How to Align Holes when Pinning Miniatures & Wargames Models

Last Updated on May 12, 2022 by FauxHammer

Brushstroke here with a really quick tip showing how to align holes when pinning your minis.

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How to Align Holes when Pinning Miniatures – Tutorial

Step 1

How to Align Holes when Pinning Miniatures & Wargames Models - Step 1

Start by drilling a hole in the part you want to pin.

Step 2

How to Align Holes when Pinning Miniatures & Wargames Models - Step 2

Place a small piece of Blu Tack in the place you want to pin the part to.

Step 3

How to Align Holes when Pinning Miniatures & Wargames Models - Step 3

Add a small amount of water to the surface of the drilled part and press it into the Blu Tack, in the position you want it to be in.

Step 4

How to Align Holes when Pinning Miniatures & Wargames Models - Step 4

Gently remove the drilled part from the Blu Tack, taking care to not move the tac.

Making the drilled part wet will make this easier.

You will then be left with a little bump in the tac indicating the exact place to drill your second hole.

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