Warhammer Stormbringer Release Date Announcement and Issues 1-10 Contents Confirmed

Last Updated on Februar 9, 2023 by FauxHammer

Did anyone read the end of our last Imperium post where we said we will be “surprised announcing the release date of Stormbringer as…” and then we gave the release date! No? Well it’s there, go check. So that tells me something really important – after over 26k views on that article, it’s fair to say nobody reads the footer… So let’s get on with it, here’s The Release Date, of Stormbringer Magazine (for real this time) along with the contents of issues 1-10 revealed and a note on the “changes made to the full collection!!!!”

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Warhammer Stormbringer – all the info.

If you are new to this then there’s a lot to catch up on. I’d first start here. This article is our usual method of cataloguing all of the content and price breakdowns from every issue. (It’s worth bookmarking and coming back to, it’s where all the main updates will be) It also contains a full faq in where to sub, how to sub and links out to our other articles breaking down the magazine further.

Articles like this one, which details all of the contents expected throughout the collection and the value of the sub. And all this was done before last years price rise. So the value of this subscription has since gone up.

Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - Vollständige Auflistung der Einsparungen - Empfohlen

this however was also done during the initial trial and the contents of the full collection has since changed. Until I get chance to re-update the article. I’ll explain the change below.

Warhammer Stormbringer – Full Collection Changes

Don’t worry about it honestly, it’s a good thing in my opinion.

It’s been a weird Journey with these magazines. With Warhammer Conquest I bought it and covered it weekly announcing the next contents as soon as I could from running to my local newsagents at 6 am to get the latest issue. Mortal Realms made it easier with Hachette working with us and part way through they let us pre-announce for them. With Imperium we did loads of pre-announcement content, a huge giveaway to one of our lucky YouTube Subscribers.

With Stormbringer, I was actually consulted on the collection contents!!!! I don;t know if you know this, But I’m kind of a big deal!

Ok, that’s a stretch, in both parts… My contact advised me of the following change they are making to the collection and asked what people would think. I believe I am right in speaking on your behalf that I said the change is actually an improvement!

So, we are loosing…

Bestiengrab Urversteck

The original collection showed we would be getting 2 of these. and whilst it is a rare set and now OOP, it is cool and part of a direction that GW went with Underworlds that I wish they’d continued. Alas, it obviously didn’t sell enough to warrant them doing this anymore.

Now we are still getting it, but only once in the collection rather than Twice. As people tend to care little about scenery anyway, even though this is well-regarded, who’s gonna want two? and if you do, you’ll just buy multiple copies of the issue it’s in…

So what are we getting in return?

5 “More” Vindictors

this makes sense right? I mean Herrschaft and most starter sets come with 10 and in this collection we were only getting 5. They are mostly the same model but do have enough custom changes to make more of a variety with alternate heads

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Dominion Review - Modelle - Vindictors
Das Bild oben zeigt 10 Modelle (die alternativen Posen für jedes Modell)

Whilst the financial value of 5 Vindictors versus the scenery set above is quite a change. I hope you agree that I already shared your collective opinion with Hachette that, this change makes more sense for the overall collection.

The dew people who wanted two sets of Beastgrave scenery, can and probably will buy two copies of that issue. and anyone who is really miffed about it can do that and ignore the issue with 5 extra Vindictors in it. The only difference is the issues you get alongside of it, but does anyone actually read the mags?

I’m joking, I know 3 of you do.

Warhammer Stormbringer – Release Date

Well after 2 trials we are finally getting the real collection. For reals this time, no backsies.

And you’ll be able to start your collection on February 15th 2023

12 months, minus a day from when it was originally Trialed in the UK.

Interesting now, it was only 2 years ago I realised February was spelled that way, I’ve been spelling it as Febuary or 36 years! When I found out I swear i thought there was a global conspiracy against me where the world switched it and wanted to see if I would notice!

Even weirder, because I was born on February 22nd!

Anyway, that;s your release date and my life story, now, on with the conetnts

Warhammer Stormbringer – Issues 1-10 Contents Confirmed

Warhammer Stormbringer Ausgabe 1 Inhalt

UK Release Date: 15/02/22 (Trial Only)

Britisches PfundUSDEURAUD
Ausgabenpreis£ 2.99$6.952,99 €$
Gesamtwert£10.84$16.6013,34 €$
Gesamteinsparung£7.85$9.6510,35 €$

Der Wert dieser errechnet sich aus Krieger-Edition von Aos, dividiert durch die Anzahl der Angüsse in diesem Set. Die beiden folgenden Modelle befinden sich an einem verbundenen Gussrahmen.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Dominion Review - Modelle - Knight-Arcanum
Warhammer Age of Sigmar Dominion Review - Modelle - Killaboss

Warhammer Stormbringer Ausgabe 2 Inhalt

Veröffentlichungsdatum: 02.03.22 (nur Testversion)

Britisches PfundUSDEURAUD
Ausgabenpreis£ 5.99$13.955,99 €$
Gesamtwert£ 8,75$13.7511,67 €$
Gesamteinsparung£2.76-$0.205,68 €$

Der Wert dieser basiert auf AoS Extremis-Ausgabe divided by the number of sprues in that box. Below is one sprue.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Dominion Review - Modelle - Gutrippaz

Warhammer Stormbringer Ausgabe 3 Inhalt

Veröffentlichungsdatum: 03.09.22 (nur Testversion)

Britisches PfundUSDEURAUD
Ausgabenpreis£ 8.99$13.959,99 €$
Gesamtwert£ 8,75$13.7511,67 €$
Gesamteinsparung-0,24 £-$0.201,68 €$

Der Wert dieser basiert auf AoS Extremis-Ausgabe geteilt durch die Anzahl der Angüsse in dieser Box. Das Folgende ist ein Anguss.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Dominion Review - Modelle - Vindictors
Das Bild oben zeigt 10 Modelle (die alternativen Posen für jedes Modell)

Warhammer Stormbringer Ausgabe 4 Inhalt

Veröffentlichungsdatum: 16.03.22 (nur Testversion)

Britisches PfundUSDEURAUD
Ausgabenpreis£ 8.99$13.959,99 €$
Gesamtwert£ 11,75$19.7515,60 €$
Gesamteinsparung£2.76$5.805,61 €$

Wir haben den Pinselwert auf 0,00 £ berechnet, er ist wohl weniger wert. Hol dir so schnell wie möglich ein paar gute Zitadellenbürsten!

Warhammer Conquest Inhalt Ausgabe 1
Mortal Realms Vollständiger Inhalt - Ausgabe 8 - Kantor Blue
Warhammer Conquest Inhalt Ausgabe 3 & 36
Warhammer Conquest Magazine Review

Warhammer Stormbringer Ausgabe 5 Inhalt


Britisches PfundUSDEURAUD
Ausgabenpreis£ 8.99$13.959,99 €$
Gesamtwert£ 17.50$30.0022,50 €$
Gesamteinsparung£ 8,51$16.0512,51 €$

Value-based on individual Stormcast models e.g Knight-Questor / Knight-Heraldor – however as this is a unique model exclusive to Stormbringer, it will sell out in droves and end up on Ebay within the week at a price of £40 plus.


Warhammer Stormbringer Ausgabe 6 Inhalt

  • 10 Hobgrotz Slittaz


Britisches PfundUSDEURAUD
Ausgabenpreis£ 5.99$13.955,99 €$
Gesamtwert£ 8,75$13.7511,67 €$
Gesamteinsparung£2.76-$0.205,68 €$

Der Wert dieser basiert auf AoS Extremis-Ausgabe divided by the number of sprues in that box. Below is one sprue.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Dominion Review - Modelle - Hobgrot Splittaz B

Warhammer Stormbringer Ausgabe 7 Inhalt

  • Corax White
  • Catachan Flesh


Britisches PfundUSDEURAUD
Ausgabenpreis£ 8.99$13.959,99 €$19.99
Gesamtwert£ 7,50$12.359,90 €$17.90
Gesamteinsparung-£1,49-$1.60-0,09 €-$2.09
Prozentuale Einsparung-20%-13%-1%-12%
Warhammer Stormbringer Contents Confirmed - Issue 7 - Catachan Flesh
Mortal Realms Vollständiger Inhalt - Ausgabe 2 - Corax White

Warhammer Stormbringer Ausgabe 8 Inhalt


Britisches PfundUSDEURAUD
Ausgabenpreis£ 8.99$13.959,99 €$
Gesamteinsparung- 2,49 £-$4.05- 2,49 £$

Der Wert dieser errechnet sich aus Extremis-Edition of Aos, divided by the number of sprues in that set. the model below is on one connected sprue.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Dominion Review - Modelle - Lord-Imperitant & Gryph-hound

Warhammer Stormbringer Ausgabe 9 Inhalt


Britisches PfundUSDEURAUD
Ausgabenpreis£ 8.99$13.959,99 €$
Gesamteinsparung- 2,49 £-$4.05- 2,49 £$

Der Wert dieser errechnet sich aus Extremis-Edition of Aos, divided by the number of sprues in that set. the model below is on one connected sprue.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Dominion Review - Modelle - Swampcalla Shaman

Warhammer Stormbringer Ausgabe 10 Inhalt

  • Xandires Wahrheitssucher


Britisches PfundUSDEURAUD
Ausgabenpreis£ 8.99$13.959,99 €$19.99
Gesamtwert£ 26.00$42.0034,00 €$65.00
Gesamteinsparung£ 17.01$28.0524,01 €$45.01

Ok, they are being really awkward this time when it comes to working out the value of stuff. How do we do this one? The price of Eggentiefe cut in Half? The set is no longer available it seems from anywhere. so this will be popular. I just used the current price of an Underworlds Warband.

Due to it’s rarity and value, this will be one of the first sets to sell out fast. IMHO, the Underworlds Warbands are amongst GW’s best Collections. Each model is a mini diorama.

Warhammer Stormbringer Contents Confirmed - Issue 10 - Xandire's Truthseekers

Warhammer Stormbringer Release Date Announcement and Issues 1-10 Contents – Final Thoughts

I said at the top, I’m not doing it…

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  • FauxHammer

    Selbsternannter Chefredakteur von FauxHammer.com - Aber ich muss dem Team dafür danken, dass es existiert und es mir ermöglicht, mir dese Rolle zu geben - ohne sie bin ich nur ein Plastic-Crack süchtiger Nerd mit einem Computer.

    Zeige alle Beiträge


Selbsternannter Chefredakteur von FauxHammer.com - Aber ich muss dem Team dafür danken, dass es existiert und es mir ermöglicht, mir dese Rolle zu geben - ohne sie bin ich nur ein Plastic-Crack süchtiger Nerd mit einem Computer.

6 Gedanken zu „Warhammer Stormbringer Release Date Announcement and Issues 1-10 Contents Confirmed

  • Januar 20, 2023 um 6:22 pm Uhr

    Is there going to be the extra subscription like the others, with the box of specials every so many deliveries? or is it just a standard sub this time round?

  • Januar 20, 2023 um 9:40 pm Uhr

    Hiya. Great coverage of Imperium and fantastic to see this continue into Storm bringer. The dates you list above are all 2022 with the word trial next to one of the first issues. Is this defo a true release or yet another trial?

  • Januar 21, 2023 um 2:26 am Uhr

    Looking forward to it – any word on when this will be available in Australia?

    • Januar 21, 2023 um 9:14 am Uhr

      I think it’s more if than when. Depends how it sells here

  • Januar 21, 2023 um 10:06 am Uhr

    I have already went through Hachette’s Mortal Realms + Imperium, and I am thinking about Stormbringer, however I also have the Dominion starter box and most of the releases that happened around that time (stormcast-focused though), such as Bastian Carthalos, chariot, Knight-Judicator and Xandire’s Truthseekers.

    Do you think it would still be worth it to follow the collection (and just sell off the surplus miniatures) or better to ditch it and just focus on only few issues (like dragon rider guys)? Though I am a big sucker for the paper part of the collection (stories etc)

  • Januar 21, 2023 um 10:11 am Uhr

    I hope we get it in Germany :D Thank you for your wise divine intervention :D


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