Combat Patrol Contents Issues 5-20 Revealed

Last Updated on décembre 23, 2024 by FauxHammer

Hey guys It’s been a while since we’ve been here, Apologies for the delays. Life and all that. I did get the contents about a week ago and well, there’s a lot to write up. between YouTube Work and much needed family time, It’s taken longer than I would have wished to get this online. But Finally now. I can share the contents of Warhammer Combat Patrol Issues 5-20 and yes, I know you already know some of them. but I want to keep the whole list up to date

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Now first up I’m off to Essen Spiel tomorrow (though by the time you read this i actually probably just landed) and I had planned to do this yesterday evening, But then some YouTube drama happened that resulted in me being very distracted. So in order to save time, this will be a very basic post and I will not have done all the value breakdown calculations. But lets be fair, you’re mostly after what’s coming in what issue anyway

Well, I won’t keep you. here we go.

Warhammer 40,000: Combat Patrol – Issue 5 Contents

  • Combat Patrol Exclusive Sergeant
Prix par numéro£ 9,99$13.95€10.99$19.99
Total Value*£3.70$6.00$5.00$9.50
Économie totale£-6.29-$7.95-€5.99-$10.49
Economies en %-63%-57%-55%-52%
* Based on 1 model from the Infernus Squad boxed set

Warhammer 40,000: Combat Patrol – Issue 6 Contents

  • 5 Barbgaunts
Prix par numéro£ 9,99$13.95€10.99$19.99
Valeur totale£28.00$45.0035,00 €$45.00
Économie totale£18.01$31.0524,01 €$25.01
Economies en %64%69%69%56%

Warhammer 40,000: Combat Patrol – Issue 7 Contents

  • 10 Termagants (Part 1)
Prix par numéro£ 9,99$13.95€10.99$19.99
Total Value*£14.00$22.5017,50 €$37.50
Économie totale4,01 £$8.55€6.51$17.51
Economies en %29%38%37%47%
* Based on half the value of the Termigaunts set

Warhammer 40,000: Combat Patrol – Issue 8 Contents

  • 10 Termagants (Part 2)
Prix par numéro£ 9,99$13.95€10.99$19.99
Total Value*£14.00$22.5017,50 €$37.50
Économie totale4,01 £$8.55€6.51$17.51
Economies en %29%38%37%47%
* Based on half the value of the Termigaunts set

Warhammer 40,000: Combat Patrol – Issue 9 Contents

Contenu de Mortal Realms Numéro 3 - Retributor Armour
Sommaire de Warhammer Conquest, numéros 1, 26 et 49
Prix par numéro£ 9,99$13.95€10.99$19.99
Valeur totale£6.45$9.70€8.40$12.80
Économie totale-£3.54-$4.25-€2.59-$7.19
Economies en %-35%-30%-24%-36%

Warhammer 40,000: Combat Patrol – Issue 10 Contents

  • Librarian in Terminator Armour
  • Pinceau "Base" Medium

Prix par numéro£ 9,99$13.95€10.99$19.99
Valeur totale£ 30,00$47.5039,00 €$75.00
Économie totale£20.01$33.55€28.01$55.01
Economies en %67%71%72%73%

Warhammer 40,000: Combat Patrol – Issue 11 Contents

Contenu de Mortal Realms Numéro 2 - Corax White
Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 2 - Issue 4 Leadbelcher (1)
Prix par numéro£ 9,99$13.95€10.99$19.99
Valeur totale£6.45$9.70€8.40$12.80
Économie totale-£3.54-$4.25-€2.59-$7.19
Economies en %-35%-30%-24%-36%

Warhammer 40,000: Combat Patrol – Issue 12 Contents

  • Terminators (Part 1)
Prix par numéro£ 9,99$13.95€10.99$19.99
Total Value*£21.25$32.5027,50 €$55.00
Économie totale£11.26$18.55€16.51$35.01
Economies en %53%57%60%64%
*Calculated from hlaf the value of the retail box

Warhammer 40,000: Combat Patrol – Issue 13 Contents

  • Terminators (Part 2)
Prix par numéro£ 9,99$13.95€10.99$19.99
Total Value*£21.25$32.5027,50 €$55.00
Économie totale£11.26$18.55€16.51$35.01
Economies en %53%57%60%64%
*Calculated from hlaf the value of the retail box

Warhammer 40,000: Combat Patrol – Issue 14 Contents

Contenu de Warhammer Conquest Numéro 18
Prix par numéro£ 9,99$13.95$10.99$19.99
Valeur totale5,50 £$9.107,20 €$12.80
Économie totale-£4.49-$4.85-€3.79-$7.19
Economies en %-82%-53%-53%-56%

Warhammer 40,000: Combat Patrol – Issue 15 Contents

  • Psychophage
Prix par numéro£ 9,99$13.95$10.99$19.99
Valeur totale£37.00$60.0047,50 €$100.00
Économie totale£27.01$46.05€36.51$80.01
Economies en %73%77%77%80%

Warhammer 40,000: Combat Patrol – Issue 16 Contents

Contenu de Warhammer Conquest, numéros 18 et 40
Prix par numéro£ 9,99$13.95$10.99$19.99
Valeur totale5,50 £$9.107,20 €$12.80
Économie totale-£4.49-$4.85-€3.79-$7.19
Economies en %-82%-53%-53%-56%

Warhammer 40,000: Combat Patrol – Issue 17 Contents

  • 10 Termagants (Part 1)
Prix par numéro£ 9,99$13.95€10.99$19.99
Total Value*£14.00$22.5017,50 €$37.50
Économie totale4,01 £$8.55€6.51$17.51
Economies en %29%38%37%47%
* Based on half the value of the Termigaunts set

Warhammer 40,000: Combat Patrol – Issue 18 Contents

  • 10 Termagants (Part 2)
Prix par numéro£ 9,99$13.95€10.99$19.99
Total Value*£14.00$22.5017,50 €$37.50
Économie totale4,01 £$8.55€6.51$17.51
Economies en %29%38%37%47%
* Based on half the value of the Termigaunts set

Warhammer 40,000: Combat Patrol – Issue 19 Contents

  • Parasite de Mortrex
Prix par numéro£ 9,99$13.95$10.99$19.99
Valeur totale26,00 £$42.0034,00 €$70.00
Économie totale16,01 £$28.05€23.01$50.01
Economies en %62%67%68%71%

Warhammer 40,000: Combat Patrol – Issue 20 Contents

  • Space Marine Chaplain on Bike
Prix par numéro£ 9,99$13.95$10.99$19.99
Valeur totale£34.00$58.00€44.00$90.00
Économie totale£24.01$44.05€33.01$70.01
Economies en %71%76%75%78%

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  • - Photo de profil FauxHammer

    Rédacteur en chef autoproclamé de - Mais je dois remercier l'équipe d'exister et donc de m'avoir permis de me donner un rôle - sans eux, je ne suis qu'un nerd avec un ordinateur et une dépendance au plastique.

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Rédacteur en chef autoproclamé de - Mais je dois remercier l'équipe d'exister et donc de m'avoir permis de me donner un rôle - sans eux, je ne suis qu'un nerd avec un ordinateur et une dépendance au plastique.

17 réflexions sur “Combat Patrol Contents Issues 5-20 Revealed

  • octobre 1, 2024 à 6:15 pm

    I’ll be amazed if those are the right pictures of the Termagants. Instead of the full kit it’ll be the ones without any optional weapons, just fleshborers. That’s what you get in the boxed Combat Patrol.

    • octobre 2, 2024 à 4:19 pm

      As far as I’m aware., the combat patrol termagants are the same kit.. the weapon options are just on a separate sprue – that we probably/likely won’t get here. – maybe don’t glue the arms if you’d prefer non-fleshborers

    • octobre 2, 2024 à 9:04 pm

      Agreed but given the quickly put together article I think it can be excused – same goes for the terminators

    • octobre 2, 2024 à 9:22 pm

      (Same goes for the Terminators – they’ll have power fists and one assault cannon, no heavy flamer or missile launcher or chainfists.)

  • octobre 2, 2024 à 9:21 am

    Thats a lot of paint issues. Overall this makes the tyranids and marines a poor saving over 20 issues rather than the 16 I expected where the price broke even with normal retail. It’s now cheaper to get these armies from a shop with the usual 20% discount. However this does compress the sprues for Eldar and Chaos, especially if they keep up this amount of paint issues. So although the value of the tyranids and marines is poor some of the next 10-20 issues may well have some very high values.

    Still value aside, if you ordered the premium sub the november drop will have a lot of cool monsters in it.

  • octobre 2, 2024 à 3:39 pm

    Thats a LOT of paint only issues… Hoepfully it’s to get them out of the way early and allow for more models later on?

  • octobre 2, 2024 à 4:23 pm

    This has 40 termagaunts. I don’t think that’s correct.

  • octobre 3, 2024 à 8:43 am

    Wait a minute. Is this coming with 10 terminators?

    • octobre 11, 2024 à 2:30 pm

      No – it’s 5 Termies spread over 2 issues

      • octobre 31, 2024 à 3:40 pm

        The confusing thing is the terminators in the Combat Patrol are on a single sprue, If they’re not giving the multipose kits that is, which isn’t the case means they’ve all got the standard loadout from Leviathan and the starter sets.

  • octobre 3, 2024 à 2:59 pm

    This collection doesn’t sell many dreams, except for a few numbers.
    2 paints for £10 is tough.

  • octobre 10, 2024 à 8:34 am

    I have a lot of old paints that will be replaced by those that come with the magazine, so I’d love a list of the colours included across the full run.

  • octobre 16, 2024 à 8:08 pm

    Are we sure that the terminator magazines (#12 and #13) will contain a full squad in each? Or do you need to buy those 2 magazines to get one complete squad?

    • novembre 6, 2024 à 10:26 am

      As above, one squad split over 2 magazines


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