Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine Issues 15 – 18 Contents Confirmed

Last Updated on Mai 22, 2023 by FauxHammer

Welcome back to another round of Stormbringer revealed. there are some bumper savings this time around with some expensive sets offered at incredible discounts. You also get your first OOP scenery set. And some paints. Come in and have a lookie at the contents of Warhammer Stormbringer issues 15-18.

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Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine Issues 15-18 – Our Latest News

Who wants a free 3D printer? no? ok ignore this then. but if you do, we are offering another Giveaway for the brand new Phrozen Sonic Mini 8kS. this is still the most detailed printer available, so if you are looking for printing miniatures, terrain models or just want a play. this is now the perfect place to get started!

Klicken the image below and read the video description for details on how to enter.

Not only is the Mini 8kS cheaper than the original, it’s actually a lot better too, with a stronger light, meaning faster printing times, and it;s fixed a ton of minor niggles that people had with the original Mini 8k

And whilst you’re entering competitions, Our GKTWO giveaway is still open too. We’ve already given two of these printer bundles to lucking winners and we have one more to give away.

You can enter that competition here.

People who have watched my videos are still unsure which 3D printer is considered the best. It’s still this one. you can see that in our list of best printers. but if you are buying one, the price may be prohibitive.

Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine Issues 15-18 – Contents Confirmed

Warhammer Stormbringer Issue 15 Contents

Release Date: 31st May 2023 (UK)

Britisches PfundUSDEURAUD
Ausgabenpreis£ 8.99$13.959,99 €$
Gesamtwert£ 32,50$55.0042,50 €$84.00
Gesamteinsparung£23.51$41.0532,51 €$

Warhammer Stormbringer Issue 16 Contents

Release Date: 7th June 2023 (UK)

Britisches PfundUSDEURAUD
Ausgabenpreis£ 8.99$13.959,99 €$

We cou;dn;t get a price for this as it’s been out of production for a long time. Also worth saying, this may be your last chance to get this kit. I’m sad they stopped doing these as I feel they added some fun-dimensional elements to Underworlds. But I guess they just didn’t sell well enough.

Warhammer Stormbringer Issue 17 Contents

Release Date: 14th June 2023 (UK)

Britisches PfundUSDEURAUD
Ausgabenpreis£ 8.99$13.959,99 €$
Gesamtwert£ 7,50$12.359,90 €$17.90
Gesamteinsparung-£1,49-$1.60-0,09 €$

Yay, 2 paints…. if this is your first collection, these are some fairly crucial colours. if you have had previous collections, you probably have plenty of this left.

Warhammer Conquest Inhalt Ausgabe 7

Warhammer Stormbringer Issue 18 Contents

Release Date: 21st June 2023 (UK)

Britisches PfundUSDEURAUD
Ausgabenpreis£ 8.99$13.959,99 €$
Gesamtwert£ 26.00$42.0034,00 €$65.00
Gesamteinsparung£ 17.01$28.0524,01 €$

Again, hard to determine the price as these are no longer available, neither standalone nor as an underworld warband with cards. But we have taken the set price here to determine the value.

Da Kunnin' Krew

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  • FauxHammer

    Selbsternannter Chefredakteur von FauxHammer.com - Aber ich muss dem Team dafür danken, dass es existiert und es mir ermöglicht, mir dese Rolle zu geben - ohne sie bin ich nur ein Plastic-Crack süchtiger Nerd mit einem Computer.

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Selbsternannter Chefredakteur von FauxHammer.com - Aber ich muss dem Team dafür danken, dass es existiert und es mir ermöglicht, mir dese Rolle zu geben - ohne sie bin ich nur ein Plastic-Crack süchtiger Nerd mit einem Computer.

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