx Review Wulfgeldre 3

There’s not much else to be said at this point. He’s another excellent miniature who will look absolutely divine once painted. That he was also easy to put together saw me heaving a huge sigh of relief as well.

Valkyrx: Days of the Valkyrx – Miniatures Review – Painting

I had originally hoped to be able to paint up all the figures I received for this review, but time constraints got the better of me. I did, however, manage to get a couple of coats of paint on my two favourites: Mangere, the Demon King, and Unsibb, Bringer of War.

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Valkyrx Days of the Valkyrx Review Mangere the Demon King Painted 3

Now, Mangere, like Wulfgeldre (the two miniatures who are made of a much whiter resin that I did a rubbish job of photographing) are made from a different type of resin to the other Valkyrx figures. These are cast by CMA in Birmingham, whilst the rest of the miniatures come from Zealot Miniatures.

I’ve worked with resin a couple of times before, so was sure to give all the components a good wash in warm, soapy water using a toothbrush before trying to assemble them – as you saw in the images in the Assembly section.

But when it came to painting, I then had issues when Mangere. Initially, I tried to prime the miniature using an airbrush with a standard Vallejo Black Airbrush Primer/Vallejo Airbrush Thinner mix on around 22-23 PSI. I could not get the paint to stick to the model and it formed droplets on the surface of the figure. I eventually had to give up, wipe the airbrush primer off, and use a Mephiston Red rattle can.

Valkyrx Days of the Valkyrx Review Mangere the Demon King Painted 5

While this initially provided better results, as the paint actually dried onto the miniature, whilst painting I noticed that large sections of paint were flaking off, particularly around any of the figure’s edges or where I caught the model with a finger. I had to varnish the figure quite heavily (hence the slight shine in the images of Mangere) in order to ensure the paint didn’t continue coming off.

Valkyrx Days of the Valkyrx Review Mangere the Demon King Painted
Valkyrx Days of the Valkyrx Review Mangere the Demon King Painted 4

I reached out to my contact at Valkyrx to see why this was. He very quickly got a response from both his in-house team (who tried priming the miniature as I had and had the same results) and his manufacturer, CMA. The key, the manufacturer reports, is ensuring that you use a suitable undercoat for this particular grade of resin. A lot of paints are often designed for high-impact polystyrene (HIPS) or acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) plastics – not Polyurethane resin, which is what Mangere (and Wulfgeldre) are made of.

Valkyrx Days of the Valkyrx Review Mangere the Demon King Painted 2

As such, CMA recommend using Halfords grey primer, or a Tamiya fine white primer, though there are many spray/airbrush paints that are suitable for painting Polyurethane resins. Valkyrx’s in-house guys also tried using a Halfords primer and noted the results were far better.

I had no such problems with Unsibb, who’s made of a much more standard resin.

Valkyrx Days of the Valkyrx Review Unsibb Painted 5

My standard mix of Vallejo Black Airbrush primer and Airbrush Thinner worked just fine, and as I was painting him up I had no flaky bits of paint.

Valkyrx Days of the Valkyrx Review Unsibb Painted 1

With regards to the whiter resin on Mangere and Wulfgeldre, the difference in how the material needs to be handled may catch out beginner- to mediocre-level painters.

A little research tells me that this is similar to the stuff that Forge World resin models are made from – but as yet, I’ve never painted a Forge World figure. Forge World also recommend using a matt car body primer on miniatures of theirs. It’s something to be aware of if you’re after new stuff to paint – particularly if you’re a beginner, or you’re unfamiliar with resin.

Valkyrx Days of the Valkyrx Review Unsibb Painted 3
Valkyrx Days of the Valkyrx Review Unsibb Painted 6

As resin is fazed out by many manufacturers, people are less and less likely to come into contact with it, and are therefore going to struggle to know what to do should they find themselves in possession of a miniature of unusual material. I’ve been writing for for two-an-a-half years now; I’ve painted thousands of models in that time – plastic, resin and metal – and yet this particular Polyurethane threw me a curveball I did not expect.

Valkyrx Days of the Valkyrx Review Unsibb Painted 4

But the vast majority of the Valkyrx range is not made of this grade of Polyurethane. As such, the majority of the other miniatures in the range will paint up and take your usual primer just fine. Unsibb, who is made of the same resin as the majority of the models in the range, was easy to paint. In fact, he was a pleasure to get some colour on to – which is what miniature that look this good should be.

Now I know this, I do feel like I could really enjoy painting the rest of the Valkyrx range. And I certainly will.

Valkyrx: Days of the Valkyrx – Miniatures Review – Price and Availability

We’ve looked at quite a few models in this review. Here are the prices of all of them, as well as links to their respective pages on Valkyrx’s website.

Mangere, The Demon King£24.95
Maegan and Puca (Pose 2)£19.95
Wearg Archers (Pack of 3)£19.95
Wearg Wolf Rider (Pose 2)£19.95
Dwarf Lord Drisne£29.95
Wulfgeldre Warrior Wizard£19.95

Most of the figures in Valkyrx’s Days of the Valkyrx range come in at between £20 and £30. This seems pretty reasonable given both the size of the figures as well as the detail in the sculpts on all of them.

Note that you can’t actually buy the models in question from the links above. The models can be found on the store page, here.

Valkyrx: Days of the Valkyrx – Miniatures Review – Final Thoughts

Miniatures are visually stunning
Extremely detailed
Unique and fun to paint
Some are difficult to assemble
The usual resin pitfalls

Valkyrx’s Days of the Valkyrx miniatures are stunning. Intricately detailed and unique in sculpt and composition, these miniatures will make painters the world over go weak at the knees.

They do, however, really make you work for it at times. There are difficult components, large seams and gaps, and a landslide of cut-offs in the build process. Add to this the fact that the resin used for the miniatures is not uniform across the range and suddenly things begin to get a bit complicated.

But once they are together and they are primed, they are a delight to paint and the results are striking. The miniatures look phenomenal, even without paint on. Whoever sculpted these miniatures needs a serious round of applause.

More experienced builders who know the pitfalls of working with resin and have both the tools and patience necessary will be able to make the best of these miniatures. As such, if you’re familiar and comfortable with resin, then go wild with the Valkryx range. If you aren’t, buy with a little more caution – and make sure you do your research first.

But once you have done your research, do seriously consider buying – because these minis are awesome.

As we said earlier, Valkyrx are running their “Days of the Valkyrx” tournament in Edgbaston, Birmingham on the 3rd and 4th September this year. With a £1,000 prize up for grabs, if you’ve an interest in playing the game and winning some cold hard cash, check out Valkyrx’s website for more info, or email them at It should be a belter – and an interesting glance at just what the future of miniature wargaming may hold.

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  • VoltorRWH

    Rob has spent most of the last 20 years playing World of Warcraft and writing stories set in made-up worlds. At some point, he also managed to get a Master's degree by writing about Medieval zombies.

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Valkyrx: Days of the Valkyrx - Miniatures
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Valkyrx: Days of the Valkyrx - Miniatures


Rob has spent most of the last 20 years playing World of Warcraft and writing stories set in made-up worlds. At some point, he also managed to get a Master's degree by writing about Medieval zombies.

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