Warhammer Conquest: contenu des numéros 79 et 80 confirmé

Last Updated on mai 8, 2022 by FauxHammer

And now, the end is near, And so we face the final issues. Let’s take a look at the final contents of Warhammer Conquest, with Issues 79 & 80.

Well, this is really sad, seriously – I’m actually quite sad writing this.

Looking back I only had the smallest involvement in what this series offered in that I collected the models, but I haven’t read many of the issues, I’ve hardly ever painted any of them. But collecting unpainted plastic is the true nature of this hobby anyway right?

I did manage to get these guys done and uploaded a guide on how I did them If you’re on Insta and like the guide, please comment and let me know if I should do some more?

Je suppose que maintenant nous devons aussi décider quoi faire de notre Groupe Facebook – We Could re-purpose it into general Warhammer 40k stuff, but I feel there are enough groups like that already. I think we should just leave it as it is to preserve the History of What Was Warhammer Conquest, after all, I’m sure many of you still have lots of models to paint & share?

Whilst I have you though – please check out my latest video on last weekends IronSkull painting competition and why you should go to one if you are into Miniature Painting.

For now, let’s take a look at these final issues.

Warhammer Conquest: numéros 79 et 80 Table des matières

Warhammer Conquest Issues 79 & 80 Contents Confirmed

Contenu de Warhammer Conquest numéro 79 & 80 Contenu

Date de sortie UK :

Issue Price £15.98
Total Value £33.75
Total Saving £17.77

Une belle façon de bookend la série, un énorme portique pour se tenir tout some of your models on. Since we had the Stack in an earlier issue that’s one of the 4 sprues from the Sector Mechanicus Galvanic Magnavent used already, so across these 2 issues you’ll get the remaining 3. still a fairly decent saving and you could always buy a few and link them together, it’s quite a modular set.

Contenu de Warhammer Conquest, numéros 79 et 80

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Rédacteur en chef autoproclamé de FauxHammer.com - Mais je dois remercier l'équipe d'exister et donc de m'avoir permis de me donner un rôle - sans eux, je ne suis qu'un nerd avec un ordinateur et une dépendance au plastique.

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