Sobre nosotros

El blog de es para pintores en miniatura, aficionados y fanáticos de la pintura. Taller de juegos Miniaturas. También revisamos las herramientas y accesorios utilizados para respaldar sus objetivos de modelado.

2 comentarios en «About Us»

  • el diciembre 23, 2023 a las 5:59 am
    Enlace permanente

    hi am just starting of in airbrushing, have read your site and has been a great help. have bought the Iwata eclipse HP-CS am now looking to buy paint, reducer, cleaner.

    am looking at the Createx Wicked range. i would be painting fishing lures (to start) know is not minatures but hopefully you can advise me.

    What do you think of that range , quality, value etc.

    thanks for any help

    and have a great xmas

  • el septiembre 2, 2024 a las 3:05 pm
    Enlace permanente

    Hello! Long time viewer with a question. Been using the Elegoo Saturn 3 Ultra and about every 1 1/2 – 2 months I have to replace the LCD screen. Would you have any advice on why this is? Are the LCD’s just this short lived? Not sure if it’s normal or user error.

    Thanks for your time!


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