JoyToy x Warhammer – Rogal Dorn and More Revealed

It’s time for another JoyToy action figure update, and boy, have they been busy. This time around, JoyToy brings us a third Primarch in a row – the stoic wall building Praetorian of Terra, Rogal Dorn himself. But he’s not alone – we have Morvenn Vahl, high lord of Terra for the Adepta Sororitas, and some more Space Marines to round out the forces of the Imperium. Read on to see what JoyToy have in store for the rest of the year for collectors alike.

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November 2023 Releases

Adepta Sororitas Abbess Sanctorum Morvenn Vahl

To start at the peak – well, near enough to where Dorn stands – we have Morvenn Vahl, High lord of Terra and legendary hero of the Adepta Sororitas.

The figure is dripping with magnificent detail and can put on some fine Olympian poses, and also comes with a helmet option if, like me, you’re just seeing Cruella de Ville in a churchy Power Loader suit.

MSRP: GBP £82.00

Ultramarines Bladeguard Ancient

To accompany the Bladeguard, we have their banner bearer, the Bladeguard Ancient. An amazing figure that will stand out on your shelf with that towering banner holding some poor guy’s skeleton aloft like Pennywise with his balloons.

MSRP: GBP £58.00

Ultramarines Desolation Marines

Rounding off November, we have the Desolation Marines – released earlier this year in miniature form in the Agastus box, to the fanfare of much online ridicule due to their massive, impractical shirt cannons. Now you get these big guns embiggened rather cromulently.

Desolation Sergeant with Vengor Launcher

I don’t know what a Vengor Launcher launches, but one would assume missisles and Vengaboys albums.

MSRP: GBP £39.00

Desolation Marine with Castellan Launcher (Superkrak)

MSRP: GBP £39.00

Desolation Marine with Castellan Launcher (Superfrag)

MSRP: GBP £39.00

December 2023 Releases

Black Templars Primaris Sword Brethren

The Sword Brethren figures are technically not a new release – they’re a production re-run, giving you another chance to have these coveted figures if you missed out the first time. We felt it was noteworthy to include them here just to bring it to your attention.

Sword Brethren Granbertus

MSRP: GBP £36.00

Sword Brethren Harmund

MSRP: GBP £36.00

Sword Brethren Alberic

MSRP: GBP £36.00

Ultramarines Primaris Captain

It’s what the fans always wanted – the nth Primaris Captain! Jokes aside, each Ultramarines Primaris Captain has been drastically different in terms of armanent and accessories, so there’s that.

MSRP: GBP £37.00

January 2024 Releases

Ultramarines Judiciar

To top the new year off, we get a Space Marine figure that stands out quite uniquely. The Judiciar was actually my favourite Space Marine miniature from 2020’s Indomitus box, and to see it translated to larger scale with all the same bells and whistles really tempts me. He’s carrying that Berserk look like a king.

MSRP: GBP £54.00

Ultramarines Chaplain (Indomitus)

To continue the Indomitus member berries, the screaming Chaplain screeches his way in. Again, another excellent translation from miniature to action figure, but by the Emperor his face is so comical to me. He will be forever screaming at you silently from across the room.

MSRP: GBP £50.00

March 2024 Releases

Adepta Sororitas Penitent Engine

We’re soaring ahead to the future – not 38,000 years fortunately, just five months ahead. JoyToy just wanted to let you know that this horrible contraption is on the way.

The figure is stunning and faithful to the source, but really doesn’t appeal to me. Hopefully it does to Sisters fans.

MSRP: GBP £82.00

Imperial Fists Rogal Dorn, Primarch of the Vllth Legion

Finally, we come to the titular guy – the biggest bit of news from this batch. Rogal Dorn is so epic that he had to be announced 5 months in advance.

Note, this figure is based off his appearance in The Horus Heresy, rather than 40K – as he currently doesn’t appear in the setting (read the books or a wiki to see why). Irrespective of that, here he is in all his golden glory.

He doesn’t have a helmet option, so here’s a close-up of his stoic expression, spurring his men with one simple command – ‘they are coming, kill them all.’

Here are his accessory options – his iconic chainsword, a bolter, pair of grenades and three pairs of interchangeable hands – fists, one could say, imperial ones…

One could even say that the ability to chop them off is lore accurate (sorry, is that too soon?).

His cape is permanently windswept, so make sure he is standing in front of a fan at all times.

MSRP: GBP £115.00

And on that note, that’s our latest roundup of JoyToy Warhammer figures done and dusted. Be sure to tune in for more news, as the brakes on this train is not sure to stop anytime soon.

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