Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Delivery 12: Issues 43-46 Review

The first round of Age of Sigmar partworks magazines for 2024 is out in the wild, and has started making its way to doorsteps and mailboxes already. Check out our Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Delivery 12: Issues 43-46 Review for all the details on this month’s magazines.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Delivery 12: Issues 43-46 Review – Introduction

Welcome back and Happy New Year to all our readers!

2024 is already off to a good start with all things Warhammer: Warhammer: The Old World is back, and if you haven’t already, make sure you check out our Warhammer 40,000 Combat Patrol Announcement for the next scoop on all things partworks.

Stormbringer is also kicking off 2024 in style, adding more miniatures to your pile of to-be-painted models (that was hopefully bulked out over the Christmas period…?).

Take a look below for our round-up of this month’s magazines.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Delivery 12: Issues 43-46 Review – Contents

Greenskins and tree-men dominate this month’s drop of goodies, and are accompanied by a few essential bits of kit to help you keep painting your ever-growing collection. Read on for all the deets.

The Magazines

First things first, we’ll take a brief look the most recent magazines.

First off, we have Issue 43, which takes a look at Chaos before guiding you through building and painting your five new Tree-revenants. Also included are the warscrolls for your new miniatures, as well as further exploration of rules for the system.

Issue 44 is dedicated to painting, with thorough guides to help you use your latest paints – Skeleton Horde and Balor Brown – on your miniatures. There are also guides for painting the Destruction models you’ve received over the last few weeks, as well as a more detailed look at painting Kruleboyz shields.

Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Delivery 12 Issues 43-46 Magazines

Issue 45 has a quick look at some Duardin lore and contains a Gitz-centric short story for your reading pleasure. There are also building and painting guides for your Loomsmasha Fanatics, as well as tutorials for some Stormcast Eternals units and a battleplan to get your minis fighting. Also included in this issue is a fold-out looking at the forces of the realm of Shyish, which will have you all hungry for some Ossiarch Bonereapers miniatures.

Last but not least, Issue 46 is overflowing with content on spookies, sorceries, and Sylvaneth, with all sorts of lore for Age of SIgmar. The rest of the magazine is dedicated to painting and playing with your new Branchwych miniature.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Delivery 3 Issues 7-10 Binder

Oh, subscribers will also find binder number three in this delivery, so get sorting folks!


There’s a good selection of plastic in this month’s delivery. First up, we have the Tree-revenants in Issue 43.

Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Delivery 12 Issues 43-46 Tree Revenants

A little fiddly to build (but nothing too bad) these miniatures cut quite impressive figures once they’re assembled. What’s more, this is one of the first kits we’ve had in Stormbringer that allows for a good level of customisation, with various weapon and off-hand options for you to choose from on all the miniatures. Nice!

Issue 45 nets you 5 ridiculous and charming Loonsmasha Fanatics.

Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Delivery 12 Issues 43-46 Loonsmasha Fanatics

These dastardly (and probably rather dizzy) little goblin fiends are overflowing with absurdity and charm. Super simple to stick together, these ones are a big win.

Finally, Issue 46 gets you the currently out-of-production Branchwych. And this one comes with an apology from me.

Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Delivery 12 Issues 43-46 Branchwych

My Branchwych is a little wonky, but there is a reason for this. First off, she is a bit fiddly to stick together: lining up her arms and hands to attach to the weapon she carries is tricky – especially if, like me, you manage to cut the thumb on your leading hand with a hobby knife part-way through the build. Whoops. As such, she’s a little bit on the huh (as the Suffolkians say), but you get the picture.

She’s a decent little miniature, albeit on the tricky side to assemble. She’ll be a good ‘un to paint, though – fairly straightforward to do with a few details here and there to keep testing you.

Farben und Werkzeuge

Subscribers and purchasers of Issue 44 will find themselves the recipients of a little hobby supply drop.

Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Delivery 12 Issues 43-46 Paints

Issue 45 comes with two paints: Balor Brown and Skeleton Horde. Remember, folks: Skeleton Horde is a contrast paint and has a much more liquid pigment so behaves very differently to regular acrylics. It is, however, a very useful paint to have in your arsenal: great for adding depth and shading to light leather textures or (you guessed it) bone, Skeleton Horde is a paint everyone should have at their disposal.

Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Delivery 12 Issues 43-46 Layer S

Also included in this magazine in an STC Layer S brush, designed to help you do all your details. I note, however, mine arrived without a lid, and whilst it’s not clear from the image above, the end was looking a touch split.

Since writing out review of the STC brushes, we here at FauxHammer.com have found ourselves a little on the fence about these. Whilst at first we were fairly pleased with the brushes, we since noticed they don’t tend to last all that long and do have a habit of splitting and getting gunged up quite easily. They are, mind, pretty cheap in the grand scheme of paintbrushes, so you can’t be too mad.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Delivery 12: Issues 43-46 Review – Price and Availability

Here’s our UK breakdown…

Ausgabe Nr.Ausgabepreis (GBP)Gesamtwert (GBP)Gesamteinsparungen (GBP)
Ausgabe 43£ 8.99£ 32,50£23.51
Ausgabe 44£ 8.99£ 27.50£ 8,51
Ausgabe 45£ 8.99£11.35£2.36
Ausgabe 46£ 8.99£16.00*£ 7.01
SUMMEN35,96 €£87.35£51.39

…And once again for our friends in the US.

Ausgabe Nr.Ausgabepreis (USD)Gesamtwert (USD)Gesamtersparnis (USD)
Ausgabe 43$13.95$55.00$41.05
Ausgabe 44$13.95$45.00$31.05
Ausgabe 45$13.95$18.75$4.80
Ausgabe 46$13.95$20.54*$6.59

Note that from next month, issues of Stormbringer will increase in price to £9.99, which will affect savings henceforth.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Delivery 12: Issues 43-46 Review – Final Thoughts

The GoodThe Bad
Nice selection of fun miniatures
Good savings across the board
Brush is a bit meh
A few fiddly bits on some of the minis

Stormbringer is back and on form in 2024!

Loads of minis, loads of savings, and even some paints and a brush to keep you going, there’s a lot to look forward to in Delivery 12. Sure, there are a few fiddly bits on some of the models, but once together, there’s a lot to look forward to when you come to painting these guys.

Overall Rating: 4/5


  • VoltorRWH

    Rob has spent most of the last 20 years playing World of Warcraft and writing stories set in made-up worlds. At some point, he also managed to get a Master's degree by writing about Medieval zombies.

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Rob has spent most of the last 20 years playing World of Warcraft and writing stories set in made-up worlds. At some point, he also managed to get a Master's degree by writing about Medieval zombies.

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