Boarding Patrol: Adeptus Mechanicus Price, Value and Savings Breakdown

Last Updated on Marzo 10, 2023 by Jordan

These things are flocking out fast now! anyone would think Boarding Actions is a big deal. And if half-robot technicians are your bag, then what a great place to bolster your forces! See below just how much you can save on these models with the Boarding Patrol: Adeptus Mechanicus.

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Boarding Patrol: Adeptus Mechanicus – Release Date

Well as of the release of this article, the preorder goes live tomorrow. This means that Boarding Patrol: Adeptus Mechanicus will be released on Saturday March 18th 2023.

As mentioned Boarding Patrol: Adeptus Mechanicus Preorders go live on Saturday March 11th 2023

Boarding Patrol: Adeptus Mechanicus – Price

We do actually have the UK pricing for these boxes confirmed

Sterlina ingleseDollaro statunitenseCADeuroAUD
Boarding Patrol: Adeptus Mechanicus£ 85,00$140.00*$170.00*€110.00*$190.00*
*Based on “Vanguard: Beasts of Chaos” (same UK price)

However, as the first of the Boarding patrol boxes to be released at this price point, the global pricing is estimated based on a similarly priced UK box.

Boarding Patrol: Adeptus Mechanicus – Price Value & Savings Summary

A fairly solid saving all round, pushing the upper echelon of discounts at 35%.

Sterlina ingleseDollaro statunitenseCADeuroAUD
Valore totale£ 130,00$215.00$260.00€170.00$344.00
Boarding Patrol: Adeptus Mechanicus Price£ 85,00$140.00*$170.00*€110.00*$190.00*
Risparmi totali£ 45,00$75.00$90.00€ 60,00$154.00
Percentuale salvata35%35%35%35%45%
*Based on Boarding Patrol: Chaos Space Marines (same UK price)

Surprisingly the Au prices have come out at a 45% discount. and it’s normally the Au that gets a bit more stung than most on these boxes. maybe I’ve estimated wrong, but I’ve checked the unit prices again and the comparative box price. Will this be correct when the box goes live? I guess we’ll see.

Boarding Patrol: Adeptus Mechanicus – Contents

A great variety of units in here and unlike some of the boxes, there’s very little chaff.

  • 1 x Tech-Priest Dominus
  • 10 x Skitarii
  • 3 x Kataphrons
  • 5 x Sicarians

It’s also worth noting that this is one of the more repeatable purchases among the boarding patrol sets, Dominus is the only unique model in this set and his value is less than the savings.

Boarding Patrol: Adeptus Mechanicus – Value

Just so there’s no hidden magic here, you can see the workings below

Sterlina ingleseDollaro statunitenseCADeuroAUD
Tech-Priest Dominus£ 25.00$40.00$50.00€ 32,50$63.00
Skitarii£ 32.50$55.00$65.00€ 42.50$78.00
Kataphrons£ 37.50$60.00$75.00€ 50,00$103.00
Sicarians£ 35,00$60.00$70.00€ 45,00$90.00
Valore totale£ 130,00$215.00$260.00€170.00$334.00

It’s a fairly decent value packed into this great starter box.

Boarding Patrol: Adeptus Mechanicus – Points

If you want to field these units in the wider Warhammer games rather than just simple boarding actions, the configurable unit costs are below.

Tech-Priest Dominus
– Genetors
– Logi
– Magi
– Artisans
– Arc rifle
– Enhanced data-tether
– Omnispex
– Plasma caliver
– Transuranic arquebus
– Skitarii Alpha
+5 pts
+5 pts
+5 pts
+5 pts
+10 pts
- Breachers
- Destroyers
– Kataphron plasma culverin

+ 5 pts
- Infiltrators
- cacciatori di ruggine

Raw Total Value345-365pts
Points are taken from Munitorum Field Manual

This is based on the Munitorum Field Manual at the time of print.

Jordan: Now, I will admit, I am not savvy with Adeptus Mechanicus, but my immediate reaction to this boxset is that it is very much a shooty boarding patrol – though the Sicarian kit gives you the option of building Rustsalkers, who are built purely for melee. The Tech-Priest Dominus has his Omnissian axe for good measure too. Now, being in a claustrophobic 500 points game where the board is smaller than usual, you’re more likely to run into foes head-on quickly – and so, it is my view that a good Boarding Patrol has a good mix of firepower and close combat specialists.

Ultimately, you could go for the suggested builds on the boxart – all shooting with just the Tech-Priest’s axe and possibly have little to worry about, as the Kataphrons and Rangers may just shoot most things off the board before they get too close. However, you could have the best of both worlds and build the Infiltrators as Ruststalkers, whose melee weapons and stats are pretty on point. It’s also their abilities that make them a formidable addition – for example, the Chordclaw allows the bearer to make an additional attack and the transonic blades inflicts a mortal wound on a 6. 5 of them all at once is going to hurt – now imagine if you could add another unit, which funnily enough, you can – this box falls short of the 500 points limit by around 135 points, so at 80 points, another 5 Ruststalkers would be invaluable.

Furthermore, the Kataphron Breachers/ Destroyers are a great addition to a Boarding Patrol, though you can only have one unit in a Patrol, according to the rules. Not only do they boast 36″ range with their plasma culverin (amongst a myriad of other guns at lower but differing ranges), but they have the ability of ‘Tracked Mobility’ – meaning they can move through terrain (and walls) if said terrain is breachable. If this is applicable to the spaceship walls (Kill Team: Soulshackle had breachable walls if I recall correctly), then this will be an especially useful unit to field.

Lastly, the Tech-Priest Dominus has a ton of upgrades called Holy Orders, all four of which can only be used once per battle, which might explain thier points expense. As an example, Genetors reduces the cost of command points (CP) for a chosen Battle Tactic stratagem by 1, and friendly units within 6″ automatically wound on sixes. The other Holy Orders reduce CP for certain stratagems and give extra hits/wounds/damage on sixes. If you need to pad out for points, then adding one of these would not go amiss.

Ultimately, game-wise this is a strong selection of units for a Boarding Patrol. The models themselves are fantastic and the savings are solid, so if find yourself hailing the Machine Spirit and cursing the weakness of the flesh, then this boxset is an absolute no-brainer.

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  • FauxHammer

    Caporedattore nominato capo di - Ma devo ringraziare il team per l'esistenza e quindi permettermi di ricoprire un ruolo - senza di loro, sono solo un secchione con un computer e una dipendenza plastica.

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Caporedattore nominato capo di - Ma devo ringraziare il team per l'esistenza e quindi permettermi di ricoprire un ruolo - senza di loro, sono solo un secchione con un computer e una dipendenza plastica.

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