Contenuti della rivista Mortal Realms Numero 19 e 20 Contenuti confermati

Last Updated on Marzo 15, 2020 by FauxHammer

Di nuovo Forbidden Planet beat us to the punch buy confirming the contents for some of the upcoming issues. This time we’re taking a look at the contents for Mortal Realms issue 19 & 20

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Rivista Mortal Realms Contenuti Numero 19 e 20

Mortal Realms Numero 19 Sommario

  • Knight of Shrouds
  • Guardian of Souls
  • Spirit Torment
Mortal Realms Contenuto completo - Numero 19 - Copertina

Questo è Sprue F di Soul Wars (RRP £95 for 6 sprues). The set value below is the retail cost of each boxed set divided by the number of sprues in the box.

Data di rilascio: 20/05/20

Issue Price £7.99
Total Value £12.50 – £15.83
Total Saving £4.51 – £7.84

Mortal Realms Indice completo - Numero 19 - Knight of Shrouds, Guardian of Souls & Spirit Torment

Sommario di Mortal Realms Numero 20

  • Lord-Arcano
  • Evocator Prime
Mortal Realms Contenuto completo - Numero 20 - Copertina

Questo è Sprue E di Soul Wars (RRP £95 for 6 sprues). The set value below is the retail cost of each boxed set divided by the number of sprues in the box.

Data di rilascio: 27/05/20

Issue Price £7.99
Total Value £12.50 – £15.83
Total Saving £4.51 – £7.84

Mortal Realms Indice completo - Numero 20 - Lord-Arcanum & Evocator Prime

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