How to paint Iron Warriors Armour – 2019

This Brushstroke Guide shows you how to paint Iron Warriors. This guide is based on a Terminator, but you can apply this scheme to any Iron Warriors Model.

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How to paint Iron Warriors – Paints & Tools

How to paint Iron Warriors Chaos Space Marines - Complete



How to paint Iron Warriors – Tutorial

Step 1 – Base Colours

How to paint Iron Warriors Chaos Space Marines - Step 1

Over a black primer paint the following base colours:

Step 2 – Shading

How to paint Iron Warriors Chaos Space Marines - Step 2

Shade the Retributor Armour with Seraphim Sepia

Shade the following colours with Nuln Oil:

For the shoulder pads use 2 coats

Shade the following colours with Agrax Earthshade:

Step 3 – Hazard Stripes

How to paint Iron Warriors Chaos Space Marines - Step 3

Iron Warriors’ most standout feature is their hazard striping, which really sets them apart from other legions.

For larger models, using masking tape to produce the striping is recommended. For smaller figures, however, I found freehanding them the quickest method.

Using thinned down Eshin Grey, mark in the edges of the dark stripes. Tidy up any mistakes with Averland Sunset. Once you’re happy, fill in stripes with Eshin Grey.

A tip to help paint neat lines is to hold the model so that you paint the lines vertically. As your fingers bend in that direction you’ll have far more control painting vertical lines from top to bottom.

Step 4 – Highlight

How to paint Iron Warriors Chaos Space Marines - Step 4

Edge highlight as follows:

Step 5 – DETAILS

How to paint Iron Warriors Chaos Space Marines - Step 5

The last few details to finish off are:

The eyes I basecoated Mephiston Red, layered with Evil Sunz Scarlet and final layer of Wild Rider Red.

The skulls and bones I aged by doing a final wash of Seraphim Sepia.

The tusks I basecoated Rakarth Flesh, shaded the base with Agrax Earthshade, then painted stripes of Seraphim Sepia, Pallid Wych Flesh and Screaming Skull working towards the tip.

How to paint Iron Warriors – Complete

How to paint Iron Warriors Chaos Space Marines - Complete

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How to paint Iron Warriors Armour
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How to paint Iron Warriors Armour
This Brushstroke Guide shows you how to paint Iron Warriors.
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