Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 18: Issues 67-70 Review

Either kicking off your new year or seeing out the last few days of 2022 in style, your 18th delivery of Warhammer 40,000 Imperium from Hachette Partworks brings out the big guns.

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Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 18: Issues 67-70 Review – Introduction

Hello everyone, and welcome to 2023! Here at FauxHammer.com, we’re wishing you a happy new year and are pleased to see you back with us for (hopefully!) another twelve months of miniatures mayhem.

What better way to start off the new year than with a fresh injection of plastic from the good folks at Hachette Partworks? As the collection is now stretching to 90 issues, it looks like we’ve got at least another five months of Warhammer 40,000 Imperium goodies on the way.

What, you hadn’t heard? Check out our Warhammer Imperium Magazine Issues 81-90 Contents Revealed article!

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 18: Issues 67-70 Review: Contents

Back to the present, Delivery 18 looks a little spartan for miniatures – especially considering just how much stuff was included in Entrega 17.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 18 All

So, what do we have here? Read on to find out!

The Magazines: Issues 67-70

First off, we have our four magazines. Overflowing with all the lore, rules, and painting and building info any budding hobbyist could need to truly whet their appetite for Warhammer, there’s enough to read and do within the pages of these pamphlets to keep you going until next month.

Issue 67 kicks off with a look at a fan favourite: the Silver Templars.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 18 Issue 67

There’s also info on Space Marine vehicles, as well as some background on two of 40K’s most favoured characters: Commander Dante and Mephiston. The majority of the magazine is taken up with a large painting guide, designed to get you using the two paints that come with this issue.

Issue 68 sees things take a turn for the dark, with Necrons and Tyranids truly entrenched within the pages given over to lore.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 18 Issue 68

In fact, most of the magazine is given over to Necrons, with more pages offered up as build, paint, and play guides for the creepy robo-skeletons of the mercifully far future.

If Issue 68 left you feeling a little spooked, worry not: Marneus Calgar arrives in Issue 69 – as does a ton more info on Space Marine vehicles.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 18 Issue 69

You’ll also be pleased to know that Marneus does not have to sit idle for long – there are plenty of new rules at the back of the magazine designed to get him onto the tabletop and smashing your enemies to pieces as quickly as possible.

If things weren’t already enough of an Ultramarine shade of blue and gold for you, Issue 69’s fold out is dripping in the XIIIth Legion Astartes.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 18 Issue 69 Fold Out

…And if that wasn’t quite enough Loyalist for you, there’s even more in Issue 70.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 18 Issue 70

There’s also a sizable guide for painting Calgar and his Honour Guard, as well as datasheets for both.


…Oh, right. Necrons.

It’s sometimes easy to forget there’s a non-Space Marine faction involved in Imperium, but Issue 68 comes with yet another Canoptek Wraith. We’re up to three of these now, and this should be the last one.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 18 Canoptek Wraith

It’s not too bad to assemble. It does have a lot of smaller parts, but follow the assembly instructions and you shouldn’t have any trouble.

The other models that come in Delivery 18 are Marneus Calgar and his Victrix Honour Guard.

Well, in my case Marneus Calgar and one-and-a-bit of his Victrix Honour Guard.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 18 Calgar and Honour Guard

Unfortunately for me, my Issue 70 arrived with a damaged sprue and the all-important cape component for one of the Honour Guard missing. Because so much of the rest of the model relies on the cape being in place, I had to leave Guard #2 looking a little incomplete.

If you find yourself in a similar position to me, be sure to get in touch with Hachette via their contact us page to request a new part.

Pinturas y herramientas de hobby

As the accompanying painting guide will instruct you, the two paints in Delivery 18 are designed to paint all those glowing green bits on your Necrons.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 18 Paints

Tesseract Glow was originally released alongside the new(ish) Necrons at the start of Ninth Edition in order to paint the green on their weapons. Previously, Necron weapons had been assembled using a piece of transparent green plastic, and Tesseract Glow was designed to mimic this. Cicatriz blanca, on the other hand, is designed for the most fine and highest of highlights.

You can see both at work in the picture of my C’tan Shard of the Void Dragon below. Take a close look at the green areas – these have all been done with Tesseract Glow (aside from some of the highlights, which were Moot Green), and the finest white spot highlights have been applied with Cicatriz blanca,

Cicatriz blanca is one of those paints you’ll likely never actually finish. It should be used so carefully and selectively that you won’t get to the bottom of the pot before the paint turns into gunge.

Bonus: Inquisitor Greyfax

Unless you opted out when you received your letter in Delivery 17 (or, in my case, didn’t actually look inside the box until a month later once I’d finished moving house), you will have also received an extra packet in your Warhammer Imperium Delivery 18.

This is an Inquisitor Greyfax Character Pack, and comes with both a magazine and a miniature of the infamous scion of the Holy Orders of the Emperor’s Inquisition.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 18 Bonus Greyfax Magazine

This slimline magazine contains some background on the inquisitor, a thorough assembly and paint guide, her datasheet, as well as some information on taking pictures of your miniatures – and a Warhammer 40,000 Imperium backdrop for you to use as well!

And, of course, there’s also a miniature of the shadowy agent of the Imperium. It’s a really nice one, too.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 18 Bonus Greyfax

In the image above, I’ve attached a piece of textured green stuff to her base that I’ll paint to look like a stone-flagged floor. Note that this component doesn’t come in the magazine.

Premium Kit 4

As if that wasn’t enough already, premium subscribers will also find that Delivery 18 además comes with their final Premium Kit – and things are about to get green.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 18 Premium Kit 4 Box

Ladies and gents, it’s the one we’ve (probably) all been waiting for: Orks.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 18 Premium Kit 4 Ork Magazine

The plus-sized magazine that comes in Premium Kit 4 has all the info you need to make the most out of the miniatures contained within. There’s background lore on the unstoppable green tide, a close-up look at the units in the kit, a bumper paint guide, and a special mission for you to play.

The Orks themselves are, unfortunately, not the most recently released chaps in the greenskin range. 2022 saw a bit of a facelift for 40K’s Orks, but these models are not those. But never mind – these are still pretty cool.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 18 Premium Kit 4 Ork Boyz

Starting with the Boyz, then, Premium Kit 4 comes with everything you need to build 10 Ork Boyz and a Boss Nob.

Whilst the sprue components aren’t numbered, you can’t go far wrong. Legs, torsos, heads and arms are all obvious enough and everything fits with everything else pretty much perfectly. There are plenty of extras you can also adorn your Boyz with in order to make them your own.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 18 Premium Kit 4 Grots and Runtherd

Accompanying the 10 Boyz are 10 Gretchin and a Runtherd. Possibly 11 of the easiest-to-build models I’ve ever come across (the Runtherd is only 5-6 parts, and some of the Gretchin require no assembly at all), on the same day I’d built all of Entrega 17, I was very grateful to get these done so quickly and easily.

The last model in Premium Kit 4 is the Big Mek. No model in this set sums up Orks in the 40K universe quite as well as this technology-obsessed maniac.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 18 Premium Kit 4 Big Mek

He’s a little more intensive to assemble compared to his peers (though that’s not saying much), but he’s certainly the stand-out figure amongst the bunch. I can’t wait to get some paint onto him.

Speaking of paints, just in case you weren’t sure where to begin with your Premium Kit 4 goodies, you’ll be pleased to know that this set comes with two paints and a wash you can use to make a start painting Ork flesh.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 18 Premium Kit 4 Paints

More details on how best to use these are included in Premium Kit 4’s magazine.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 18: Issues 67-70 Review – Price and Availability

As ever, we now arrive ‘midst the hallowed vaults and rafters of the FauxHammer.com Price and Availability Breakdown tables. Check below to see what kind of savings are on offer with this delivery.

No problema.Precio de emisión (GBP)Valor total (GBP)Ahorros totales
67£ 8.99£ 7.50- £ 1.49
68£ 8.9911,66 €2,67 £
69£ 8.99£ 17.50£ 8.51
70£ 8.99£ 17.50£ 8.51
TOTALES£ 35.96£54.16£18.20

And again for the US:

No problema.Precio de emisión (USD)Valor total (USD)Ahorros totales

Also, there’s Inquisitor Greyfax:

No problema.Precio de emisiónValor totalAhorros totales
Inquisitor Greyfax Character Pack (GBP)£ 9,9918,00 ££8.01

Once again, I’m going to pinch the table from our Desglose de ahorros en conjuntos premium so you can see how much money you’re getting off Premium Kit 4.

Número de kit premiumCostoValorAhorro
Kit premium 1 - Marines espaciales del caos£ 36- £ 40£ 62.50£ 22.50 - £ 26.50
Kit premium 2 - Tiránidos£ 32- £ 40£ 67.50£ 27.50 - £ 35.50
Kit premium 3 - Imperio T'au£ 34- £ 40£ 67.50£ 27.50 - £ 33.50
Kit premium 4 - Orkos£ 34- £ 4067,75 ££ 27.75 - £ 33.75
Total£ 136 - £ 160265,25 ££ 105.25 - £ 129.25

Si desea obtener más información sobre los costes asociados con Warhammer 40,000: Imperium en su conjunto, puede encontrar más información en nuestro página de contenido completo.

In all, there’s a lot of cash to be saved across Delivery 18 – be it with the bonus Greyfax figure or the Premium Kit. That the models in the standard magazines are high value also pushes up the overall value of this delivery.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 18: Issues 67-70 Review – Final Thoughts

Great value
Nice models available
Premium Kit 4 is a good ‘un
Greyfax is a nice surprise (if you weren’t paying attention, like me)
Not a huge amount of stuff for regular subscribers

Delivery 17 was always going to be a tough act to follow, and if you’re not a Premium Subscriber and also opted out of the Inquisitor Greyfax miniature, there’s a small chance you’re feeling a tad underwhelmed by Delivery 18. Unless you’re a Necron fan, of course, in which case you’re likely sick to death of all the airtime Space Marines have had recently.

The problem isn’t that Delivery 18 is bad, oh no: Delivery 18 has Marneus Calgar in it, which many of you will have been waiting for since the news first broke that he was in the collection. Premium Kit 4 is awesome, as is the Inquisitor Greyfax character pack. Delivery 18 is a good delivery. But Delivery 17 was amazing, and rammed full of so many miniatures that it was going to overshadow anything that came after it (again, unless you’re a Necron lover).

Necron collectors need only wait another month, though: Delivery 19 puts you at the fore with Lychgard/Triarch Praetorians, and a Lokhust Heavy Destroyer (and a Firestrike Servo Turret snuck in for good measure). As for anyone else, have a glance at the savings you’ve netted yourself this month. That should make you feel better and put it all in perspective.

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  • VoltorRWH

    Rob has spent most of the last 20 years playing World of Warcraft and writing stories set in made-up worlds. At some point, he also managed to get a Master's degree by writing about Medieval zombies.

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Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 18: Issues 67-70


Rob has spent most of the last 20 years playing World of Warcraft and writing stories set in made-up worlds. At some point, he also managed to get a Master's degree by writing about Medieval zombies.

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