Strike Force Agastus – Price Value & Savings Breakdown

Last Updated on Febbraio 21, 2023 by FauxHammer

Love them or hate them, our beloved intercessor space marines are now equipped with massive rocket launchers, intended to desolate their foes. let’s see how much they and this box are worth by guessing some numbers. (but we are normally pretty close) See below for our Strike Force Agastus – Price Value & Savings Breakdown

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Strike Force Agastus – Release Date

Nice and simple this one, Warhammer Community team have just announced that the release date for Strike Force Agastus is Saturday, March 4th. 2 days before the intended price increase, Will this be impacted and will it be the first new release to show the new prices?

Doesn’t look like it, see the price section below…

The box is up for preorder this coming Saturday, February 25th.

Strike Force Agastus – Price

Well, thanks to retailers we know this one is coming in at £120, from that we can infer global pricing based on previous boxes, like the Recent Votann army set.

Sterlina ingleseDollaro statunitenseCADeuroAUD
Strike Force Agastus *Price£ 120,00$200.00$240.00€ 160,00$330.00
*Based on the Votann army set

What we don’t know however is whether this will jump to £130 a couple of days later! assuming there are any left!

Strike Force Agastus – Price Value & Savings Summary

It’s a fairly strong saving on this one based on our estimates. Especially when you consider that just 2 days later, the value of everything included is likely to go up.

Sterlina ingleseDollaro statunitenseCADeuroAUD
Valore totale£183.50$300.00$366.50€247.00$480.00
Strike Force Agastus Price£ 120,00*$200.00$240.00€ 160,00$330.00
Risparmi totali£63.50$100.00$126.50€ 87,00$150.00
Percentuale salvata35%33%35%35%31%

30% saved is fairly standard on these big-box releases, so it’s nice to see this one pushing along the upper edge of typical box savings. You also get the 2 transfer sheets in this set which are also added value to Ultramarine painters and players.

Strike Force Agastus – Contents

I’s a solid force focussed on heavy gunning, all backed up with a bipedal coffin-tank

  • 1 x Brutalis Dreadnought
  • 1 x Primaris Lieutenant
  • 10 x Primaris Desolators
  • 5 x Intercessori pesanti

Everything is new here bar the Existing heavy Infantry

Strike Force Agastus – Value

We’ve taken an educated stab in the dark at the value of these models.

Sterlina ingleseDollaro statunitenseCADeuroAUD
Brutalis Dreadnought*£ 42.50$70.00$85.00€ 55,00$110.00
Tenente Primaris£ 21,00$35.00$41.50€ 27,00$55.00
Primaris Desolators**£ 80,00$130.00$160.00€ 110,00$210.00
Intercessori pesanti£ 40,00$65.00$80.00€ 55,00$105.00
Valore totale£183.50$300.00$366.50€247.00$480.00
*Price Based on Redemptor Dreadnought
** Price Based on 2x Heavy Intercessor squad

It’s a bit crazy due to the upcoming price increase, it puts us on uneven ground, But I hope you respect that I’ve based this on current prices because the 6% average increase will be across the board, so it’s likely the units will go up in value relative to the box.

Nevertheless, this may be the last chance to get so much for so little

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  • FauxHammer

    Caporedattore nominato capo di - Ma devo ringraziare il team per l'esistenza e quindi permettermi di ricoprire un ruolo - senza di loro, sono solo un secchione con un computer e una dipendenza plastica.

    Visualizza tutti i post


Caporedattore nominato capo di - Ma devo ringraziare il team per l'esistenza e quindi permettermi di ricoprire un ruolo - senza di loro, sono solo un secchione con un computer e una dipendenza plastica.

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