Scatole Battleforce di Warhammer Age of Sigmar 2022 – Analisi dei prezzi e dei risparmi

Last Updated on Novembre 23, 2022 by FauxHammer

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It’s that time of year again everyone. Grab some massive savings in the run-up to Christmas. Whilst Workshop sui giochi is generally known not to do sales. Their equivalent system is to release yearly large forces of models with discount prices. What is in the Warhammer Age of Sigmar (AoS) 2022 Battleboxes? When are they coming and how much can you save on each box? Well, That’s what we’re here to cover in our Warhammer AoS 2022 battleforce breakdown. We’ll look at the contents, price, value and savings expected from each 2022 Sigmar Battlebox. – We’ve covered 40k in a separate article.

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Warhammer AoS 2022 Battleforce Boxes

Se non conosci le scatole di Battleforce, lasciami iniziare con un avvertimento che dovresti probabilmente prestare attenzione. si esauriscono. VELOCE! FOMO è naturalmente vero con queste scatole. È sempre stato così e mi aspetto che accada lo stesso anche quest'anno.

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Quindi ecco un suggerimento.

Warhammer AoS 2022 Battleforce Boxes - Price & Savings

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Warhammer AoS 2022 Battleforce Boxes – Release Date

Super simple this one – though odd.

As many already know – the AoS boxes will be going up for preorder this Saturday November 26th.

But only the AoS boxes. the 40k boxes will likely be up the following week as we’ve seen no sign of them on either Warhammer Community or via Retailer pricing details.

Why split them to separate weeks? well, A it’s a lot of boxes for a warehouse to shift in one week. Both AoS and Sigmar have more boxes this year than last year. Also, it allows for a slightly better cashflow for buyers want a box from each game, well you only need to pay for one of them this week, get the other nexty week instead.

It;s not like this would make GW more money, these boxes will sell out no matter how they do it.

Warhammer AoS 2022 Battleforce Boxes – Price & Savings

We have had it confirmed this week that the AoS boxes prices are stable across the whole range. Le scatole dell'anno scorso cost between £125-£130 ($210 USD flat) last year was a £5 ($10 USD) bump on the previous year. So it;s great to see that they matched that this time. the European boxes have gone up by €10 however on the previous year. and we are still awaiting confirmation on AUD boxes.

Below is a summary of the value from each box, Which is on par with 2019 & 2020’s boxes. The lowest value box is actually worth £1 more than last year’s lowest and a few boxes here have values over £200, whereas last year’s best value box was worth £199.50

Sterlina ingleseDollaro statunitenseeuroAUD
Daughters of Khaine – Slaughter-Coven£179.50$302.00€234.00$375.00
Gloomspite Gitz – Stampeding Squigalanche£191.50$313.00€ 249,00$501.00
Nighthaunt – Legion of Grief£200.00$330.00€ 265,00$511.00
Orruk Warclans – Kruleboyz Swamp-lurkers£ 187,50$315.00247.50€$481.00
Skaven – The Verminous Host£206.50$338.00€269.00$488.00
Stormcast Eternals – Thunderstrike Spearhead£198.50$325.00€259.50$515.00
Sylvaneth – Revenant Wargrove£181.00$300.00€238.50$454.00

2022 AoS Battleforce Box Price

Sterlina ingleseDollaro statunitenseeuroAUD
£ 130,00$210.00€ 160,00$350.00

Per quanto riguarda i risparmi, probabilmente stiamo guardando ancora una volta l'anno scorso come riferimento in cui abbiamo avuto un risparmio da 30% a 37% per queste scatole rispetto all'acquisto delle unità singolarmente al dettaglio. Non c'è niente da annusare! è un solido risparmio.

Though the Daughters of Khaine – Slaughter-Coven box in Australia only has a 7% saving? I;ve checked, re-checked and checked again, so unless I’m missing something, these are the numbers? Though again, I’ve not seen the AUD box prices confirmed.

Quindi diamo un'occhiata alle singole forze e scomponiamo il valore in ogni casella.

2022 AoS Battleforce – Daughters of Khaine – Slaughter-Coven (Contents, Price, Value & Savings)

What I do like about the battleboxes this year is that each one has a stand-out model, The Slaughter Queen here is a great command unit standing proud of her minions.

Daughters of Khaine – Slaughter-Coven Contents

  • Slaughter Queen on Cauldron of Blood
  • 5x Melusai Blood Sisters
  • 5x Khinerai Heartrenders
  • 5x Doomfire Warlocks
  • 10x Witch Aelves
2022 AoS Battleforce - Daughters of Khaine - Slaughter-Coven (Contents, Price, Value & Savings)

Daughters of Khaine – Slaughter-Coven Price, Value & Savings

Sterlina ingleseDollaro statunitenseeuroAUD
Slaughter Queen on Cauldron of Blood£ 47,50$80.0062,50€$75.00
5x Melusai Blood Sisters£ 35,00$60.00€ 45,00$90.00
5x Khinerai Heartrenders£ 35,00$60.00€ 45,00$90.00
5x Doomfire Warlocks£ 26,00$42.0034,00 €$50.00
10x Witch Aelves£ 36,00$60.0047,50 €$70.00
Valore totale£179.50$302.00€234.00$375.00
Prezzo confezione Battleforce*£ 130,00$210.00€170.00$151.00
Risparmio totale£49.50$92.00€ 91,00$25.00
% salvato28%30%27%7%
*"Prezzo Battleforce Box" Presunto fino a conferma

2022 AoS Battleforce – Gloomspite Gitz – Stampeding Squigalanche (Contents, Price, Value & Savings)

Squigs Ahoy! forget Gloomspit Hitz, this is an army of Squigs, at my count, there are only 2 models in this set that aren’t on Squigs. And they are Squig Herders

Gloomspite Gitz – Stampeding Squigalanche Contents

  • Loonboss su Giant Cave Squig
  • 2x Mangler Squigs
  • 10x Squig Hoppers
  • Squig Herd (10 Squigs, 2 herders)
2022 AoS Battleforce - Gloomspite Gitz – Stampeding Squigalanche (Contents, Price, Value & Savings)

Gloomspite Gitz – Stampeding Squigalanche Price, Value & Savings

Sterlina ingleseDollaro statunitenseeuroAUD
Loonboss su Giant Cave Squig£ 24,00$38.0031,50€$60.00
2x Mangler Squigs£ 105,00$170.00€135.00$280.00
10x Squig Hoppers£ 32.50$55.00€ 42.50$84.00
Mandria di squig£ 30.00$50.00€ 40,00$77.00
Valore totale£191.50$313.00€ 249,00$501.00
Prezzo confezione Battleforce*£ 130,00$210.00€170.00$350.00
Risparmio totale£61.50$103.00€79.00$159.00
% salvato32%33%32%30%
*"Prezzo Battleforce Box" Presunto fino a conferma

2022 AoS Battleforce – Nighthaunt – Legion of Grief (Contents, Price, Value & Savings)

Despite Mortal Realms Magazine being a couple of years ago now, I am still sick of seeing Nighthaunt models. Though that Black Coach is drawing my eye. I mean, I could get all the extra models just for the sake of that small saving?

Nighthaunt – Legion of Grief Contents

  • Lady Olynder, Mortarch of Grief
  • Black Coach
  • 10x Bladeghast Revenants
  • 10x Dreadscythe Harridans
  • 10x Grimghast Reapers
2022 AoS Battleforce - Nighthaunt – Legion of Grief (Contents, Price, Value & Savings)

Nighthaunt – Legion of Grief Price, Value & Savings

Sterlina ingleseDollaro statunitenseeuroAUD
Lady Olynder, Mortarch of Grief£ 30.00$50.00€ 40,00$77.00
Black Coach£ 80,00$130.00€ 105,00$203.00
10x Bladeghast Revenants£ 30.00$50.00€ 40,00$77.00
10x Dreadscythe Harridans£ 30.00$50.00€ 40,00$77.00
10x Grimghast Reapers£ 30.00$50.00€ 40,00$77.00
Valore totale£200.00$330.00€ 265,00$511.00
Prezzo confezione Battleforce*£ 130,00$210.00€170.00$350.00
Risparmio totale£ 70,00$120.00€ 95,00$161.00
% salvato35%36%36%31%
*"Prezzo Battleforce Box" Presunto fino a conferma

2022 AoS Battleforce – Orruk Warclans – Kruleboyz Swamp-lurkers (Contents, Price, Value & Savings)

I’m not sure why but it seems to me that the Kruleboyz landed with a thud. Dominio seemed an unpopular box despite the detail of these awesome models. Ae people put off by the painting difficulty? They are very detailed…

For anyone who did like dominio and has that force, this is a great deal on both the Swampboss Skumdrekk & Gobsprakk – so long as you’re happy to take some more Gutrippaz andBoltboyz with them.

Orruk Warclans – Kruleboyz Swamp-lurkers Contents

  • Capopalude Skumdrekk
  • Gobsprakk, the Mouth of Mork
  • 3x Man-Skewer Boltboyz
  • 10x Gutrippaz
2022 AoS Battleforce - Orruk Warclans – Kruleboyz Swamp-lurkers (Contents, Price, Value & Savings)

Orruk Warclans – Kruleboyz Swamp-lurkers Price, Value & Savings

Sterlina ingleseDollaro statunitenseeuroAUD
Capopalude Skumdrekk£ 35,00$60.00€ 45,00$90.00
Gobsprakk, the Mouth of Mork£ 90,00$150.00€ 120,00$230.00
3x Man-Skewer Boltboyz£ 30.00$50.00€ 40,00$77.00
10x Gutrippaz£ 32.50$55.00€ 42.50$84.00
Valore totale£ 187,50$315.00247,50 €$481.00
Prezzo confezione Battleforce*£ 130,00$210.00€170.00$350.00
Risparmio totale£ 57,50$105.00€77.50$131.00
% salvato31%33%31%27%
*"Prezzo Battleforce Box" Presunto fino a conferma

2022 AoS Battleforce – Skaven – The Verminous Host (Contents, Price, Value & Savings)

There’s a bit of a mix in here, whilst you get some great units like the Screaming Bell and Stormfiends. The Clanrats and Plague Monks are multitudinous, but they are also ancient kits! The sprues don’t even have part-number on. that’s how old they are.

But they are highly configurable.

Skaven – The Verminous Host Contents

  • Grey Seer on Screaming Bell
  • Warlock Bombardier
  • 3x Stormfiends
  • 40x Clanrats
  • 40x Plague Monks
2022 AoS Battleforce - Skaven – The Verminous Host (Contents, Price, Value & Savings)

Skaven – The Verminous Host Price, Value & Savings

Sterlina ingleseDollaro statunitenseeuroAUD
Campana urlante£ 42.50$70.00€ 55,00$96.00
Warlock Bombardier£ 17.50$30.00€ 22,50$49.00
3x Stormfiends£ 42.50$70.00€55.50$99.00
40x Clanrats£52.00$84.00€ 68,00$122.00
40x Plague Monks£52.00$84.00€ 68,00$122.00
Valore totale£206.50$338.00€269.00$488.00
Prezzo confezione Battleforce*£ 130,00$210.00€170.00$350.00
Risparmio totale£76.50$128.00€99.00$131.00
% salvato37%38%37%27%
*"Prezzo Battleforce Box" Presunto fino a conferma

2022 AoS Battleforce – Stormcast Eternals – Thunderstrike Spearhead (Contents, Price, Value & Savings)

Sigmarines are the poster boys of the Mortal Realms. This is a great box because it has dragons. and can you ever have enough dragons? You know the answer.

One of the higher value boxes out there featuring the all-new re-designed Stormcaset models from last year.

Stormcast Eternals – Thunderstrike Spearhead Contents

  • Knight-Relictor
  • 3x Annihilators
  • 10x Vanquishers
  • 10x Vigilors
  • 2x Stormdrake Guards
2022 AoS Battleforce - Stormcast Eternals – Thunderstrike Spearhead (Contents, Price, Value & Savings)

Stormcast Eternals – Thunderstrike Spearhead Price, Value & Savings

Sterlina ingleseDollaro statunitenseeuroAUD
Knight-Relictor£ 21,00$35.00€ 27,00$55.00
3x Annihilators£ 32.50$55.00€ 42.50$84.00
10x Vanquishers£ 37.50$60.00€ 50,00$98.00
10x Vigilors£ 37.50$60.00€ 50,00$98.00
2x Stormdrake Guards£ 70,00$115.00€ 90,00$180.00
Valore totale£198.50$325.00€259.50$515.00
Prezzo confezione Battleforce*£ 130,00$210.00€170.00$350.00
Risparmio totale£68.50$115.00€89.50$165.00
% salvato34%35%34%32%
*"Prezzo Battleforce Box" Presunto fino a conferma

2022 AoS Battleforce – Sylvaneth – Revenant Wargrove (Contents, Price, Value & Savings)

If you like Tree’ here’s the box for you

A massive Tree Elf-lord and 2 more bipedial trees, all surrounded by little trees


Sylvaneth – Revenant Wargrove Contents

  • Drcyha Hamadreth
  • 2x Treelords
  • 10x Spite-Revenants
  • 16x Sylvaneth Dryads
2022 AoS Battleforce - Sylvaneth – Revenant Wargrove (Contents, Price, Value & Savings)

Sylvaneth – Revenant Wargrove Price, Value & Savings

Sterlina ingleseDollaro statunitenseeuroAUD
Drcyha Hamadreth£ 36,00$60.0047,50 €$100.00
2x Treelords£ 85,00$140.00€ 110,00$206.00
10x Spite-Revenants£ 30.00$50.00€40.50$71.00
16x Sylvaneth Dryads£ 30.00$50.00€ 40,00$77.00
Valore totale£181.00$300.00€238.00$454.00
Prezzo confezione Battleforce*£ 130,00$210.00€170.00$350.00
Risparmio totale£51.00$90.00€ 68,00$104.00
% salvato28%30%28%23%
*"Prezzo Battleforce Box" Presunto fino a conferma

Warhammer AoS 2022 Battleforce Boxes – Final Thoughts

Another year another set of battle boxes. this time with more boxes available than we’ve seen before. last year we had 4 and this time we have 7.

Whilst the savings of the boxes are roughly in-line with the usual 30%-37% from a yearly battlebox, it’s a sign of the price increase earlier this year that there appear to be fewer models per box. Aside from the clans of really old rats.

But each box has a huge feature model making the overall style make much more sense.

Each is a great way to expand an army but in most cases, this is aimed at people looking to start a new one, simply due to the fact that existing players probably own these feature models already.

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  • FauxHammer

    Caporedattore nominato capo di - Ma devo ringraziare il team per l'esistenza e quindi permettermi di ricoprire un ruolo - senza di loro, sono solo un secchione con un computer e una dipendenza plastica.

    Visualizza tutti i post


Caporedattore nominato capo di - Ma devo ringraziare il team per l'esistenza e quindi permettermi di ricoprire un ruolo - senza di loro, sono solo un secchione con un computer e una dipendenza plastica.

Un pensiero su “Warhammer Age of Sigmar 2022 Battleforce Boxes – Price & Savings Breakdown

  • Novembre 23, 2022 in 5:29 pm

    Great advice on the selling out part, but… ;)
    Spite Revenants are 5 for 40€, not 10 for 40,50€ making the trees the best value set.
    Rat Ogres are 55€ flat.
    Values for DoK saving doesnt add up.


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