Miniature Wargaming: The Movie – Now Available in the UK

‘T’was only a couple of weeks ago when people in their literal dozens (maybe 2 dozen) were attacking Graham Norton for mocking our lord and saviour Henry Cavill for playing with “Toys”. Whilst most of us unashamedly enjoy our hobby. This calls into question the great psychological angst and sociological mar that is thought by the masses toward hobby gamers. We are Geeks, Gamers, Nerds & Neckbeards. Grown-ups playing army men.

And despite many of us being proud of our namesake, we still crave wider validation from the masses.

That is exactly what Miniature Wargaming: The Movie gives us, and more.

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Miniature Wargaming: The Movie – Trailer

To get a taste of what this film has to offer, check out the trailer below.

Though it’s worth noting that this is the US trailer, which I think is in a tone more inspiring to wargames, the alternate UK trailer takes a more mainstream historian approach.

The movie goes through loads of stuff, the history of Wargaming, the creation of games and models, along with people’s journeys in the hobby, through painting and competitive play.

Miniature Wargaming: The Movie – Impressions

This film was not what I expected, but it was also a lot more.

Let me be clear upfront, Miniature Wargaming: The Movie may not immediately pique your interest. I’ll openly admit, I rolled my eyes at it when I first heard about the project.

I mean, with all the miniature wargaming content available to us for free on YouTube, why would we care about this?

Two reasons.

One, It’s a proper film, not a youtube video – you really need to see it to swiftly remind yourself of the significant production level difference.

Two, It’s a Multi-Award-Winning documentary. This means that outside of our hobbysphere – it’s a better documentary film than many many other documentary films!

Miniature Warhgaming The Movie - Awards

I was lucky enough to get my eyes on a screener copy of the movie a couple of weeks ago. Whilst I went into it with the same trepidation I had when my mate told me he had written a book. Sure I thought. ok mate, yep, I’ll watch/read your little passion project.

And in both cases, I’ve been more than pleasantly surprised by the quality output!

Miniature Wargaming The Movie is an absolute treat. From the opening scene, nay frame, you can tell that the thought and direction that has gone into this is lightyears ahead of anything you’re used to.

It has a story to tell, well, technically 4 stories to tell. All with the overarching plot of what is Miniature Wargaming, where did it come from and how does it impact the lives of all those who have invested so much of themselves in it.

So many YouTube videos will fill your brain with information, they will please you for a set time, perhaps some ideas will linger with you.

But this, this in itself is art, and it will make you feel emotions. Woah, remember those!?

Miniature Wargaming: The Movie – UK Release

It’s been a long road to getting this movie released. Originally Kickstarted back in 2015 – before was even really a thing and before I’d even come back into the hobby. Wow, it was back before my daughter was born – literally just realised that and it’s kinda blown my mind.

The movie was shot and delivered to backers in 2018 with director Joseph Piddington then doing the rounds of various awards shows before the film was approved for mainstream release in North America in 2020.

Miniature Warhgaming The Movie - Poster

I recently spoke with Joe, and as it turns out, In order to release something like this mainstream – the level of scrutiny it has to go through sounds mental.

With every frame having to be checked and approved for correct usage. Think about when you watch videos online and you see someone’s t-shirt design blurred out. I assume it’s kinda like that but on a gigantic scale. All of this kinda stuff and more needs to be checked for every region that the movie is published in. All of that was done in 2019 and the film was ready for release in both North America and the UK in the summer of 2020.

But then Covid happened. yay, we’re all still loving that! Covid has put this release on hold for near 18 months. but as of this month. It’s finally been released!

Which means, as of right now, you can go over to the main website and find out where to watch the movie.

Miniature Wargaming: The Movie – Final Thoughts

We can say there are tons of videos about miniature wargaming online. And sure there’s plenty for us who already have that dedicated interest in wargaming. Whilst a few videos have broken through to a more mainstream audience. History likely won’t remember a video of someone building and painting a Thunderhawk – as highly entertaining as that is.

This is the one movie that paints the truth and value which people put into this hobby,

Quite simply. It is the best Miniature Wargaming film ever made and I strongly recommend you check it out.

If you enjoy wargaming, you’ll definitely get a kick out of this.

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  • FauxHammer

    Self-appointed Editor in chief of - But I need to thank the team for existing and therefore enabling me to give myself role - without them, I'm just a nerd with a computer and a plastic addiction.

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Self-appointed Editor in chief of - But I need to thank the team for existing and therefore enabling me to give myself role - without them, I'm just a nerd with a computer and a plastic addiction.

One thought on “Miniature Wargaming: The Movie – Now Available in the UK

  • December 22, 2021 at 3:36 pm

    Nice! Hope it will be available on Amazon Prime in all the EU


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