Examen du boîtier de la figurine Feldherr General 370

Last Updated on novembre 30, 2022 by FauxHammer

For the latest entry into our series of miniatures cases reviews, we turn to the mighty Feldherr. Synonymous with strength and quality, how will the internationally renowned brand’s General 370 fare under some FauxHammer.com scrutiny?

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Feldherr General 370 Figure Case Review – Summary

In an outcome that will surprise absolutely no one, Feldherr’s General 370 is a very worthy entry onto the miniatures cases market. Part carry case, part storage box, and with all the extra bits you could need on a container of this type, this bag is up there with the best of them.

Feldherr General 370 Figure Case Review – Introduction

We’ve been itching to get some Feldherr onto FauxHammer.com for quite some time now. When we started looking at storage and transportation cases for miniatures and models after UKGE 2022, we in the FauxHammer.com writing and editing team said to ourselves then that no series of such reviews could be considered complete without the inclusion of the notorious German brand.

In a stereotypically clinical About Us page, Feldherr spartanly describe themselves as having the “goal […]to develop the best figure cases and bags for all players and collectors. Our focus is on perfect quality, highest functionality and an attractive price.”

It’s safe to say this is a reputation they’ve garnered with ruthless efficiency. Feldherr are a consumer favourite the world over and are usually the first place you’ll hear recommended should you ask the question “where can I got a good case for my minis?”.

But just how warranted is that reputation?

Interested in buying a Feldherr Case? Use the code FAUX22 at checkout to get a discount of 5 euros at a minimum order value of 50 Euro (valid until 31.3.2023).

Feldherr General 370 Figure Case Review – The Case

We reached out to Feldherr to see if they’d be interested in sending us a sample product for us to pick over. In our discussions with them, we emphasized that we wanted to try and keep our testing parameters as uniform as we could across the cases we review. Regular readers will remember I tested the massive Tabletop Tyrant Dreadnought Backpack Figure Case with my Ironjawz, and the slightly smaller Battle Foam P.A.C.K. 352 Figure Case and Magna Rack with my slightly smaller Dark Angels army.

As such, Feldherr very kindly sent us one of their GENERAL 370 bag with Storage Box FSLB310 for Space Marine and Imperium armies. This is a standard load-out that they offer, not a custom one we have created specifically for either of the above armies.

So, here’s the technical gubbins:

Dimensions of the GENERAL 370 bag:

  • Inside: approx. 410 mm x 330 mm x 370 mm
  • Outside: approx. 430 mm x 330 mm x 380 mm

Dimensions of the FSLB310 Storage Box:

  • Inside: 350 mm x 285 mm x 310 mm
  • Outside: 380 mm x 310 mm x 320 mm

Compared to the other cases we’ve looked at, the General 370 is far more comparable to the monstrous cuirassé. The two bags are very similar size (Feldherr’s is slightly wider). This is a big case for a big army.

With all that out of the way, let’s get stuck in.


One thing regular readers will notice is the, uh, change in background on some of the following photos.

You see, following UKGE, where we first decided to start taking a look at cases, it was summer here in the UK – and in 2022, we had a particularly hot, sunny summer to boot. However, we’re now into late October (at the time of writing) and the weather has definitely taken a rather predictable turn for the wetter.

Anyway, here’s the General 370.

Feldherr General 370 Review Case 1

What a marvellous bit of kit. It’s impressive to look at, resplendent in sports bag-like Feldherr branding. The case also completely unzips down one side to help make getting things in to or out of the case is as easy as possible.

There’s a zipped pocket on the lid of the case, on each side, and on its reverse. These are easily big enough for any books, measures, pads of paper or dice that you may want to take to accompany your army.

The case also comes with two handles that can be attached and detached via clips. One is shorter and designed to be used as a handle. The other is a much longer shoulder strap. The case itself doesn’t have any handles or straps attached or fastened to it.

So, the big thing that sets Feldherr’s cases – and the General 370 – apart from the other cases we’ve looked at is that the sides of the case itself ne sont pas reinforced to the same extent as, say, the Tabletop Tyrant Dreadnought ou la Battle Foam P.A.C.K. 352. These cases are hard-sided, with no give or flexibility to them. Feldherr’s case, however, is not.

Feldherr General 370 Review Case 4

This took us by surprise at first, as we had expected the case to have reinforced sides. However, we quickly worked out why this was.

You see, Feldherr’s system is a little different to those of the other cases we’ve looked at. Whereas the other backpacks and cases we’ve reviewed are hard-sided, and foam trays/magnetic racks are inserted into the case as they are before being sealed up, Feldherr add an additional step.

With Feldherr’s cases, each case has its own reinforced cardboard box. Not, perhaps, the most attractive of phrases, but bear with us. See, with Feldherr cases, you load your foams into the cardboard box, load the box into the case, and seal the case up around the box.

“So, it sounds like they’re just making more work for you,” you say. “And surely the card is not as well reinforced as a hard-sided case?” But this is not true.

Feldherr General 370 Review Case 5

One thing that I didn’t consider when reviewing the P.A.C.K. 352 et le cuirassé was how easy they would be to store. “They’re just big cubes,” I naively thought to myself. “I’ll just stack them on top of each other.” Except, miniature cases ne sont pas just big cubes. They’re bags with handles and straps and clips and other awkward sticky-out bits. You can’t safely put one on top of the other as most have a large handle attached to their top – they don’t sit securely.

By having a soft-sided case and a removable cardboard box, you can simply remove the inside of the case – miniatures still in situ – and stack it safely somewhere. The case can then be folded up to a much smaller size and put away very easily.

As far as reinforcement goes, whilst Feldherr’s cardboard box might not have the high AC of, say, the cuirassé, it does feel considerably more lightweight. The thick, layered card will likely do a good a job as keeping your miniatures safe from all but the hardest, most targeted and deliberate knocks – and if it is damaged, it can be replaced. Whilst the General 370 may come off the worse for wear in a contest against, say, the cuirassé if you were deliberately hurling the cases down three flights of stairs or hitting them with a car, those who care about their miniatures in even the slightest capacity are unlikely to find themselves doing either of these things.

Ultimately, the General 370 is designed with versatility in mind. Whilst the primary function of the bundle we were sent is to transport miniatures, the fact that the box can be removed means that you could store other things in here too – board games, other boxed games, or other collections.

La mousse

In order for us to try and keep the parameters for testing and judging the General 370 as in-line with the other cases we’ve looked at, Feldherr sent us their standard Space Marine and Imperium Armies foam load-out. Regular readers will know we used my Dark Angels to test our Battle Foam P.A.C.K. 352, so we decided this’d be a good one to try out here – after all, their selection of inserts is tailored for “standard Space Marine and Imperium Armies”.

The foam trays have the following dimensions:

  • FSMFEU050BO: 345 mm x 275 mm x 50 mm total height (40 mm usable height + 10 mm foam base)
  • HSMECO075BO / HSCW075BO: 275 mm x 172 mm x 75 mm total height (65 mm usable height + 10 mm foam base)
  • HSMFAJ070BO: 275 mm x 172 mm x 70 mm total height (60 mm usable height + 10 mm foam base)
  • HSLZ060BO: 275 mm x 172 mm x 60 mm total height (50 mm usable height + 10 mm foam base)
  • HSMEYH055BO: 275 mm x 172 mm x 55 mm total height (45 mm usable height + 10 mm foam base)
  • HSMFEN050BO/HS050BF05BO: 275 mm x 172 mm x 50 mm total height (40 mm usable height + 10 mm foam base)

Everything comes pre-plucked, so you aren’t left with a thousand little bits of pulled-out foam that you need to figure out what to do with. Thank god.

Feldherr General 370 Review Foam 1
HSMECO075BO 75 mm Half-Size foam tray with 6 compartments

Thanks to the code-like names given to the foam inserts, it’s not very easy to figure out which is which, so I’ve done it for you. See the links attached to each picture if you’re after more info.

The way that Feldherr have cut the inserts is fairly irregular and non-uniform – space for your figures has been prioritised here.

Feldherr General 370 Review Foam 2
HSCW075BO 75 mm Half-Size foam tray with 12 compartments

That space has been prioritised is great. Across the inserts, there are all kinds of different shapes and sizes, which helps account for as many of your miniatures as possible.

Feldherr General 370 Review Foam 3
HSMEYH055BO 55 mm Half-Size foam tray with 7 compartments

As we mentioned above, this is a standard selection of inserts you can buy from Feldherr, not one we’ve selected to try and best fit the army. This many different sized slots for your miniatures being available across the trays stands us in good stead for our next section.

Feldherr General 370 Review Foam 4
HS050BF05BO Feldherr Foam Tray with 16 compartments

They’re also made from the softest, most satisfying to touch foam we’ve ever seen.

Feldherr General 370 Review Foam 5
HSMFAJ070BO 70 mm Half-Size foam tray with 6 compartments

We don’t know what magic Feldherr have worked, but their foam just feels that little bit nicer.

Feldherr General 370 Review Foam 6
HSLZ060BO 60 mm Half-Size foam tray with 7 compartments (you get two of these)

There’s no scratchy edge to it, and because it is soft it’s more likely to yield to any of the small, sticky-out spikes or other small details on your miniatures that might otherwise get caught and snap.

Feldherr General 370 Review Foam 7
HSMFEN050BO 50 mm Half-Size foam tray with 12 compartments

I think we can agree that a cursory look at the case, the box, and the foam show that Feldherr’s General 370 is off to a pretty strong start.

Feldherr General 370 Review Foam 9
FSMFEU050BO 50 mm Full-Size foam tray with 22 compartments

But, how will it fare actually being used?

Feldherr General 370 Figure Case Review – Testing

The proof is in the pudding – or in this case, pudding some figures into this case.

Moving swiftly on, we’ll be using the exact same army as we did to test the P.A.C.K. 352. My Dark Angels are the sum-total of a copy of Indomitus, a Command Edition, a few impulse purchases, and several issues of Warhammer 40,000: Imperium. As such, what I’ve got can’t really be called a coherent “army” – there are a lot of hero/command figures, a selection of different base sizes, as well as a few vehicle units and Dreadnoughts.

So, here’s everything we’ll be trying to fit into the General 370:

  • 1 x Maître de Chapitre Lazare
  • 1 x Chapelain Terminator Tarentus
  • 1 x Capitaine Primaris (exclusivité Imperium)
  • 1 x Capitaine Space Marine Intercesseur Lourd (Paria Nexus)
  • 1 x Bladeguard Ancient (Indomitus)
  • 1 x Aumônier Primaris (Indomitus)
  • 1 x Capitaine Space Marine en armure Terminator
  • 1 x Bibliothécaire Primaris en armure Phobos
  • 3 x Éradicateurs Primaris (Indomitus)
  • 3 x Agresseurs Primaris (Imperium)
  • 5 x Intercesseurs Lourds Space Marines (Paria Nexus)
  • 2 x Lieutenant Primaris
  • 2 x Capitaine Primaris
  • 3 x Vétérans Bladeguard (Indomitus)
  • 3 x Vétérans de la Garde-lame
  • 15 x intercesseurs d'assaut Primaris
  • 10 x Space Marines
  • 6 x Primaris Outriders
  • 1 x Vénérable Dreadnought
  • 1 x Primaris Redemptor Dreadnought

Let’s see how we get on!

Test – Remplissage et stockage

First off, I started with my infantry. I’ve got a lot of Assault Intercessors and a unit of standard First Born Space Marines.

Feldherr General 370 Review Case Testing 2

Both went in with remarkable ease and with plenty of space to spare on the two trays they were spread across. The Assault Intercessors (who can be very awkward to fit due to their poses and how they’re waving their weapons around) all fit with extraordinary ease on the FSMFEU050BO – the largest tray in the box.

Their smaller Space Marine contemporaries also all very easily fit into the HS050BF05BO with plenty of space to spare. Well, all apart from the sergeant, whose banner saw to it he had to be seperated from the group and interred with the Assault Intercessors, which you can see in the first image.

Feldherr General 370 Review Case Testing 1

The much chunkier Aggressors and Heavy Intercessors fitted into the larger slots on the HSMFEN050BO and filled the tray very easily and very neatly – which was singularly satisfying.

Feldherr General 370 Review Case Testing 5

Even the awkward Primaris Ancient, who is double the height of just about every other standard Space Marine miniature thanks to his banner, fitted into one of the slots on the HSMFAJ070BO with space to spare, as did the Venerable Dreadnought.

Feldherr General 370 Review Case Testing 3

The six outriders – again, slightly awkward at times due to how they are holding their weapons – fit in the HSMECO075BO without a single snag, and with a little space to spare around the edges.

Feldherr General 370 Review Case Testing 4

Finally, the horde of weird and wonderful command and elite figures were spread across the two HSLZ060BO without any trouble whatsoever – there was even a little space to spare.

Feldherr General 370 Review Case Testing 13
Feldherr General 370 Review Case Testing 12

In all, I had everything packed in about three minutes. The beautifully soft foam did not get caught on any sticky-out swords or spikes, nor on any notoriously fragile Iron Halos. Later on, everything then came out of the foam with ease.

A good start. So…

Qu'est-ce qui convient ?

Here’s everything.

Feldherr General 370 Review Case Testing 6

There’s still loads of space – and two completely unused trays which is absolutely brilliant to see. Your collection is likely to grow, so having slots left over for more minis is always excellent to see.

There’s also a good spread of differnet sized compartments left over too, so if I wanted more units for this particular army, I wouldn’t be limited to just getting a certain type of miniature in order to fit them into this case. I could get some more Intercessors, some more First Born, perhaps a few small vehicles too, and I’d still have some space.

Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas ?

One figure. Can you guess which one?

I bet you can.

Feldherr General 370 Review Case Testing 9

In spite of some of the spaces being left being the largest available across the selection of trays, the Primaris Redemptor Dreadnought is simply too big to fit into any of the slots. Whilst it can be shoved into the larger slots on the tray, the tray itself is unfortunately too shallow to safely house the dreadnought. Its limbs and a good portion of its base stick up over the edges of the foam.

Feldherr General 370 Review Case Testing 10

This wasn’t completely unexpected, though – and if I were all that bothered, I could just get myself a HS110A002 Feldherr foam tray for Space Marines – Redemptor Dreadnought + 6 compartments and very easily swap this out for the two unused trays. At €11.99 as well, it’s hardly a dealbreaker.

Test – Going Walkabout

And then, much to the collective surprise of everyone here at FauxHammer.com, everything very suddenly went a little bit wrong for the General 370.

Let me explain. As regular readers will know, our testing of miniatures storage and transportation cases falls into two parts: putting your minis away, and then taking them somewhere. This is designed to mimic what a regular consumer would do with the case – namely, put their army in it and go to fight someone else’s army at a venue of their choice.

Or, in my case, the edge of a field somewhere in the middle of rural England.

Feldherr General 370 Review Case Out and About 4

So, Feldherr’s General 370 performed admirably in the “fill it up with figures” part of the test, as we’ve seen, but when it came to taking this case for a walk to see how easy it was to carry from one place to the next, everything went to pot.

First off, as I said in a previous review, I don’t like shoulder- or cross-body straps very much. Never have done. But this is a personal gripe and not something I let try and colour my opinions in reviews.

Fledherr’s General 370 comes with two carrying options: a shoulder strap and a handle. Both of these can be attached and detached to the bag via clips, so you can choose which you’d rather have. There is no built-in or attached handle on any side of the case.

I initially set out with the strap over one shoulder but quickly got sick of this. I couldn’t get the strap to stay put, and the bag kept sliding off my shoulder. Not what you want when you’ve got a box full of miniatures in the bag.

Feldherr General 370 Review Case Out and About 5

To try and combat this, I changed to a cross-body setup, with the strap over my left shoulder and the bag on my right hip. However, as I walked, the case would twist and tip itself – it didn’t want to sit the right way up against my hip and was determined to be sideways. This became very irritating and quite uncomfortable.

So, eventually I gave up on trying to use the shoulder strap and decided I’d just use the smaller handle. However…

Feldherr General 370 Review Case Out and About 3

At some point between leaving Germany and me trying to attach the shorter handle onto the case, the clip on the shorter handle had broken. I’ve no idea when or where this happened, and neither a thorough sweep of my home, nor a back-track along the walking route revealed it hiding anywhere. Whilst the shorter handle could still be hooked onto the case at one end, it was not secure, and I very much risked dropping the bag – not what I wanted at all for my precious Sons of the Lion.

With no handle built onto the case, I had no choice but to go back to using the shoulder strap. For the rest of the test, I found myself holding the bag with both my hands – my right hand keeping the bag steady against my hip, the left holding the strap on my shoulder (not an easy thing to photograph when you’re out on your own).

Feldherr General 370 Review Case Out and About 2 (2)
Feldherr General 370 Review Case Out and About 1

It wasn’t as easy walk, it has to be said – not only was I dodging the rain, but having to hold the bag in place with both my hands in order to stop it falling off my shoulder didn’t make for the most comfortable of leg-stretches either. Also, at one point a bug flew up my nose, which just put pay to the entire experience.

In all, not a resounding success – but it wasn’t tout doom and gloom and disappointment. There were a few things that the General 370 actually did very well.

First off, it’s light. Compared to the other cases we’ve looked to date here on FauxHammer.com, it feels significantly more lightweight than any of them – even the comparatively diddy P.A.C.K. 352, which is about half the size of the General. This is due to the fact that it doesn’t have built-in reinforcement (aside from an underside panel). The hardy cardboard interior is also very light, as is the soft foam, so the overall weight of the bag when it’s empty isn’t high at all. Even when filled with figures, it’s not exactly encumbering.

The General is also completely waterproof – which was a big boon on test day. During the test, when it did start to rain, the water-repellent material shrugged off the worst of the wet without any issues whatsoever.

And the fact that the case avais been damaged offered us a unique opportunity to contact Feldherr and ask them a couple of questions about what their process is for this kind of thing happening. I reached out to my contact late on a Friday (21/10/2022) to ask what would happen next – and they got back to me extremely quickly with lots of information and a promise that a new strap would be shipped out ASAP.

Feldherr take their customer service very seriously. They are aware they are charging good money for their products, so want to ensure that all buyers receive the best possible service from them. All I had to do to get my new was send them a photo showing the damage and they sent another part – no questions asked.

See: here it is!

Feldherr General 370 Review Case Replacement Handle

Also, and I was completely unaware of this before the strap on my case broke, but because Feldherr have particularly high standards for the quality of their products – especially their bags – each of their bags comes with a whopping five-year warranty.

Five years!

That’s a serious vote of confidence in their products. Right up to four years and 364 days, if your bag becomes broken, they will replace it for you.

So, yes. It’s really disappointing that the General 370 was broken – but Feldherr’s customer service was excellent, and the issue was resolved very quickly and very easily.

Feldherr General 370 Figure Case Review – Price and Availability

La Feldherr GENERAL 370 bag with Storage Box FSLB310 for Space Marine and Imperium armies clocks in at €214.99 – about $210 for folk in the US and £190 for people in the UK (provided the government doesn’t continue to tank the economy) excluding additional costs.

Here’s everything you get in this bundle and their individual values:

ComposantPrix (EUR)
1 x GENERAL 370 bag€ 129.99
1 x Feldherr Storage Box FSLB310€ 14.99
1 x Full-Size foam tray with 22 compartments for e.g. Space Marines (FSMFEU050BO)€ 11.99
2 x Half-Size foam trays with 7 compartments each for e.g. Primaris-Eradicator, Primaris Aggressor, Primaris Inceptor (HS060WH44)€ 7.99
1 x Half-Size foam tray with 6 compartments for e.g. Venerable Dreadnought and Contemptor Dreadnought (HS075A014)€ 9.99
1 x Half-Size foam tray with 12 compartments for e.g. Roboute Guilliman, Centurions, standard warriors and Bikes (HS075A002)€ 9.99
1 x Half-Size foam tray with 6 compartments for e.g. Thunderwolf Cavalry, Hounds of Morcai, Primaris Firestrike Servo-turret (HS070A019)€ 9.99
1 x Half-Size foam tray with 7 compartments for e.g. bike units like Excursor and Outriders (HS055A004)€ 7.99
1 x Half-Size foam tray with 12 compartments for e.g. warrior models (HSMFEN050BO)€ 7.99
1 x Half-Size foam tray with 16 compartments for e.g. Hellblaster and Intercessors (HS050BF05BO)€ 7.99
1 x foam topper as height compensation€ 0.99
1 x foam topper€ 0.49
LE TOTAL 220.38

So, it is ultimately cheaper – though not by masses – for you to buy everything in a bundle.

If you’re not so keen on shelling out big money on a predetermined bag and foam insert bundle if you aren’t 100% sure what you get will fit all your minis, Feldherr also have a system similar to Tabletop Tyrant’s that allows you to create your own Custom Sets. Select the case/bag you want, and then use the website’s catalogue to create your own ideal bundle to fit your perfect army.

I am in two minds about the price of Feldherr’s bags. On the one hand, they are the Louis Vouitton, the Christian Dior, the Coco Chanel of miniatures cases. They are les brand that you’ve heard of – the one with the monolithic reputation, the one that people will take note of when you rock up to game night with “Feldherr” printed on the side of your bag.

And there’s no denying that what they offer is good. Very good, in fact. There’s stuff that Feldherr’s cases do that many other competitor brands don’t do. They’re spacious, they’re easy to pack down and put away. They come with an alternate built-in storage system in the form of the robust boxes that are housed in each bag.

But the bag a fait break, and it wasn’t the easiest to carry.

Feldherr’s service is expensive – that’s a given, as they are with most products like these. But ultimately, whilst a Feldherr case might cost you a fair bit of cash, the quality of what’s on offer feels as if it matches the price – but if it was any Suite expensive, it’d be difficult to recommend.

The big feather Feldherr have in their cap is their range. They have so much on offer that the chances are it’s just easier to go to them and let their vast catalogue just do the work for you instead of spending time measuring your miniatures and faffing around trying to figure out tray depths, base sizes, and so on.

Feldherr General 370 Figure Case Review – Final Thoughts

Looks good
Fairly priced
Poids léger
Good level of protection offered by the bag/box system
The removable box/foam interior and the softer sides mean the box can be used to transport and store far more than just miniatures
Very easy to store
Vast – and we mean vaste – range of foam insert choice
Excellent customer service and five-year warranty
The cardboard reinforcement/storage systems might turn some people off as it can’t boast quite the same level of protection as a built-in hard-sided carry case
Not many carrying options
Whilst it was replaced quickly thanks to Feldherr’s excellent customer service, one of the straps was broken

Whilst there were a couple of bumps in the road to the end of this review, we have to admit we ultimately do like and would recommend Feldherr’s cases. And, if we’re honest, we actually like the General 370 quite a lot. The hiccup we had with the handle during testing was resolved quickly enough, and when that is set aside, the case can be viewed in a far more positive light.

Our whistlestop tour through miniatures cases has revealed to us here at FauxHammer.com that cases for miniatures tend to be either really damn good, or a bit rubbish. There’s very little in-between, no middle-ground, and no real alternative. Like just about every aspect of the hobby, when it comes to miniatures cases, you very much pay for what you get. The dichotomy of what is offered at either end of the pay scale, however, feels far more pronounced when it comes for cases. If you’re willing to fork out some serious dough on protection and transportation for your figures, you’re going to get excellent service. If, however, you aren’t, the only real alternative is bodging something together with cardboard and bubblewrap, which simply isn’t the same.

Feldherr, then, sit very much as the “rather expensive but rather good” end of the spectrum. Their cases and their foam aren’t cheap, but they’re easily up there with some of the best – and their customer service is phenomenal, too. Our handle was busted, so they sent a new one out as quickly as they could. When you’re paying premium for a product, you expect premium service, and here Feldherr deliver.

The General 370 is also helped by its versatility. That the cardboard box and foam interior can be removed and stored away so easily means the case can be used for other things. You could easily fit a large boxed or other board game into this case (Feldherr’s website recommends Gloomhaven as an example), or absolutely everything you could possible need to run a seriously in-depth D&D encounter.

But the thing that really blew us away with Feldherr, however, wasn’t actually the General 370 itself. Whilst this case is great, what will make your jaw drop is the range of products that Feldherr offer. Everything has been thought of: their range goes beyond Warhammer and board games to tablets and iPads, model trains, cases for makeup and other beauty products, and colossal “Transporter” cases designed to take hundreds – perhaps even thousands – of miniatures from one place to the next. They even have cases for the complete Hachette Partworks Imperium and Conquest magazines.

In all, then, there’s a lot to like here. Feldherr offer a high-end, high-quality solution to miniatures storage and transportation – and are absolument worth your attention.

Interested in buying a Feldherr Case? Use the code FAUX22 at checkout to get a discount of 5 euros at a minimum order value of 50 Euro (valid until 31.3.2023).

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  • VoltorRWH

    Rob has spent most of the last 20 years playing World of Warcraft and writing stories set in made-up worlds. At some point, he also managed to get a Master's degree by writing about Medieval zombies.

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Feldherr General 370 Figure Case
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Feldherr General 370 Figure Case


Rob has spent most of the last 20 years playing World of Warcraft and writing stories set in made-up worlds. At some point, he also managed to get a Master's degree by writing about Medieval zombies.

Une réflexion sur “Feldherr General 370 Figure Case Review

  • novembre 30, 2022 à 6:03 pm

    Lovely stuff, the bag without the foam looks like a contender for transporting stacked diy magnetised Really Useful Boxes


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