Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine Issues 11 – 14 Contents Confirmed

Last Updated on Aprile 19, 2023 by FauxHammer

Yep, there’s a bit of delay on this one, but let’s not get people too excited too early. Warhammer Stormbringer is still very new and a ton of people have been excitedly picking up their first issues. And here we are to reveal the next four. As per the previous Magazine Subscriptions, we’ll be looking to do these reveals every 4 weeks, and yes, patrons will get early access as they do to all of our allowed content. for now though, let’s check out the content of Warhammer Stormbringer issues 11-14.

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Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine Issues 11-14 – Our Latest News

Just a quick reminder to everyone for the following. If you are following these releases, be sure to check out our master post which has all the latest magazine info. you can see that below

You should also be sure to join our Facebook Group for all things Stormbringer

You can also join our Discord which has a dedicated Stormbringer Channel


And finally, don’t forget to enter our huge 3D Printer Giveaway – this is the biggest giveaway we’ve ever done!!!! And it’s the best 3D printer I’ve ever used!

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Now, on with the reveals!

Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine Issues 11-14 – Contents Confirmed

Warhammer Stormbringer Issue 11 Contents

Release Date: 3rd May 2023 (UK)

Sterlina ingleseDollaro statunitenseeuroAUD
Prezzo di emissione£ 8,99$13.95€ 9,99$
Valore totale£ 22.50$35.00€ 30,00$59.00
Risparmio totale£$$

Warhammer Stormbringer Issue 12 Contents

Release Date: 10th May 2023 (UK)

Sterlina ingleseDollaro statunitenseeuroAUD
Prezzo di emissione£ 8,99$13.95€ 9,99$
Valore totale£ 32.50$55.00€ 42.50$84.00
Risparmio totale£$$

Warhammer Stormbringer Issue 13 Contents

Release Date: 17th May 2023 (UK)

Sterlina ingleseDollaro statunitenseeuroAUD
Prezzo di emissione£ 8,99$13.95€ 9,99$
Valore totale£ 5,50$9.10€ 7,20$12.80
Risparmio totale£$$

Warhammer Stormbringer Issue 14 Contents

Release Date: 24th May 2023 (UK)

Sterlina ingleseDollaro statunitenseeuroAUD
Prezzo di emissione£ 8,99$13.95€ 9,99$
Valore totale£ 32.50$55.00€ 42.50$84.00
Risparmio totale£$$

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(Affiliate links will result in compensation to the site on qualifying purchases)

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