Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Cities of Sigmar Army Set Review

A promise long-made is finally being kept – and at last, the Cities of Sigmar arrive in all their glory. Check out our full review of this mighty box in our Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Cities of Sigmar Army Set Review.

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Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Cities of Sigmar Army Set Review – Summary

The Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Cities of Sigmar Army Set is a fabulous product. With some of the weight and feeling of a new edition launch box, it is a complete and impressive product, bursting with marvellous miniatures and a heap of other high-quality goodies.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Cities of Sigmar Army Set Review – Introduction

Since the first images of the new Cities of Sigmar range were first shown off at Warhammer Fest 2023, to the recent poorly-photographed leaks and the eventual announcement of the entire range, it’s fair to say there has been a degree of excitement surrounding the awaited release/update of Sigmar’s loyal followers (though perhaps not as much as that surrounding the release of a certain pig).

Originally a bit of a hodgepodge range into which all the miniatures that couldn’t neatly fit into a Grand Alliance faction were stuffed when Age of Sigmar was launched, the Cities of Sigmar – the collections of largely mortal followers who inhabit the Mortal Realms – have been long overdue some love.

Well, with the arrival of the new Cities of Sigmar box, their time in the sun has finally arrived. Read on for our review and breakdown of the contents of this brand-new box.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Cities of Sigmar Army Set Review – Contents

The new Cities of Sigmar box is overflowing with new goodies. Whilst the box itself (pictured below) lacks the hard, glossy finish of a new edition box, you will find that some of the contents within are easily on par with those that you’d expect to find in a Leviathan-sized release.

Cities of Sigmar Army Set Box (3)

Cracking open the box, removing the sprues and models (we’ll get to those in a minute), you’ll find the items below, as well as a number of transfer sheets (which aren’t pictured in the below image). These are the tokens from the Token Sheet, 52 Warscroll cards (in the larger pack), 45 Enhancement Cards (in the smaller pack), and the superb new limited edition Order Battletome: Cities of Sigmar.

Cities of Sigmar Army Set Contents

Over the three or so years I’ve been writing for FauxHammer.com and reviewing products, a lot of books have come my way. From hefty new rules manuals in new edition boxes, to the paperback inserts you get in Battleboxes, there’s been a good spread of products of all kinds of quality. This new limited edition Cities of Sigmar Battletome, however, is one of the best – coming a close second to my all time favourite: the limited edition version of the Age of Sigmar Third Edition rulebook that came in the Dominio scatola.

Cities of Sigmar Army Set Books 1 678 (2)
Cities of Sigmar Army Set Books 2 678

This book is gorgeous from start to finish. Bursting with artwork and careful layout formatting to give you a real sense of the faction, as well as overflowing with incredible miniature photography, this book is something really special. That it also has gold-edged pages really helps hammer the point home.

Cities of Sigmar Army Set Books 3 678

The Warscroll cards (left) and the Enhancement cards (right) don’t share have quite the same level of lavishness drizzled over them as the limited edition Battletome, but they do both look nice in their themed packets and make for an extremely useful player’s resource. Information is clearly displayed and well-formatted, and that these packets aren’t too large means they’ll fit into whatever case it is you pack your army into when you go off battling.

Cities of Sigmar Army Set Cards - Opened 678
Cities of Sigmar Army Set Cards - Opened 2 678

Not only all this, but you also get four – yes, four – of the new Cities of Sigmar transfer sheets. Some of you will be really interested to see what’s on offer here, so take a look at the picture below for a closer look at the various heraldic symbols you can have on your troops.

Cities of Sigmar Army Set Transfer Sheet

It’s fair to say that we’re off to a pretty strong start – but the real value (and sticking point) of this box is its miniatures. So, how do they fare?

Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Cities of Sigmar Army Set Review – Miniatures

The Cities of Sigmar Army Set comes with the following miniatures:

  • 1 x Freeguild Marshal
  • 1 x Alchemite Warforger
  • 20 x Freeguild Steelhelms
  • 5 x Freeguild Cavaliers

Weighing in with no less than 27 all-new figures, there’s certainly plenty of palstic in this box to get you interested. We’ll have a closer look at it all now.

Freeguild Marshal

First up, we have the Freeguild Marshal, who will be leading your fresh-out-of-the-box forces. A striking miniature oozing command, they also comes with an all-important tactical rock to help ensure they are elevated over the rank-and-file of their soldiers.

Cities of Sigmar Army Set Freeguild Marshal

What really helps the Freeguild Marshal to stand out, however, are his options. There are several different head, weapons, and shield options for this figure, which means you can make them in a variety of ways. I went for the variant with an unhelmeted head holding a hammer because, you know, hammers.

There are less options for the Marshal’s companion – called a Relic Envoy – but they are nonetheless quite a fun little figure and compliments the main act superbly.

Alchemite Warforger

Coming straight from the Marshal, the Alchemite Warforger lacks a great deal of the assembly options of the previous model. It’s a good job that its monopose looks so good, then.

Cities of Sigmar Army Set Alchemite Warforger

The leather texture of the overalls should be paid particular heed to: it’s brilliant, and also the first miniature (at least that I’m aware of) that contains texturing like this to such a degree.

The only thing to be aware of with this mini is the smoke coming from his cauldron – this is a bit of a pain to attach, so make sure you dry-fit it first.

Freeguild Steelhelms

The rank-and-file of the Cities of Sigmar – called the Steelhelms – really exemplify the diversity angle that Workshop sui giochi are trying to work into this range. Whilst there are heaps of assembly options available for these miniatures, the various head options are what really set these miniatures apart from, well, just about everything else in the Warhammer range.

Cities of Sigmar Army Set Freeguild Steelhelms 1

The design of the miniatures from the shoulders down has deliberately been left androgynous, with layers of heraldry and heavy armour. This means you can choose from the helmeted/unhelmeted male/female heads on offer to your heart’s content, and can chop and change any you wish between just about any others.

Cities of Sigmar Army Set Freeguild Steelhelms 2

There are a handful of posing options available too, so you’re unlikely to get two miniatures that look identical across your 20 minis (aside from the banner bearer – the only difference between the two of those is the heraldry at the top of the flagpole, but you don’t avere two build two banner bearers). Here’s how I painted some of these guys:

Cities of Sigmar Army Set Freeguild Steelhelms 1 Painted 678

They were a delight to paint – easily some of the most fun minis I’ve had on my desk in a long time. Consider that a ringing endorsement.

Freeguild Cavaliers

All the options, the customisation elements, the diversity available across the figures in this box, comes to a head with the Freeguild Cavaliers.

Because you can build these miniatures literally however you want.

Cities of Sigmar Army Set Freeguild Cavaliers

Any set of horse legs goes with any set of armour and barding. Any of the riders can have any of a number of helmeted or unhelmeted heads (as can the steeds!), and any weapons and shields are entirely up to you. What’s more, these miniatures are absolutely gorgeous – looking exactly like the knights in shining armour from old fairy tales, but with a splash of Warhammer grimdarkness to just make sure you don’t forget you’re in the Mortal Realms, where everything and everyone is permanently miserable.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Cities of Sigmar Army Set Review – Price and Availability

The Cities of Sigmar Army Set will be available directly from Workshop sui giochi per £ 120,00. The last Age of Sigmar army set we looked at here at FauxHammer.com was the Seraphon Army Set, which was £10 Di più for fewer miniatures.

As always, check in with your friendly local or independent stockist, as they’ll likely be able to offer you some money off this as well.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Cities of Sigmar Army Set Review – Conclusion

The GoodThe Bad
Beautiful miniatures with dozens of diverse customisation options
Gorgeous faction tome that feels very bespoke and special
Nice, complete cards
Good-quality tokens
Four transfer sheets as well!
Perhaps a slightly more diverse range of units would not have been amiss – one of the new cannons instead of more Steelhelms, for example.

This is a very hard product to fault. The quality of the miniatures is phenomenal – the Freeguild Cavaliers in particular are truly a sight to behold, and drip in details. Whether you’re a painter or a player, you’ll be delighted with these figures (and all the others in the box) either charging across a tabletop battlefield, or decorating a pride-of-place collector’s shelf.

One of the biggest draws of these miniatures are their options and the diversity on display – themselves a symptom of just how good GW’s sculpting has become. That there are so many different build options, so many different heads, weapons, and so on available for you to pick from does make this a singularly delightful collection of miniatures.

The only slight niggle I had with the product was the 20 Steelhelms. Now, don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with two of the most diverse kits currently going, but I feel that the set would have felt more complete if it contained only 10 Steelhelms and then something else – such as the Ironweld Great Cannon. That would have gone down a treat.

But this is in no way a large criticism – it’s a small thing. The new Cities of Sigmar Army Box covers all its bases with flare and a flourish, containing some really quite fabulous miniatures and a ton of extra bits and pieces that feel rather special. The book in particular is gorgeous, with its gold-edge pages and textured cover; it feels very special, and will be the envy of anyone who sees it.

So, it’s safe to say that Cities of Sigmar is off to a smashing start. I for one can’t wait to see what comes next.

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  • VoltorRWH

    Rob has spent most of the last 20 years playing World of Warcraft and writing stories set in made-up worlds. At some point, he also managed to get a Master's degree by writing about Medieval zombies.

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Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Cities of Sigmar Army Set
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Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Cities of Sigmar Army Set


Rob has spent most of the last 20 years playing World of Warcraft and writing stories set in made-up worlds. At some point, he also managed to get a Master's degree by writing about Medieval zombies.

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