JoyToy X Warhammer – Wave 3 Revealed

Last Updated on February 17, 2022 by FauxHammer

Here we are once again with some new straight outa China. We haven’t even had the Wave 2 JoyToy models yet. but JoyToy is all ready with the follow-up – JoyToy X Warhammer Wave 3. Move Over Mcfarlane, or I’m gonna need some bigger shelves.

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I haven’t been shy about it. I love these JoyToy models. I’ve even paid over the odds to get Wave 1 imported from china so I could be amongst the first to make video impressions with them. I reached out to JoyToy to try and establish a better relationship and at one point even had the potential to line up an interview with them.

Unfortunately, that relationship dwindled when I had a big fall out with one of JoyToy’s staff members which resulted in me having to block him from my social media and personal Facebook pages!

But their toys are still cool! and here’s more of them.

If you want a refresher on the previous models, check out our main JoyToy Models – Full Collection Post.

Joy Toy 4-inch Warhammer Space Marine Action Figures - Featured 2

JoyToy X Warhammer Wave 3 – Space Wolves

Things in Action Figure land are about to get a lot furrier with this pack of Good-Boy’s coming soon to a limited “Order now or forever miss your chance” window near you.

I must admit when I heard of the space wolves were the next chapter up for sculpting by JoyToy, I got mightily excited. Whilst our smurf-boys in blue are certainly the most showcased models. My personal chapter of choice is always “anything but Ultramarines”.

And now that I’ve finally seen these in the Fenrisian Grey flesh (well photos of), I must say, I’m mightily….. Impressed?

Sorry, not so much this time, let’s jump in.

JoyToy X Warhammer Wave 3 – Space Wolves Hunters Pack

First up here’s the pack (squad) looking all nice and Space Wolfey from a distance.

JoyToy x Warhammer - Wave 3 - Space Wolves Intercressors A

As shown above under arms and below (wearing), each model, like the Ultramarines and Death Company from Wave 2 also have the option of wearing their helmets. So make sure to buy 2 copies of this set to have 1 of each. Also, then somehow buy another 2 models so you can have 2 full packs.

JoyToy x Warhammer - Wave 3 - Space Wolves Intercressors B

Yes, they are still only doing 4 models per pack, not 5, Grrrrrrr (My frustration Grrr. not Space Wolves Grrrrr). I know this has put a lot of people off buying the sets. It makes sense to do this in china where you can handily pick up a single extra model in a blind-box. but over here. it’s just irritating to only have 4 models in what is usually a 5 model unit.

We’ll talk a closer look at these models below, but for now. let’s get onto the daddy of the show.

Space Wolves Invictor Warsuit – Rurik Warfist

Even the Pilot now has a name. I love the fact that this thing is so huge, a marine in Phobos scale armour can fit inside it.

The pace wolves version comes with an appropriate baby-blue colour scheme and what appears to be a new weapon option, the Incendium Cannon. Wave 2 had the Ironhail Autocannon.

JoyToy x Warhammer - Wave 3 - Brother Rurik Warfist - Space Wolves Invictor Warsuit

Now, I’m saying extra weapon options, but my experience of buying JoyToy mechs is that you get a ton of weapon options out of the box. as we don’t have hands-on with the Wave 2 Invictor Warsuit yet, we can’t tell if swapping your loadout is even possible.

And now for the individual characters.

Pack Leader Erik Icefang

So important this guy gets a surname. it’s a bit Tropey McTropeface, but if you’re new to Warhammer – get used to it.

Gonna get this out of the way up front so I don’t need to say it on every model. These are not JoyToy’s best work.

Terrible blotchy paint job with horrible patching of areas. recess shade is inconsistent and way overdone on the face. and where’s the edge highlighting we saw on all the previous kits?

Just like the Death Company, the (now unsculpted) insignia is way too low. on the shoulder pad. The pack markings are off-angle and instead of being parallel and all warped and pointing to the same place.

It’s not all bad though, the bronze-gold looks really nice.

JoyToy x Warhammer - Wave 3 - Pack Leader Erik Icefang - Space Wolves Hunter Pack Intercessors

This pack leader stands out somewhat in that he has some extra embellishments, with his leather strapped runes across his shoulder pad and necklace. and it’s nice to see they went the whole hog on the classic style of Space Wolf chain-sword.

Brother Wulfgar

Wulfgar is our typical angry scarred generic space wolf.,

The stand out space wolf detail on him? The amulet awkwardly hanging from his belt. Looks like Joy Tou have just as much trouble as every other hobbyist when it comes to figuring out where to place these damned things.

They got it right at least. jam it on at some awkward and unrealistic angle and pronounce that’ll do…

JoyToy x Warhammer - Wave 3 - Brother Wulfgar - Space Wolves Hunter Pack Intercessors

I think this hits the nail on my whingey head that, my issue with these is not so much with JoyToy’s sculpts, but with Games Workshops’s Genericification of our beloved chapters since the launch of Primaris. An issue which the BBlack Templars upgrades sprue seems to finally want to handle.

But give me some Primaris in the style of the original Space Wolves tactical marines any day.

Brother Kjarl

What can I say here? Besides a head swap and slightly different trinkets, he’s the same model as above. At least with OEM of the previous models, they tried t vary up the body sculpts just a day with a mix and match of different armour markings on the arms and the legs.

JoyToy x Warhammer - Wave 3 - Brother Kjarl - Space Wolves Hunter Pack Intercessors

This is where I noticed that these trinkets all seem to be mounted in the same place. In fact, if you scroll back up, you can see they all have a little circular notch on the belt with things hanging off of it. when I noticed this I went back to the wave 2 figures and saw that they also have these but on the opposite side.

Is that is what’s holding these things on? is it magnets?

Brother Berek

Oh, don’t worry, we’ll talk about the face. There’s no way we can ignore that. but let’s do the “overall model” bit first.

Once again the embellishment here is his diamond amulet held on to his belt by magic. (if you don’t believe it’s magic then explain to me how magnets work?). Like the model above, he has a wolf pelt attached to his knee. is this also magnets.

Once again the placement of said wolf pelt is daft – Once again, just like us typical hobbyists do it. But I would have hoped JoyToy (a company I’ve praised for not taking liberties with the original designs) took some liberties in the placement of specific components to make them look better.

JoyToy x Warhammer - Wave 3 - Brother Berek - Space Wolves Hunter Pack Intercessors

Right, the face. What is that even trying to be?

Is he snarling? Thinking? Having a Conniption? Perhaps he’s uncomfortably blowing a kiss. does he have a booger stuck up his nose.

My hope is that this sculpt was just accidentally left near something a little too warm. It’s then melted but the JoyToy Marketing team demanded the pictures go out – that would explain the rest of the issues too.

Is this based on an actual head sculpt from Gw (because I can’t find it). What’s with the metal bar across his head? Space Wolves famously avoid cybernetic augmentation over the heightened senses they acquire through Space Marine Initiation

There were so many better heads sculpts to copy…

JoyToy x Warhammer - Wave 3 - Brother Berek Face - Space Wolves Hunter Pack Intercessors

What do you think this expression is meant be? let me know in the comments.

If you have a face like this, I’d like to apologise if I have caused any offence. But we’d also like to hear from you in the comments with pictures of you recreating this.

I’m gonna find out this was done as an ode to an ill fan or something arent I? If so I’m going to hell.

JoyToy X Warhammer Wave 3 – Chaos Space Marines

Whilst we haven’t seen the official photos yet, we did have the grey sculpted of this showcased a few months back, and now the full Black Legion painted version gets some eyes on

JoyToy x Warhammer - Wave 3 - Black Legion Chaos Space Marines

This looks ace. I’m super excited to see the rest of the squad and know what they are decked out with weapon wise. but it’s cool to see just how much detail has gone into these with all the baroque embellishments that come along with it.

Releasing these opens the door to JoyToy making more legions but simply changing up the colours.

But we’ve also heard that Thousand Sons will be on the way too.

JoyToy X Warhammer Wave 3 – Final Thoughts

yep, so I’m not as happy with these as I was excited to hear about them. The Space Wolfness of them is let down by the current generation of plastic models.

But where joyToy came in, the painting quality is sub-par when compared to their previous “official” reveals.

Here’s hoping it’s just a blip as their standard artist was having an off day. but it does put me off wanting to buy them with what looks like a severe quality drop.

Am I still gonna buy them? of course I am. I’m addicted.

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  • FauxHammer

    Self-appointed Editor in chief of - But I need to thank the team for existing and therefore enabling me to give myself role - without them, I'm just a nerd with a computer and a plastic addiction.

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Self-appointed Editor in chief of - But I need to thank the team for existing and therefore enabling me to give myself role - without them, I'm just a nerd with a computer and a plastic addiction.

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