Age of Sigmar: Stormbringer – Are We Getting Issues 81-90…?

With only a handful of issues left to go, we’re seeing a lot of people querying whether or not the Age of Sigmar: Stormbringer collection will be extended to 90 issues. Well, we have an answer for you.

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Is Age of Sigmar: Stormbringer Being Extended to 90 Issues?

The answer, unfortunately, is no.

We’ve had it confirmed from our contacts at Hachette that, indeed, as many people have suspected, the Age of Sigmar: Stormbringer collection will not be extended to 90 issues, as its predecessor Warhammer 40,000: Imperium was.

Why this decision has been made, however, we don’t know.

We can speculate. It’s a fairly safe assumption that the Stormbringer likely wasn’t as popular as Imperium. Whilst there can be no doubt that it has done extremely well, and we anticipate that we will see the return of a Warhammer fantasy-style partwork collection in about two years’ time, we doubt Stormbringer did Imperium numbers. Imperium blew everyone away, going well above and beyond anyone’s original predictions. During the run of the Imperium magazine, we saw Hachette launching the magazines all across the world and breaking into countries they’d never previously sold product in. It smashed it.

To an extent, Stormbringer was likely never going to live up to Imperium. As popular as Age of Sigmar is, and as fantastic as the product is too, it simply does not have the history, the fanbase, and the raw command of Warhammer 40,000. This is something we see this reflected everywhere: social media, marketing, and even in our site statistics: the uptake of Age of Sigmar-related content isn’t ever as sharp as like-for-like Warhammer 40,000 content.

It’s sad. I’d’ve loved a few more issues of Stormbringer and a couple of bonus models – but hey, never mind. There’s always next time!

So, there you have it, folks: Stormbringer is on the cusp of its inevitable end. It’s been a fabulous collections – in my opinion, at least, the scope and quality of the product delivered every month has far superseded any previous collection (yup, even Imperium – there, I said it). The future still looks bright for partworks magazines, though. If this news has left a gaping, partworks-sized hole in your life, don’t forget that you can already be pre-ordering the first few issues of Warhammer 40,000: Combat Patrol. If you’re not quite over Age of Sigmar yet, and aren’t ready to dive in to the murky waters of Skaven-infested Fourth Edition, you can always pick up some of the back issues of Stormbringer. Using either of these links to do so also helps us out.

If you’ve stuck with us throughout this collection, you’ve used our site and its articles for Stormbringer-related news, I want to take the opportunity to say a very sincere thanks to you all. Being able to do news, reviews, previews, and other content for the Stormbringer magazine for you all has been great fun – I really hope you’ve all found it informative and useful.

Well, we’ve got one more delivery round-up to do, so I’ll see you then for one last ride!

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  • VoltorRWH

    Rob has spent most of the last 20 years playing World of Warcraft and writing stories set in made-up worlds. At some point, he also managed to get a Master's degree by writing about Medieval zombies.

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Rob has spent most of the last 20 years playing World of Warcraft and writing stories set in made-up worlds. At some point, he also managed to get a Master's degree by writing about Medieval zombies.

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