Warhammer Imperium Magazine Issues 71 – 74 Contents Confirmed

Last Updated on décembre 16, 2022 by FauxHammer

Well, this is it really. The Penultimate list of upcoming contents for Warhammer Imperium. After this, we are down to only 6 issues. so when I know the next 4 – the final two will be obvious. But remember, that’s only for the initial collection of 1-80. We have the extra issues of 81-90 to reveal the issues for too. and those are some incredibly high-value sprues! Anyway here we go with the contents of Warhammer Imperium Magazine Issues 71 – 74

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Warhammer Imperium Magazine Issues 71 – 74 Contents Confirmed

I always like to do a little preface before these articles as they are some of the most frequently read pages on the site. So it’s a great time to let you know what’s going off in the FauxHammer Connected Universe – the FCU.

Well, as many of you have seen on our connected social channels, I’ve been focussed on some home renovation. I’ve long since outgrown my hobby space and thanks to a recent redundancy from my job, I’ve used that money to finally semi-convert my garage into an actual room. by semi-convert, I mean that it’s warm, now that I have an insulated floor and walls. the last 3 years have seen me frequently wrapped in various layers of clothing & blankets, and running 2 space heaters. But we all know why I can’t do that anymore!

Alas, whilst I’m back to my keyboard – just like my models – the room itself remains unpainted.

In other news, It’s almost Christmas, and as an early gift from the community to me, I’ve just hit 9k Youtube subscribers! And yeah, that’s a far cry from the 250k Blog viewers I get each month, but it really is a totally different platform – and lately, with a totally different style of content. I am focussing on more 3D printing videos on YouTube than on my blog. But 3D printing is rapidly taking over the hobby space and Youtube is a fit for that.

If you could do me one favour, Please click Subscribe on my Youtube channel. You don’t actually have to watch anything, ever. But just by having a larger subscriber number, it helps me get my content (thumbnails at least) to the eyes of people who do want to watch it, probably people with similar interests to you.

So thank you, it costs nothing but a moment of your time and it would be a wonderful way to say thanks for updating you all with this content. I know many of you want to support us and don’t have a financial way of doing so. But think about how much you’ve saved or how many deals you’ve gotten through our words here.

Was that worth a single button click to you?

Je vous remercie

Warhammer Imperium Numéro 71 Sommaire

Release Date: 11/01/23

Prix par numéro£ 8.99$13.95$9,99 €$19.99
Valeur totale£16.25$27.50$32.50€21.25$33.00
Économie totale£7.26$13.55$€11.26$13.01
Pourcentage d'économie45%49%%53%39%

Our final squad of Necron units and don’t be surprised to see people doubling up on these despite the split over 2 issues. it’s still a huge saving and they can be built as Lychguard shown here, or Praetorians shown below. – Though Lychguard is the style intended in the collection.

Warhammer Imperium Numéro 72 Sommaire

Release Date: 18/01/23

Prix par numéro£ 8.99$13.95$9,99 €$19.99
Valeur totale£16.25$27.50$32.50€21.25$33.00
Économie totale£7.26$13.55$€11.26$13.01
Pourcentage d'économie45%49%%53%39%

Don’t be confused here, we won’t be getting both Lychgiuarda and Praetorians, I just wanted to show the build differences. If you want both squad types, you need 2 of each issue here.

Warhammer Imperium Numéro 73 Sommaire

Release Date: 25/01/23

Prix par numéro£ 8.99$13.95$9,99 €$19.99
Valeur totale£ 21.00$35.00$41.5027,00 €$55.00
Économie totale£21.01$21.05$17,01 €$35.01
Pourcentage d'économie57%60%%63%64%

An awesome model on a 60mm base is the Easy-to-Buold, Aka Pushfit, Heavy Destroyer. This has a couple of head and weapon options too so expect people to be rocking a couple or 3 of these thanks to this massive saving!

Warhammer Imperium Magazine - Issue 73 - Lokhust Heavy Destroyer

Warhammer Imperium Numéro 74 Sommaire

Release Date: 01/02/23

Prix par numéro£ 8.99$13.95$9,99 €$19.99
Valeur totale£ 21.00$35.00$41.5027,00 €$55.00
Économie totale£21.01$21.05$17,01 €$35.01
Pourcentage d'économie57%60%%63%64%

Another amazing saving and a model that people are likely to be buying about 3 of. Again, I’m not encouraging this practise but I’m warning you that it’s gonna happen. So if you want these, get your preorders in ASAP!

there are at least two build options as this comes with either lascannon or autocannon options.

Warhammer Imperium Magazine - Issue 74 - Firestrike Servo Turret

Warhammer Imperium Magazine Contents Issues 75-80 – What’s Left?

Fairly clear cut now based on the below breakdown. Pretty confident the larger models will come last. but in what order, will we see Guilliman in the final two issues or will that be reserved for the larger command barge?

Space MarinesRépartition estimée des émissions
VTT Primaris Invader1
Roboute Guilliman2
Barge d'Annihilation / Barge de Commandement des Catacombes
Haemotrope Reactor1
Problèmes restants6 (+10)
Estimation totale6
Problèmes de peinture estimés0

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(Affiliate links will result in compensation to the site on qualifying purchases)

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  • FauxHammer

    Rédacteur en chef autoproclamé de FauxHammer.com - Mais je dois remercier l'équipe d'exister et donc de m'avoir permis de me donner un rôle - sans eux, je ne suis qu'un nerd avec un ordinateur et une dépendance au plastique.

    Afficher tous les articles


Rédacteur en chef autoproclamé de FauxHammer.com - Mais je dois remercier l'équipe d'exister et donc de m'avoir permis de me donner un rôle - sans eux, je ne suis qu'un nerd avec un ordinateur et une dépendance au plastique.

4 réflexions sur “Warhammer Imperium Magazine Issues 71 – 74 Contents Confirmed

  • décembre 16, 2022 à 8:41 pm

    Thanks for the update again! unfortunately all of the copies on forbidden planet have sold out already! do you know where you can order these elsewhere?

  • décembre 16, 2022 à 8:44 pm

    thanks again for the update! unfortunately all of these issues are already sold out on Forbidden planet, do you know if there are any other places to order them in the UK?

  • décembre 17, 2022 à 12:29 am

    Sadly, 71 and 72 where on Hachette for several days already and someone else had to have news about 73 because they have been sold out earlier this week.

  • décembre 17, 2022 à 5:56 pm

    Abit sad about the Firestrike turrets already sold out on Forbidden planet, Might be able to get one off the main website but that seems unlikely


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