Kill Team: Gallowfall Price, Value and Savings Breakdown

Things are about to get claustrophobic again as we dive back into the Gallowdark for the final instalment of this season of Kill Team. Get a look at our price predictions in our Kill Team: Gallowfall Price, Value and Savings Breakdown.

Kill Team: Gallowfall Price, Value and Savings Breakdown – Release Date

First announced in late March at Adepticon, Kill Team: Gallowfall is gearing up for a full release. Announced on the 29th April, this means that this one will be going up for pre-order on the 6th May at 10AM.

Gallowfall Price and Savings Adepticon Image 1

Be warned, too: it looks like FLGSes are being allowed to purchase far fewer copies of GW releases at wholesale price than they ever have previously, so if you want a copy of Gallowfall you’ll need to be quick off the mark (and have a stonking good internet connection, if recent events are anything to go by).

Kill Team: Gallowfall Price, Value and Savings Breakdown – Price

Depending on where in the worlds you live, we suspect that Kill Team: Gallowfall will set you back £110.00GBP/$185.00USD/€145.00EUR. You can see a full breakdown of our reasonings behind this – as well as a look at what we predict the overall value of the various parts of this box will be – in the section below.

Kill Team: Gallowfall – Price, Value and Savings Breakdown – Price, Value & Savings Summary

Here’s a summary of how we expect things to pan out in this box.

GBPDólar estadounidenseCANALLAEURAUD
Valor total165,00 £$277.00$330.00212,50 €$451.00
Gallowfall Price*£ 110.00$185.00$220.00145,00 €$310.00
Ahorros totales55,00 £$92.00$110.00€67.5$141
Percentage Savings33%33%33%31%31%

You can find a more detailed breakdown at the bottom of this article.

Kill Team: Gallowfall – Price, Value and Savings Breakdown – Contents

This set will grab you:

  • 10 x Herathkyn Salvagers
  • 10 x Fellgor Ravagers
  • 1 x Set of Kill Team Scenery
  • 1 x Gaming Board
  • 1 x Kill Team: Gallowfall Rulebook

This is quite an exciting box in terms of its contents: first because the new(ish) Herathkyn Warriors look to be getting the Kill Team Upgrade Sprue Treatment which we’ve seen in this latest season (you know what I’m talking about: an existing unit is augmented with an upgrade sprue as oppose to having a whole slew of new models released). But secondly, because the Chaos Beastmen return to the Warhamer 40,000 universe.

Gallowfall Price and Savings Adepticon Image 2
Gallowfall Price and Savings Adepticon Image 3

And boy do they look sweet.

Gallowfall Price and Savings Adepticon Image 4
Gallowfall Price and Savings Adepticon Image 5

We’re excited to see how these models turn out – it’s the first of their ilk we’ve seen for several years, so we can’t wait to see what’s new there.

Also, of course, there is a whole bunch of walls and other scenery to help set the Space Hulk scene.

Gallowfall Price and Savings Adepticon Image 6

Note that if you’ve got a few of these kits, you can stick them, all together and use them for larger Boarding Actions-style games of 40K.

Kill Team: Gallowfall – Price, Value and Savings Breakdown – Value

So, as always, this is somewhat speculative. As always, take our predicted values with a pinch of salt. We won’t know for certain just how much these individual kits will retail for until they are released as their own kits:

GBPDólar estadounidenseCANALLAEURAUD
Hearthkyn Salvagers*£ 35.00$60.00$70.0045,00 €$98.00
Fellgor Ravagers*£ 35.00$60.00$70.0045,00 €$98.00
Scenery**£ 67.50$112.00$135.0087,50 €$185.00
Kill Team: Gallowfall War Manual£ 27.50$45.00$55.0035,00 €$70.00
Valor total165,00 £$277.00$330.00212,50 €$451.00
Gallowfall Price£ 110.00$185.00***$220.00***€145.00***$310.00***
Ahorros totales55,00 £$92.00$110.00€67.5$141
Percentage Savings33%33%33%31%31%

* Based on the prices of the various current KIll Teams on sale via Taller de juegos's tienda virtual.
** Based on the prices of Kill Team: Killzone Moroch and Warhammer 40,000 Boarding Actions Terrain Set.
*** Based on the pricing of similar products, such as Warcry: Sundered Fate and Warcry: Blood Hunt, and Kill Team: Soulshackle.

The major thing to note with this set is that the price of the individual Kill Teams may shift up or down a few bob when they are released as separate kits. All the individual Kill Teams retail for between £35.00 and £42.50, with the majority of them sitting on the £37.50 line (hence why we’ve chosen this value for this breakdown).

We are also yet to see Kill Team’s walls drop in a box separate from the £130 Boarding Actions or £90 Kill Zone; Gallowdark set. It’s unclear whether or nor the sprues in this set are the same as those in the Gallowdark box – if anyone knows for certain, let us know in the comments!

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  • VoltorRWH

    Rob has spent most of the last 20 years playing World of Warcraft and writing stories set in made-up worlds. At some point, he also managed to get a Master's degree by writing about Medieval zombies.

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Rob has spent most of the last 20 years playing World of Warcraft and writing stories set in made-up worlds. At some point, he also managed to get a Master's degree by writing about Medieval zombies.

2 comentarios en «Kill Team: Gallowfall Price, Value and Savings Breakdown»

  • el mayo 5, 2023 a las 7:50 am
    Enlace permanente

    Thanks for the review; this does look like one of the better boxes from this season for those uninterested in Imperial Guard. But is there a reason beyond pure incompetence for GW offering fewer of these boxes for FLGSs? It’s crazy how hard these are to buy!

    • el mayo 5, 2023 a las 8:06 am
      Enlace permanente

      Hi Paul, glad to hear you found the review useful. The current thinking is that GW are sending out less boxes to FLGSes in order to ensure that customers buy from them direct. Boxes like this cost in the region of £60-£70 for FLGSes to buy wholesale from GW, but cost customers £100+. GW makes a lot more money out of us buying straight from them!


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