Announcement: Warhammer: Stormbringer coming to the USA

Last Updated on juillet 12, 2023 by Jordan

You may be wondering why we’ve been silent on this front for an extended time, well. we’ll reveal more in our next Stormbringer post, but for now. Here at Fauxhammer, we are excited to reveal that the hit Hachette Partworks Magazine will be bringing its Warhammer: Stormbringer collection to the shores of the USA this autumn (or fall, for you American readers). Read on for more information on this welcome bit of news for all our American friends out there.

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Warhammer: Stormbringer – USA Release Date

I think our cold open up-top is pretty self-explanatory – the Stormbringer magazine, previously available only in the UK, is now confirmed to be coming to the US of A, where all our American readers can now enjoy the fruits of cheap Warhammer Age of Sigmar kits and a great magazine to boot. The question now, is when?

Expect Stormbringer to drop October 2023. Mark that one in your calendars. (Just color in the whole of October with Blood for the Blood God)

If you want to follow along with such epic news, be sure to register your interest ici to keep updated on further news, and to be notified of any potential pre-order special offers that may rear their head. (hint hint, nudge nudge, there will be special offers if you register your interest)

Warhammer: Stormbringer USA – What to Expect

The USA edition of Stormbringer will not differ in terms of contents to the UK release, so you can see what’s been revealed for the magazine so far ici. The Premium upgrades will also remain – meaning if you upgrade your subscription to the Premium level, expect to get 4 Premium kits over the course of the magazine’s 80-issue release (and my, these Premium kits are pure fire – dragons and all! Worth getting for the $100+ kits alone).

However, this time around, Hachette is promoting an introductory offer, wherein, if you buy issue 1, you’ll get issue 2 free!

As you may have seen in our coverage of this magazine, they are an absolute steal, so to start off with 2 for the price of one (already heavily discounted) issue, is really not bad at all. You can see our review ici for the first two issues, to get an idea of what you’re getting.

Regardless, we’ll quickly go over what you’ll get with the first 4 issue delivery.

Numéro 1

The first issue comes with the Knight-Arcanum, Killaboss with Stab-grot (models originally exclusive to the Dominion box, and unavailable for individual purchase), a battle mat and six dice.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Delivery 1 Knight Arcanum Painted
Warhammer Age of Sigmar Delivery 1 Killaboss and Stab Grot Painted

Here we have said models painted up beautifully by one of our resident writers Rob.

From there, the snowball effect kicks in – and it gets only better from there on.

Numéro 2

Issue 2 will get you 10 push-fit Gutrippaz – that’s a whole unit in essentially a free issue (if you take advantage of Hachette’s generous promotion).

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Delivery 1 Gutrippaz Painted

And once again, here they are, painted brilliantly by Rob.

Numéro 3

The third issue swings back to the oldie goldie boys Stormcast Eternals, with five Vindicteurs in tow.

Numéro 4

With the fourth issue, you are supplied with some hobby essentials – a starter brush with the paints Retributor Armor, Chair Orruk, Leadbelcher et Kantor Blue – to slap some colour on those fresh minis and start to delve deep on your Warhammer journey.

Warhammer Stormbringer Delivery 2 Issues 3-6 Paints and Starter Brush (2)

Warhammer: Stormbringer USA – What’s Next

If you’re excited for Stormbringer to hit your letterboxes this fall, be sure to follow our coverage what has come, and what is yet to come.

But most importantly of all, you’ll most certainly definitely absolutely want to register your interest with Hachette ici, as we’ve heard some whispers of a great deal that has yet to be announced… so make sure to stay tuned over the next couple of months for more news on that.

Watch this space, sign up for the interest list and you’ll be on your Warhammer: Age of Sigmar journey very soon.

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2 réflexions sur “Announcement: Warhammer: Stormbringer coming to the USA

  • juillet 12, 2023 à 6:35 pm

    The Gutrippaz in Issue 2 are not the same as in the $60 kit – they’re the ones from the starter sets, a push-fit kit that only has spears and not axes.

    • juillet 12, 2023 à 7:09 pm

      Thanks for the correction – the article is amended now with this information.


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