Warhammer Imperium Magazine Issues 81-85 Contents Revealed

Sorry, this one took a while, as we come to the end of the collection, Hachette is probably – rightfully, more protective of revealing what is coming out and when. And we know, that 81-82 were revealed by Hachette before we could get around to it. But, we have a bonus for you… 3 more issues. That’s right, we are doing the final 10 issues in just 2 halves. Here’s the Warhammer Imperium Magazine Issues 81-85 Contents Revealed

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you know, I look back at the videos I used to encourage people to watch and be upset that people wouldn’t subscribe. Nowadays with my current crop of videos, I do look back and feel embarrassed by myself. but like with miniature painting, we all need to start somewhere. and without those older videos I would not have realised how much I needed to change, in order to make improvements to the content, approach and style.

In celebration of that, my next video is made in collaboration with Artis Opus. Byron taught me directly how to drybrush. And whilst watching the Artis Opus videos, I realised there’s a bit of a disconnect between what he teaches and what it means to you when trying to replicate that at home.

Here, as a beginner of this technique, perhaps like you, I’ve managed to capture and explain exactly what you may be missing to level-up your painting to the pro level instantly

Following these 10 tips, I’ve managed to go from blindly guessing at the technique by watching youtube videos, to now being invited to Adepticon to help Artis Opus demo this approach live.

So make sure you don’t miss out on the video above when it goes live and paint your models in no time at all!

For those of you going to Adepticon, please make sure you come over and say hi! I wanna go selfie mad! I’ve even had a shave in preparation!

Warhammer Imperium Magazine Issues 81-85 Contents Revealed

Right, so there’s one thing to say about these issues regarding the pricing below…

These issues will be coming out after the forthcoming price rise GW are gearing up for. However, it’s not clear what is going up in price and exactly how much it will be going up by. We’ve already done a full breakdown of these issues at their current price. Showing that there’s a 50% saving on these models. So for the below, we have stuck with the current pricing, but just know, you are gonna be saving even more than we have indicated here.

Warhammer Imperium Ausgabe 81 Inhalt

  • Paragon Warsuit 1

Release Date: 22/03/23

Britisches PfundUSDCADEURAUD
Ausgabenpreis£ 8.99$13.95$9,99 €$19.99
Prozentuale Einsparung37%40%%45%45%

Warhammer Imperium Ausgabe 82 Inhalt

  • Paragon Warsuit 2

Release Date: 29/03/23

Britisches PfundUSDCADEURAUD
Ausgabenpreis£ 8.99$13.95$9,99 €$19.99
Prozentuale Einsparung37%40%%45%45%

Warhammer Imperium Ausgabe 83 Inhalt

  • Paragon Warsuit 3

Release Date: 05/04/23

Britisches PfundUSDCADEURAUD
Ausgabenpreis£ 8.99$13.95$9,99 €$19.99
Prozentuale Einsparung37%40%%45%45%

Warhammer Imperium Ausgabe 84 Inhalt

  • Skitarii-Marschall

Release Date: 12/04/23

Britisches PfundUSDCADEURAUD
Ausgabenpreis£ 8.99$13.95$9,99 €$19.99
Gesamtwert£19.00$33.50$38.0024,00 €$49.00
Gesamteinsparung£10.01$19.55$14,01 €$29.01
Prozentuale Einsparung53%58%%58%59%

Warhammer Imperium Ausgabe 85 Inhalt

  • Hexmark-Zerstörer

Release Date: 19/04/23

Britisches PfundUSDCADEURAUD
Ausgabenpreis£ 8.99$13.95$9,99 €$19.99
Gesamtwert£ 21.00$35.00$41.5027,00 €$55.00
Gesamteinsparung£ 12.01$21.05$17,01 €$35.01
Prozentuale Einsparung57%60%%63%64%

Bitte beachten Sie: This site uses affiliate links. Our Affiliate Partners are shown below
(Affiliate links will result in compensation to the site on qualifying purchases)

Wenn du FauxHammer.com unterstützen möchtest, klicke auf diesen Link und bestelle deine Hobbyartikel bei Element Games für Großbritannien und Europa. Verwende den Code “FAUX2768” an der Kasse, für doppelte Belohnungspunkte.

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  • FauxHammer

    Selbsternannter Chefredakteur von FauxHammer.com - Aber ich muss dem Team dafür danken, dass es existiert und es mir ermöglicht, mir dese Rolle zu geben - ohne sie bin ich nur ein Plastic-Crack süchtiger Nerd mit einem Computer.

    Zeige alle Beiträge


Selbsternannter Chefredakteur von FauxHammer.com - Aber ich muss dem Team dafür danken, dass es existiert und es mir ermöglicht, mir dese Rolle zu geben - ohne sie bin ich nur ein Plastic-Crack süchtiger Nerd mit einem Computer.

4 Gedanken zu „Warhammer Imperium Magazine Issues 81-85 Contents Revealed

  • Februar 21, 2023 um 10:00 am Uhr

    The issues in Spain have increased in price, now they cost €11

  • Februar 24, 2023 um 7:08 pm Uhr

    Well, according to the official email I got today, besides those revealed minis, we’ll be getting Redemptor Dreadnought, Lord Inquisitor Kyria Draxus, and Iluminor Szeras, which makes me wonder what comes in the other two issues.


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