CONFIRMED: Wrath of the Soul Forge King Price, Value and Savings Breakdown

Last Updated on März 8, 2023 by FauxHammer

The mustered might of the Dark Angels Chapter stands against Vashtorr the Arkifane and his followers as the Chaos Gods bring their fury to bear against the home of the Sons of the Lion. But is this much-hyped box of miniatures from Games-Workshop worth your time and hard-earned money? Read our Wrath of the Soul Forge King Price, Value and Savings Breakdown for our predictions!

Update 08-03-2023: We’re surprised (and quietly quite smug) to see that our value predictions for these units were almost spot-on first time around – though we’re relieved to see our pessimistic retail valuation prediction that we provided of the box was miles off. Phew!

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Wrath of the Soul Forge King Price, Value and Savings Breakdown – Summary

Not wanting to churn through detail and pretty pictures? Here’s our overall breakdown…

Britisches PfundUSDCADEURAUD
Dark Angels Total Value£127.50$205.00$255.00€166.50$314.00
Chaos Total Value£135.00$205.00$251.00165,00 €$349.00
Wrath of the Soul Forge King Price*£130,00$210.00$260.00170,00 €$360.00
Percentage Savings50%48%49%49%46%
This table has been updated on 08-03-2023 with new values.

Things not looking like you’d expect them to? Have a look at your full breakdown below, as well as a reminder regarding Games-Workshop’s price increase…

Wrath of the Soul Forge King Price, Value and Savings Breakdown – Introduction

The ever-building Arks of Omen narrative that Games-Workshop are currently slowly easing Warhammer 40,000 fans into begins to come to a head with the announcement of the Wrath of the Soul Forge King box.

This set, which sees the release of new Chaos villain mastermind Vashtorr the Arkifane first popped into the online hobbysphere during Games-Workshop’s Las Vegan Open on Friday 27th January. Whilst there’s not a huge amount of new stuff in the Wrath of the Soul Forge King box, what ist new is very exciting indeed. Vashtorr the Arkifane, the new BBEG of the Warhammer 40,000 universe, makes his first appearance in plastic. Not only that, much-adored Dark Angels boss man, Azrael, has finally crossed the Rubicon Primaris and is looking swoler than ever as a brand-new miniature.

Wrath of the Soul Forge King Price, Value and Savings Breakdown GW Image 1

Both are backed up by a host of their respective followers: the Soul Forge King has a Venomcrawler and two obliterators, as well as ten Cultists at his back, whilst the Supreme Grand Master of the Dark Angels is reinforced with 10 Intercessors and 5 Deathwing Terminators. A scrap that’d likely punch a few holes in any planet.

Wrath of the Soul Forge King Price, Value and Savings Breakdown – Release Date

It’s been a little while since we had a Warhammer 40,000 battlebox – especially one that’s had the hype and build-up that Wrath of the Soul Forge King has had. What began as a tease of the Arks of Omen, and was followed them with the weekly Tarot on Warhammer Community’s website, the various books that have been released in the wake since the first announcement, and the glimpses we’ve been given of both Vashtorr and Azrael, this one’s been a long time coming.

If we had to guess, we’d estimate we’ll be seeing this box drop at some point in mid-to-late March or early April.

This means, it, along with the future boxes of this ilk, will be impacted by the upcoming Price Increase.

Wrath of the Soul Forge King Price, Value and Savings Breakdown – Price and Savings

Update 08-03-2023: We’ve updated all the tables in the section below with their true values based on GW’s price increase from this Monday the 6th March 2023 and recalculated all the savings based on this. We’ve also included the released value of Wrath of the Soul Forge King, which we’re relieved to say isn’t quite as grim as our original prediction was!

Now, the box. This one’s complicated.

We reckon that we are looking at a mid- or post-March release for this box, which means it’s likely that Wrath of the Soul Forge King (WotSFK) will be subject to the latest GW price increases. As such, every single value in the table below is completely speculative – and may be incorrect. More on this in a moment.

The individual product values in the table below have been worked out as the current retail price for these units + 6% and then rounded up to the nearest either half or whole unit. For example, a product that currently costs £30.00 will be £31.80 after the 6% price increase, so we’ve rounded this to £32.00. A product with a value of £20.00 will be £21.20 after the 6% increase, so we would round this to £21.50.

Again, this is just our estimates based on our experience of previous rises. Take these with a serious pinch of salt.

Dark Angels Price and Savings

Let’s start with the little green spacemen.

Britisches PfundUSDCADEURAUD
Azrael*£ 32,50$55.00$65.0042,50 €$84.00
Primaris Fürsprecher£ 37,50$60.00$75.0050,00 €$103.00
Deathwing Terminator Squad£ 37,50$60.00$75.0050,00 €$79.00
Dark Angels Primaris Upgrades x 2£ 20.00$30.00$40.0024,00 €$48.00
*Azrael’s value is based on Hochmarschall Helbrecht
This table has been updated on 08-03-2023 with new values.

Whilst Azrael could be similarly priced in relation to other Chapter leaders such as Mephiston or Ragnar, the inclusion of his underling Watcher in the Dark companion potentially increases the value. Again, we are just inferring the prices here. We wouldn’t be surprised to see the value of Azrael increase by a little, perhaps in line with Marneus Calgar, as Azrael does come with this second miniature – the little Watcher in the Dark holding either his sword or his helmet – but we live in hope.

Forces of Chaos Price and Savings

Next up, the fiends of the Warp.

Britisches PfundUSDCADEURAUD
Vashtorr*£ 50.00$80.00$101.0065,00 €$140.00
Chaos-Kultisten£ 30.00$50.00$60.0040,00 €$84.00
Venomcrawler and Obliterators£ 45.00$75.00$90.0060,00 €$125.00
Gesamtwert£135.00$205.00£251.00165,00 €$349.00
* Beyogen auf Daemon Prince
This table has been updated on 08-03-2023 with new values.

Vashtorr’s value is a little bit trickier to guess at. We’ve ultimately settled on comparing him to the recently released Daemon Prince model because we imagine they’re both going to be similar sizes and if you close one eye and quint the other, they look irgendwie similar.

Final Totals

Britisches PfundUSDCADEURAUD
Dark Angels Total Value£127.50$205.00$255.00€166.50$314.00
Chaos Total Value£135.00$205.00$251.00165,00 €$349.00
Wrath of the Soul Forge King Price*£130,00$210.00$260.00170,00 €$360.00
Percentage Savings50%48%49%49%46%
This table has been updated on 08-03-2023 with new values.

Update 08/03/2023: We’ve updated the table above with the new values follwojng the GW price rise that took place on Monday 6th March 2023. This information is now correct and accurate, so you can disregard what we’ve written below (unless you’d like a window into our thinking as to why we thought this box might retail so high!)

Working out the savings potentially available in the box is made difficult by Games-Workshop's incoming 6% average price increase. We don’t have these values yet, so those in the table above are estimates based on this. Furthermore, GW won’t be increasing the values of alle their products by exactly 6% – in their article, they give an example of a Battle Sisters Squad increasing in price from £1.50 from £36 to £37.50. This is actually an increase in price of just 4%.

The long and short is we have absolutely no idea what exactly these units will cost after March. We’ve increased everything by 6% and been harsh with our rounding in the hope of seeing things come in cheaper when the full release lands.

Wrath of the Soul Forge King Price, Value and Savings Breakdown GW Image 2

So, that’s problem one. Problem two is that this price increase will probably affect the retail prices of these battleboxes quite severely. Now, these kind of battleboxes have in the past tended to offer savings of around 33% depending on whereabouts in the world you live. In order to maintain that kind of saving after the price rise, the price of these boxes has to increase in kind – but it’s not as simple as just increasing the price of the box by 6% as well. See, a 6% price rise on a product valued at around £120.00 would likely see it retail from GW at £130.00. If WotSFK retails at £130, we’d be seeing unprecedented savings of around 45-50% – which just isn’t going to happen.

Wrath of the Soul Forge King Price, Value and Savings Breakdown GW Image 3

As such, we think it’s far more likely that the overall retail price of WotSFK might increase up to around £155.00/$255.00 and so-on in order to maintain the overall one-third savings percentage compared to buying the units individually. We might be completely wrong, our maths might be totally out, and our predictions may be miles off.

But the ultimate takeaway from this is that this box is wahrscheinlich going to cost more than any previously seen (hopefully we won’t be pushing into Ash Wastes territory).

Wrath of the Soul Forge King Price, Value and Savings Breakdown – Final Thoughts

Setting aside how desperate I am to get my hands on the new Azrael model, I am a touch concerned by our predictions. Whilst a few extra quid on a squad of minis here and there likely isn’t going to break the bank, big releases like these – which thrive on F.O.M.O – may well be in danger of pricing themselves out of people’s budgets. Sure, there are savings on offer, but picking up a box of figures priced in double digits once a month or so is far easier than splurging hundreds on a box in one go.

Whilst I’m relatively proud of my bit of maths above, I do hope I’m wrong and that everything will cost a bit less when it’s released.

Update 08-03-2023: Whilst my overall price percentage increases for individual units were pretty much spot on (which, as someone who struggled with maths in high school, I’m very smug about), I was wrong about the overall price of the box – thank goodness! Whilst £130 still expensive, it’s much more reasonable than the £155 we tentatively suggested a few weeks ago.

What do you all think? Will you be keeping an eye out for Wrath of the Soul Forge King and the brand-new minis promised within? Or does the box need a few more new bits in it to get your attention and be worthy of your cash? Let us know in the comments below!

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  • - Voltor Profil Bild

    Rob has spent most of the last 20 years playing World of Warcraft and writing stories set in made-up worlds. At some point, he also managed to get a Master's degree by writing about Medieval zombies.

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Rob has spent most of the last 20 years playing World of Warcraft and writing stories set in made-up worlds. At some point, he also managed to get a Master's degree by writing about Medieval zombies.

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