Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine Issues 31 – 38 Contents Confirmed

For all you Stormbringer addicts out there, we have a new round of magazines making their way out in the world – and here at Fauxhammer, we’re going to send out a reminder of what’s to come this month and the next in your subscriptions and selected newsagents. Read on to see what you can expect from the Mortal Realms for the immediate future.

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Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine Issues 31 – 38 Contents Confirmed

With this lot of releases, we’re still firmly in the Stormcast Eternal phase of the magazine, whilst we get more Gloomspite Gitz for the villainous side. However, we are getting dripfed some Sylvaneth to dip our toes in to other factions of the Grand Alliance Order. There’s also a couple essential paints coming up too. Overall, the next few issues host a gluttony of models that you’ll want to get your grubby mits on.

If you’d like to see what else lies beyond Issue 38, we have a breakdown here as to what expect for the entirety of the 80 issue run.

Warhammer Stormbringer 31 Contents

Release date: 27th September 2023 (UK)

Britisches PfundUSDEURAUD
Ausgabenpreis£ 8.99$13.959,99 €$19.99
Gesamtwert£ 20$32.5027,50 €$52.50
Gesamteinsparung£ 11.01$18.55€17.51$32.51

Like with the Hobgrots from the previous issue, the Vigilors in this issue are halved from the original box, coming with 5 instead of 10 in the issue.

Warhammer Stormbringer 32 Contents

Release date: 4th October 2023 (UK)

Britisches PfundUSDEURAUD
Ausgabenpreis£ 8.99$13.959,99 €$19.99
Gesamtwert£ 27.50$45.0035,00 €$65.00

Well, there are some golden oldies. I think these were around when I was a kid 20 years ago (they certainly look the part), but there’s quite a bit of charm with seeing a bit of Oldhammer again. Of course, if GW were to update this kit to today’s standards, they would be miles better, but seeing tiny goblins with pointy black hoods holding the same bow and arrow pose brings a little nostalgia to the collection.

Warhammer Stormbringer 33 Contents

Britisches PfundUSDEURAUD
Ausgabenpreis£ 8.99$13.959,99 €$19.99
Gesamtwert22,50 £$35.0030,00 €$59.99
Gesamteinsparung13,51 €$21.0520,01 €$40.00

Warhammer Stormbringer 34 Contents

Britisches PfundUSDEURAUD
Ausgabenpreis£ 8.99$13.959,99 €$19.99
Gesamtwert£ 7,50$12.359,90 €$17.90
Gesamteinsparung-£1,49-$1.60-0,09 €-$2.09

Being a paint issue, you’ll know by now to expect a negative saving – however, both paints here, especially the Nulnöl, are very useful, highly applicable, and in the case of the latter, essential. Whenever a newbie excitedly shows off his first painted miniature, you know there’s always a guy who advises them to drip the whole thing in Nulnöl – which is never bad advice, as Nulnöl is excellent for creating the illusion of shadows or make things look grim, dark and plain old dirty.

Incubi Dunkelheit is also excellent if you need a greenish black somewhere in your colour palette.

Warhammer Stormbringer 35 Contents

Britisches PfundUSDEURAUD
Ausgabenpreis£ 8.99$13.959,99 €$19.99
Gesamtwert£ 25.00$40.0032,50 €$63.00
Gesamteinsparung16,01 €$26.0522,51 €$43.01

It’s like Mothman, but in an eerie spectral blue (and with less junk in the trunk).

Warhammer Stormbringer 36 Contents

Britisches PfundUSDEURAUD
Ausgabenpreis£ 8.99$13.959,99 €$19.99
Gesamtwert£ 25.00$40.0032,50 €$63.00
Gesamteinsparung16,01 €$26.0522,51 €$43.01

Gee, I wonder if this guy likes mushrooms, not sure what it is about him…

This Mushroom Magician is an excellently detailed miniature, and my one of my favourites so far.

Warhammer Stormbringer 37 Contents

Britisches PfundUSDEURAUD
Ausgabenpreis£ 8.99$13.959,99 €$19.99
Gesamtwert£ 20.00$25.9323,50 €$55.00
Gesamteinsparung£ 11.01$11.98€13.51$35.01

This issue contains another Underworlds Warband that is out of production, whose original price was £20 GBP. Due to this, I’d expect this to be a popular one too.

On the other hand, you get a synthetic drybrush – which one, we don’t know just yet, so at this time it’s difficult to establish exact prices and savings. For the time being, we’ve calculated the savings with just the models to show that you still save decently, with or without the brush.

Warhammer Stormbringer 38 Contents

Britisches PfundUSDEURAUD
Ausgabenpreis£ 8.99$13.959,99 €$19.99
Gesamtwert£ 17.50$30.0022,50 €$45.50
Gesamteinsparung£ 8,51$16.0512,51 €$25.51

With this issue, you get 5 Vindictors instead of the 10 you’d get in the box. The prices are adjusted for that.

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