Warhammer Imperium Magazine Issues 75 – 80 Contents Confirmed

And now the end is here, And so I face that final curtain. This is it guys, the final reveal from the initial collection of 80 issues of Warhammer Imperium. But don’t worry boys and girls, we have another 10 bumper bonus issues coming our way! As always I have been shown the next 4 issues which are 75-78. But let’s be fair. it wasn’t too hard to guess the final two.

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Warhammer Imperium Magazine Issues 75 – 80 Contents Confirmed

We’ve come a long, long way together, Through the hard times, and the good. It’s time to Celebrate Warhammer Imperium, and praise it like we should. – I wrote this!

It has been a fantastic collection of issues and despite some rough/boring sets in the middle of the collection, it has certainly been more balanced than its predecessor, Warhammer Conquest. I know that leaving more of the desired contents toward the end has kept more people on board – even in this economy. Because our viewership stats stayed super high throughout. Whereas conquest began dwindling rapidly at the mid-point.

What do we look forward to now?

Well, there’s Warhammer Stormbringer the Fantasy arm of Warhammer offerings which should tide many of us over until GW finally release Warhammer The Old World with it’s traditional Warhammer Fantasy-themed models.

But for those desperate to cling to the Grim Dark 41st Millenium. Once Imperium is complete, you only have about 3 months to wait before we see the long-rumoured 10th Edition release Featuring Blood Angels Vs Tyranids (and 10 weeks of that wait will be taken up with Bonus Issues of Imperium). Oh, and since it’s also expected to feature the long-expected Primaris Terminators, I guess this is the closest to Space hulk I’m gonna get for a long while.

Finally, whilst I have you, please subscribe to our youtube channel, even if you never intend to watch, it helps to boost the numbers – I need this for the algorithm to promote my content more to the people who want to watch it.

Ok, Let’s get into the issues

Warhammer Imperium Numéro 75 Sommaire

Release Date: 08/02/23

Prix par numéro£ 8.99$13.95$9,99 €$19.99
Valeur totale£ 15,00$24.50$30.0019,00 €$38.00
Économie totale6,01 £$10.55$9,01 €$18.01
Pourcentage d'économie40%43%%47%47%

Ok, I want to be clear here, The price of the Haemotrope Reactor set has gone up since the one we got way back in Issue 27. But since you can’t actually buy the set anymore, I didn’t bother to update the prices in the table above.

It’s a cool-ish set, but its scenery and it’s looking its age now when compared to newer kits

I kinda chucked to myself last month when I was aware of this issue, but Issue 75 was suddenly sold out in droves on Forbidden Planet, like someone had some inside info. Sorry guys, bad guess. enjoy your 100 reactors. The issue you really wanted was 76, wasn’t it.

Contenu de Warhammer Conquest, numéros 51 et 68

Warhammer Imperium Numéro 76 Sommaire

Release Date: 15/02/23

Prix par numéro£ 8.99$13.95$9,99 €$19.99
Valeur totale27,50 £$45.00$55.0035,00 €$70.00
Économie totale£18.51$31.05$€25.01$50.01
Pourcentage d'économie67%69%%71%71%

One of the most awaited sets has come as one of the greatest savings in the whole collection. It’s a sought after set and for running an army, people will be looking to get 3-5 of these and that’s before the scalpers get a look in!

Preorder these now!

Warhammer Imperium Magazine - Issue 76 - Primaris Invader ATV

Warhammer Imperium Numéro 77 Sommaire

Release Date: 22/02/22

Prix par numéro£ 8.99$13.95$9,99 €$19.99
Valeur totale£16.25$27.50$32.50€21.25$33.00
Économie totale£7.26$13.55$€11.26$13.01
Pourcentage d'économie45%49%%53%39%

Another awesome kit and one of the largest Necron units in the whole force. It can be built as an Annihilation Barge as shown here or as a Command Barge shown below.

Warhammer Imperium Magazine - Issue 77 & 78 - Necron Catacomb Command Barge

Warhammer Imperium Numéro 78 Sommaire

Release Date: 01/03/23

Prix par numéro£ 8.99$13.95$9,99 €$19.99
Valeur totale£16.25$27.50$32.50€21.25$33.00
Économie totale£7.26$13.55$€11.26$13.01
Pourcentage d'économie45%49%%53%39%

The command version of the model allows you to move the included commander from his own base onto the heavily armoured and weaponised croissant itself.

I expect as this is intended to be built as an Annihilation barge, you’ll still get the separate base for said commander

Most people will be looking to buy two of these.

Warhammer Imperium Magazine - Issue 77 & 78 - Annihilation Barge

Warhammer Imperium Numéro 79 Sommaire

Release Date: 08/03/23

Prix par numéro£ 8.99$13.95$9,99 €$19.99
Valeur totale£ 20,00$32.50$40.0027,50 €$52.50
Économie totale11,01 £ GB$18.55$€17.51$32.50
Pourcentage d'économie55%57%%64%62%

What better way to finish the collection than with the Primarch himself?

Despite the fact that this is clearly an Ultramarine model it will be selling fast, just due to its value with scalpers wanting to benefit most.

Warhammer Imperium Magazine - Issue 79 & 80 - Roboute Guilliman

Warhammer Imperium Numéro 80 Sommaire

Release Date: 15/03/23

Prix par numéro£ 8.99$13.95$9,99 €$19.99
Valeur totale£ 20,00$32.50$40.0027,50 €$52.50
Économie totale11,01 £ GB$18.55$€17.51$32.50
Pourcentage d'économie55%57%%64%62%

Due to his intricate detail, it’s an incredibly fun model to mix-up and convert. once again, expect this to sell out in droves!

Warhammer Imperium Magazine - Issue 79 & 80 - Roboute Guilliman Close Up

Warhammer Imperium Magazine – What’s Next

Well, as I said above, don’t forget to check out the Bonus 10 issues coming for Warhammer Imperium

Contenu de Warhammer Imperium - Numéros 81-90 révélés - En vedette

Once we know the order of release for these cool models, we’ll be sharing it with you!

And for those wanting a bigger fix, why not try out the Fantasy side of the game with Warhammer Strombringer. We’ll be surprise-announcing the release date as ‘February 15th’ next week. (Wink Wink – there’s more to share too)

All the details we know are posted here and this is going to be launched very soon.

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  • FauxHammer

    Rédacteur en chef autoproclamé de FauxHammer.com - Mais je dois remercier l'équipe d'exister et donc de m'avoir permis de me donner un rôle - sans eux, je ne suis qu'un nerd avec un ordinateur et une dépendance au plastique.

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Rédacteur en chef autoproclamé de FauxHammer.com - Mais je dois remercier l'équipe d'exister et donc de m'avoir permis de me donner un rôle - sans eux, je ne suis qu'un nerd avec un ordinateur et une dépendance au plastique.

Une réflexion sur “Warhammer Imperium Magazine Issues 75 – 80 Contents Confirmed

  • janvier 13, 2023 à 5:48 pm

    79 and 80 don’t appear to be available from Forbidden Planet


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