Boarding Patrol: Aeldari Price, Points, Value and Savings Breakdown

Last Updated on April 15, 2023 by FauxHammer

Bursting with pirates and dancers, it’s all getting a bit panto with the Aeldari Boarding Patrol. Take the battle to your enemies in the claustrophobic confines of the 41st Millennium with this agile and deadly force. Want more info? Check out our Boarding Patrol: Aeldari Price, Points, Value and Savings Breakdown for all the details.

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Boarding Patrol: Aeldari – Release Date

The new Boarding Patrol: Aeldari was one of a whole heap of Boarding Patrols announced at last week’s Sunday preview. This the release date for Boarding Patrol: Aeldari will be April 1st 2023.

boarding patrol aeldari box

Pre-orders will go live at 10am auf March 25th 2022.

Boarding Patrol: Aeldari – Price

The price of the box is as below:

Britisches PfundUSDCADEURAUD
Boarding Patrol: Aeldari80,00 £$130.00*$160.00*€105.00*$220.00*
*Based on Boarding Patrol: Chaos Space Marines (same UK price)

Global prices have been estimated from similar-priced products.

Boarding Patrol: Aeldari – Price Value & Savings Summary

Here’s a quick summary of how things shape up in this box.

Britisches PfundUSDCADEURAUD
Gesamtwert£140.00$225.00$280.00185,00 €$382.00
Boarding Patrol: Aeldari Price80,00 £$130.00*$160.00*€105.00*$220.00*
Gesamtersparnis£ 60.00$95.00$120.0080,00 €$162.00
Prozentsatz gespeichert42%42%42%43%42%
*Based on Boarding Patrol: Chaos Space Marines (same UK price)

As a relatively high-value box of miniatures, there are some serious savings to be snapped up with the Aeldari Boarding Patrol box.

Read on for more info!

Boarding Patrol: Aeldari – Contents

With 26 miniatures – the vast majority of which are recent releases – the Aeldari Boarding Patrol will have caught the eye of many collectors.

Here’s everything in the box, painted up by Games-Workshop’s ‘Eavy Metal team and professionally photographed – as if you didn’t need tempting more.

Now, at a glance it looks as if there are four distinct kits here: the guys in white at the front, the big ‘un in the centre, the chaps in blue, and the chaps in red at the back. However, the guys in red and blue are, in fact, the same kit.

These models are all built out of the Kill Team: Corsair Voidscarred kit, which made its debut in Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team: Nachmund. This is something to be aware of – especially if you were hoping for two entirely distinct kits. They can be assembled either as Corsairs (at the back) or Voidscarred (at the front).

Boarding Patrol: Aeldari – Value

Now, let’s have a look at how much the individual components in these boxes are worth were you to buy them seperately.

Britisches PfundUSDCADEURAUD
Jain Zar£ 27.50$45.00$55.0035,00 €$75.00
Corsairs£75.00 (£37.50 per box of 10)$120.00 ($60 per box of 10)$150.00 ($75.00 per box of 10)€100.00 (€50 per box of 10)$210.00 ($105 per box of 10)
Heulende Todesfeen£ 37,50$60.00$75.0050,00 €$97.00
Gesamtwert£140.00$225.00$280.00185,00 €$382.00

It’s undeniable that there are some beefy savings up for grabs here. Aeldari collectors looking to beef up their armies will want to make sure they’re ready for the 10AM preorders this coming Saturday the 25th March.

Boarding Patrol: Aeldari – Points

It’s time to see what the Aeldari bring to the tabletop. Below, we have their points and optional upgrades calculated.

Jain Zar150pts
Heulende Todesfeen
– Exarch
– Executioner
– Graceful Avoidance
– Nerve-Shredding Shriek
– Piercing Strikes
Corsair Voidscarred
– Voidscarred Felarch
– Shade Runner
– Soul Weaver
– Way Seeker
– Fusion pistol
– Corsair blaster
– Corsair shredder
– Neuro disruptor
– Ranger long rifle
– Shuriken cannon
– Wraithcannon
– Faolchú
– Mistshield
Corsair Voidreavers
– Voidreaver Felarch
– Corsair blaster
– Corsair shredder
– Neuro disruptor
– Shuriken cannon
– Wraithcannon
– Mistshield
Raw Total Value465pts

At 465 points, this Boarding Force is only 35 points off the 500 point mark for a Boarding Actions list – and with the absolute plethora of weapon choices and upgrades, you’ll have to choose wisely – otherwise you’ll find yourself crossing that threshold very quickly.

On the talk of upgrades, let’s talk about the Corsairs. You can take both variants into battle with this box – either 10 Voidscarred and 10 Voidreavers, or as 20 of either option. It’s interesting to see Corsairs as infantry in lieu of Guardians, but it’s thematic and the Corsairs offer high customisability – I could list off what each weapon upgrade and ability does all night long, but the Aeldari race might be entirely extinct by the time we’d finish, so I’d recommend referring to your Codex to build your Corsair options.

A cursory glance tells me that the Voidscarred are the more flavourful choice of kit – they have more options concerning loadouts, and cooler models (let’s be honest). That’s to be expected, considering this kit originated from Kill Team: Nachmund – so differing variants in the unit will have unique abilities. For example, the Way Seeker is a psyker, the Shade Runner can give extra mortal wounds after charging and the Felarch can throw his bird at the target, who loses any benefit of cover. Birds are vicious, after all.

But while the Corsairs provide the pew-pew, it’s the Howling Banshees and their Phoenix Lord that would give me slight for pause. I’ve come up against these guys before, and not gonna lie, I do not like them. You know why? Because they absolutely rip anything they touch apart. Their Mirrorswords can make 2 hit rolls instead of 1. The Howling Banshee Mask ability overrules any Overwatch toward them – so no sneaky shooting on their turn! With Whirling Death, they get an extra 1 to wound rolls if they charged, and Acrobatic enables them to o declare a charge even after Advancing – and every attack made against this unit has 1 subtracted from their hit roll. Oof.

Now pair them with Jain Zar, who has more or less the same abilities, but then some. Being Favoured of Khaine, she has an invulnerable save and can only lose a total of 3 wounds per phase. She’s gonna be hard to hurt – and definitely can’t be one-shotted in a single turn. Jain Zar and the Howling Banshees are an excellent choice for a Boarding Patrol, as they will tear through corridors with ease. The trick is, you don’t want them sitting on objectives – you want them up close and personal and giving hell to your opponent right in their faces.

All in all, this is a fantastic Boarding Patrol boxset with amazing savings on the higher end of the range. If you’re looking to tear down your foes with the full might of the retribution of Khaine, this is the box for you. Don’t wait to bolster your space Elven forces – pre-order your box this coming Saturday at 10am, like the Farseers read in the stars.

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