Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine Issues 39-42 Confirmed & US Launch Offers

November has drawn upon us, and it’s nearly that sweet, sweet time for some Stormbringer to drop into your mailboxes! And as an Englishman, I mean mailboxes rather than letter boxes, because we’ll also be covering the debut of Stormbringer magazine in the United States, and what promotions Hachette have on offer for our American mates. Read on to see what Issues 39 to 42 have in store for us, and what Stormbringer has in store for the US.

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Warhammer Stormbringer – US Launch Offers & Details

Now, as we’ve covered previously, Stormbringer will be making its way to American shores like Leifr Erikson and Columbus before them. In fact, the magazine already has launched on the 25th of October – however, this doesn’t mean you’ve missed the boat.

If you follow this link Hier you can still subscribe to the magazine and get in on some of the great offers on display. One such offer being that, if you order Issue 1 today, it will only cost you $6.99 and you get the second issue free. In terms of miniatures, that’s a Knight-Arcanum, Killaboss with Stab-Grot and 10 Gutrippaz. 13 miniatures for $6.99 is pretty ballin’.

Furthermore, by pre-ordering today, you’ll get 4 free gifts across the first 6 deliveries. With your first, it’ll be the aforementioned free Issue 2 with the 10 Gutrippaz, then some Citadel plastic glue, nippers and mould line remover with the second. The third will yield a binder with dividers to store your issues, and a special, exclusive model (which we will look at in a second). The fourth will get you a heat-changing mug with some cool Sigmar artwork on it, and the sixth will net you a set of 3 citadel STC brushes (dry, base and layer I believe, just from looking at the pictures).

But let’s be honest, the most enticing of the pre-order goodies will be this exclusive model, Gutrippa Boss Haggok.

Now, we say exclusive, but that is because right now, he is. Haggok was originally available on a limited basis last year as a store anniversary model. The only other place to get him right now is through other people on Ebay or similar. So basically, this may be your last chance to get him outside of a reseller.

And he won’t be available forever either. The offer on him is time sensitive – you have until Wednesday 11th November zu Abonnieren Sie hier to make good on the deal and receive this rare model from Hachette in your third Stormbringer delivery. Sorry it’s a bit short notice as of writing this, but hey, we’re letting you know now before the timer runs out.

Now, without further ado, let’s see what Stormbringer issues 39 – 42 have in store for us.

Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine Issues 39 – 42 Contents Confirmed

Warhammer Stormbringer 39 Contents

Britisches PfundUSDEURAUD
Ausgabenpreis£ 8.99$13.959,99 €$19.99
Gesamtwert9,50 £$15.6012,60 €$23.00
Gesamteinsparung£ 0,51$1.652,61 €$3.01

It’s a paints issue, so the savings will be underwhelming, but you still save a little. That said, Reikland Fleischschatten and Athonian Camoshade are shade washes that are extremely useful and versatile. I use Reikland Fleischschatten (the gloss version) to go over my Tyranid Khorne Red carapaces to give them a shiny look, whilst I’ve used Athonian Camoshade on Rakarth Fleisch to give Lord Kroak a greenish-grey rotting look.

Warhammer Stormbringer 40 Contents

Britisches PfundUSDEURAUD
Ausgabenpreis£ 8.99$13.959,99 €$19.99
Gesamtwert22,50 £$37.5030,00 €$55.00
Gesamteinsparung13,51 €$23.5520,01 €$35.01

The Spirit of Durthu sprues are split into two issues. You can also build a Treelord with these sprues.

For me, this is one of the best models in the collection, and I don’t even care for Sylvaneth – but I’m definitely looking forward to painting one. It’s an evil, scary-looking Grim Reaper version of Treebeard adorned with skulls – what’s not to love?

Warhammer Stormbringer 41 Contents

Britisches PfundUSDEURAUD
Ausgabenpreis£ 8.99$13.959,99 €$19.99
Gesamtwert22,50 £$37.5030,00 €$55.00
Gesamteinsparung13,51 €$23.5520,01 €$35.01

Warhammer Stormbringer 42 Contents

Britisches PfundUSDEURAUD
Ausgabenpreis£ 8.99$13.959,99 €$19.99
Gesamtwert£ 20.00$25.68€23.40$55.00
Gesamteinsparung£ 11.01$11.73€13.31$35.01

This is another discontinued Underworlds Warband, so expect this one to be popular too.

I like the look of these models too – they wouldn’t be out of place in a D&D combat encounter. A lot of these Sigmar miniatures are perfect for in-person D&D games.

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Ein Gedanke zu „Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine Issues 39-42 Confirmed & US Launch Offers

  • Januar 2, 2024 um 8:26 am Uhr

    Any rumors about if and hwen there will be EU runs (German, French)?


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